Instead, monthly brown spotting: causes secretions


  1. Strong stress for the body
  2. becoming cycle
  3. Diet
  4. Acceptance of contraception
  5. Acclimatization
  6. a sign of pathology

Most often this cycle of failure that does not happen before menstruation (usually in this case, it is completely invisible), during the onset of menstruation. Signal, which gives the body the pituitary woman starts to come immediately, but with a delay. Therefore menstruation can move for 1-2 days, sometimes later, depending on your body condition. Therefore, a woman can be very surprised that, during menstruation, she happens to this phenomenon. The reasons for it can be a lot, but if it really is a failure cycle, taking place on the 4th phase of the cycle (2-3 days before menstruation), it most often occurs due to stress.

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Strong stress for the body

For example, a family quarrel, scandal, especially with a fight and a strong sense of fear. It may just abort the onset of menstruation, as it begins much later, sometimes a week. During the war, women of childbearing age have noted the cessation of menstruation for a while. When the danger has passed, the loop is resumed again. This was due to constant stress. So it is not surprising that during the scandal they stop or menstruation postponed for 2-3 days, and instead of blood, just brown spotting.

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Learn about causes brown discharge after menstruationBy clicking on the link.

becoming cycle

There is another reason why instead of just spotting appears monthly brown. This is because the cycle in a young girl is not normal. Therefore, the periods may be strong or, conversely, very weak, and stops for a few days. Irregular periods a teenager - not a reason to panic, the cycle becomes normal after about six months or so after the first menstruation. Often it happens in asthenic physique of women, when there is a period of rapid growth. Sometimes these failures occur in the cycle due to the lack of female hormones, for example, if the month has begun at 15-16 years and there is a clear endocrine pathology. To solve the problem can only be a doctor, so do not drink their own special tablets and herbs.


Sometimes the reasons for spotting and what month does not go wrong, to become rigid diet, intense exercise (especially in combination of diet and sports), as well as a hidden disease internal organs. Sometimes periods may become weak due to poisoning, which happened in the last quarter of the cycle, so do not not worry about it - is likely to be a long delay and menstruation begins after week.

Acceptance of contraception

If you have been taking emergency contraceptive pills, instead of monthly, you can get just menstrualepodobnye selection. Brown discharge at a delay They can last for a long time due to hormonal failure, which occurs due to hormonal tablets. Remember, they are in many ways different women tolerated and may result in a cycle of failure that be able to recover only a doctor, if you will take for the treatment and prevention of such phenomenon. Just spotting can be a sign of ensuing pregnancy, that could happen, even though the pill if women are naturally strong hormones. So do not worry about it, especially if the pregnancy could well happen to you, and you just need to go to the antenatal clinic. There you have to pinpoint the cause of failure and the fact that the menses have become weak.


If before the end of the cycle, you have decided to return to his home town with summer vacation (especially if there is winter, and not summer), or simply decided to come to the southern country in the end of the cycle, then you can not come in time monthly. Or simply drag during the onset of menstruation. Therefore, in this case, the woman should just be patient, if there are no other changes in the body, such as severe pain in the abdomen, chest swelling, etc.

To avoid this, you do not need much to overload the body, especially in sports, weightlifting ups, as well as a sharp change of power. It can also lead to the extension of the latter, predmensturalnoy female cycle phase.

a sign of pathology

Such phenomena can be observed in pathology of reproductive organs. The reason that this problem should go to the gynecologist may be that such spotting accompanied by fever, worsening general condition, abdominal pains as during menstruation, you should not self-medicate, and the appointment with the doctor and to hand over all the necessary analyzes. There may be a latent inflammation or severe injury. So be mindful of your health and do not get sick!


  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 45
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