Why sore breasts after menstruation: monthly underwent a chest hurts


  1. Why after a month sore breasts
  2. Pathological causes of the symptom
  3. the development of mastitis
  4. Mental health
  5. Damage to the breast due to injury
  6. Heat and sunstroke
  7. Wrong choice of bra
  8. cancer education
  9. Violation of the heart and neuralgia
  10. Prevention of pain in the chest
  11. When an urgent need to go to a gynecologist
  12. Examination by a gynecologist and treatment guidelines

Pain in the chest cyclical type, occur when menses started and a few days before they can be considered the norm. But when the sore breasts should be understood after a month that can provoke discomfort and various diseases. Doctors recommend undergo regular mammography and ultrasound to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Sore breasts after menstruation

Why after a month sore breasts

A natural consequence of the pain - change in the concentration of hormones in a woman's body during ovulation. This condition does not require treatment and the symptom goes away on its own after.

When a week passed as a monthly, and chest still hurts, it can be assumed beginning of the period of gestation, t. E. woman became pregnant.

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Find out why sore breasts before menstruation from the article follow the link.

Pathological causes of the symptom

If after a month sore breasts, there is swelling and a burning sensation, the cause may be pathological and hormonal changes of all kinds. The main factors that provoke discomfort:

  1. hormonal imbalance
  2. Reducing or increasing the level of prolactin and estrogen provokes tenderness in the breasts.

Of the changes of concentration of substances in the body of women in such situations:

  1. Due to egg fertilization and pregnancy.
  2. In the period preceding menopause.
  3. During puberty, when the prostate begin to grow in age from 12 to 19 years.
  4. After the course of the use of oral contraceptives.
  5. With a shortage of iodine and thyroid disorders work.

the development of mastitis

Mastopathy called pathologies occurring with increased breast glandular and connective structures.

The causes of the disease include:

  • artificial premature termination of pregnancy;
  • Transfer mixture to a child;
  • nervous shocks before menstruation and during the menstrual cycle;
  • irregular or disordered sex, infections entering the body;
  • malfunction of the endocrine system.

When mastitis hypersensitivity occurs before gone monthly, and after menstruation breast hurts weaker. One of the reasons why chest pain and menstruation It is also a breast. The symptom is aching in nature and is localized in the upper body area. Sometimes chest appear compacted areas, there are clear yellowish discharge from the nipple. Serious complications that develop on the background of the disease, include cancer education. Why, if suffused his chest due to mastitis, therapy should be mandatory.

Mental health

Frequent stress and frustration lead to a deterioration of the general condition of the female body. The lack of regular rest, sleep problems and constant stress causes, hormonal disorders, and, respectively, the pain in his chest. Monthly are irregular: begin prematurely and did not come to an end.

Damage to the breast due to injury

If a strong impact, or compression of the pressure on the breast may occur pain and bruises. The woman should take care of the comfort of the breast during the month before and after them.

Heat and sunstroke

Overheating or prolonged sunbathing can cause migraines and nausea. If used together with these symptoms is poured and sore breasts a week earlier, after a month, and the body temperature rises, it is possible to suspect heat stroke. During sunbathing breasts need to cover with a cloth and treat sunscreen.

Wrong choice of bra

Linen have to be comfortable, not over-tighten the gland or during menstruation or in ordinary days. Often bust sore and swollen after using a push-up bra or with protruding bones. Then you should give preference to one-piece undergarment without foam inserts.

cancer education

Breast tenderness after menstruation can be caused by a malignant tumor. However, the described symptoms are not always present. Because every time after the critical days, it is desirable to check the breasts for the presence of formations by the method of palpation.

Violation of the heart and neuralgia

Often, if immediately after menstruation breast pain, the cause may be neurological disorders or heart failure. In the first case, the spasm is amplified when trying to take a deep breath, and may appear either disappear when changing body position. Pathology of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by arrhythmia and irregular blood pressure. Sometimes a symptom associated with the appearance of disturbances in the backbone structure.

The causes of pain in the breasts can be obesity, failure to excretion of fluids, and the presence of harmful habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine, carbonated water).

Prevention of pain in the chest

To avoid pain, it is important to follow the simple preventative measures. Desirable to follow the rules like during the critical days, and during the menstrual cycle.

Every woman should:

  1. Select quality comfortable lingerie with the appropriate size and shape of the cup.
  2. Get rid of such habits as smoking, alcoholism and regular meals fast food.
  3. To avoid the influence on the body low and high temperatures.
  4. To monitor the balance of vitamins in the body.
  5. Exclude casual sex.
  6. When the month ended or was obtained stress bathe in the warm bath and take a soothing herbal tea.
  7. A balanced diet, reducing salt intake, fatty, acidic foods and foods with spices, increase the amount in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. Before the start of the critical days to reduce the amount of consumed chocolate and caffeine.
  9. Regularly visit breast physician and gynecologist.

If after a month sore breasts and lower abdomen or lower back, and preventive measures are powerless, you need to seek help from a gynecologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the swelling and thus prescribe the appropriate treatment. Ignore ongoing symptom is dangerous to health.

When an urgent need to go to a gynecologist

If after a month swollen mammary glands, as well as any pain in the chest, the best solution is a mandatory visit to the doctor.

There are signs, the occurrence of which requires urgent referral to a specialist:

  1. Soreness cease not annoy for 10-15 days, gradually increasing or amplifying the localization and poured breast not diminished over this period.
  2. During palpation woman notes compacted formation in the breast and sore nipples after a month.
  3. On the skin there is inflammation that continues to grow.
  4. Spasm appears in only one place, aching pain gives in the armpit.
  5. Swollen breasts after a month, and the presence of pain is characterized by a sharp cutting nature.
  6. Chest ill and nipple fluid flows with blood or milk.
  7. One breast asymmetrically increases or decreases.
  8. Skin itchy and scaly, covered with a crust.
  9. In the area of ​​skin or nipple cavity is formed.
  10. A patient suffering from elevated temperature and constant fatigue.

Since a pregnant woman need to be treated with extreme caution in the presence of symptoms of intoxication, unusual sensations in the lower abdomen and stomach ailment before going to the doctor to do the test pharmacy hCG.

Sensitive breasts after menstruation is not always a sign of disease or hormonal failure. But the probability of disease is quite high, if relatives of women malignant tumors were detected in the breast. This category of patients it is important to be screened regularly even without symptoms.

Examination by a gynecologist and treatment guidelines

The main rule of therapy is a timely reference to the doctor. The assignment depends on the cause, provoke symptoms.

With regular discomfort, experts recommend to keep records with dates of occurrence of spasm, levels of severity, duration, and accompanying symptoms. This blog will help to reproduce a complete picture of the pathological feature at the doctor.

Usually hike to the gynecologist begins questioning the patient about the nature of pain. The doctor then conducts mammary gland palpation and underarms to identify unnatural deformation and compaction. If any woman is sent for a mammogram or ultrasound, and are asked to get tested.

Benign tumors are removed surgically. Single small cysts can not be recovery, and observed. Malignant tumors are exposed to chemotherapy.

Mastopathy treated with special medicine in the form of tablets and ointments gormonosoderzhaschih.

To bust stopped sadnit, allowed the use of drugs that reduce pain - ibuprofen or naproxen.
Since taking medications before the visit to the doctor is necessary to be careful, because sometimes chest pain after menstruation due to pregnancy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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