Testosterone when to take on any day of the cycle: the rate of testosterone in women 3-5 day cycle


  1. What is a hormone
  2. 4 kinds of hormones
  3. Thyroid hormones
  4. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG / hCG)
  5. Female sex hormones
  6. Male sex hormones
  7. If testosterone increased
  8. The causes of high and low levels of testosterone
  9. How to get tested
  10. When is it best to donate blood for testosterone
  11. How to treat hormonal imbalance

The role of hormones and their effect on the body is underestimated by many. However, they are colossal driving force, which launches and supports thousands of processes familiar to our body. As well as hormones play a significant role in the issue of the child's birth. But what are considered masculine hormones, and what - women? Why women need to monitor the level of "male" testosterone in his blood? And if you need an analysis, then take testosterone woman is best on what day of the cycle?

Day cycle for tests for testosterone

What is a hormone

Hormones - a product of the work of glands, which are very much in our body. These include the ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland and others. Their main role is generating the hormones that trigger and control all vital processes, including the process of childbirth. If in their production or operation fails, then this is manifested in the form of various disorders of the female body or the occurrence of diseases.

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4 kinds of hormones

In the body of every woman at the same time there are hundreds of different hormones. All of them are divided into four main groups, which are listed below.

Thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland, or "thyroid" people - one of the major glands, whose work is focused on the production of hormones. It produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine - two very important substances that are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, stomach, intestine, genital organs. They also regulate the mental state of the woman. In addition, they help in the processing of all the nutrients that enter the body through food.

Another product of the thyroid is kaltsitotsin - a substance which is responsible for the level of calcium in the body. It is known that calcium is essential to our bones, but it also plays a critical role in the conduction of nerve impulses in the tissue.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG / hCG)

This is a special kind of hormone, the active development of which begins at the moment of conception and throughout pregnancy. It is produced chorionic tissue (the outer shell of the embryo, which has the villi). Its presence in the blood - a sure sign of the come "interesting situation." All pregnancy tests react precisely on hCG. Also, it makes the analysis in those cases when you need to confirm the pregnancy in its early stages. The presence of hCG in the body of a man or non-pregnant women can serve as alarm bell to the presence of tumors in the uterus, lungs or other organs.

Female sex hormones

The division into male and female hormones takes place only in terms of quantity, because any hormone can be found in both sexes. Only male dominated, androgens, and in women - estrogen, which include:

  1. Estradiol, estrone - the most active "players" of the female body. They are responsible for the growth and development of absolutely all female genitals.
  2. Estriol - a hormone derivative which is formed from the previous two. It serves as the main indicators of the positive dynamics of development of the fetus in pregnant women.
  3. Progesterone - a substance that is responsible for reproduction, the normal flow of menses.
  4. Luteinizing hormone (LH) - a substance that peak concentration which stimulates ovulation.
  5. Prolactin is responsible for the correct operation of the mammary glands.
  6. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - a hormone produced and accumulated in the pituitary gland. It provides pubertal maturation and intelligence. Analysis of FSH hormone pass on May 3rd day of the cycle.
  7. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-a) - a substance produced from cholesterol. If it is too much, then the woman may appear acne, broken cycle, manifest inability to conceive, hirsutism (excessive hairiness) or alopecia (hair loss).

Male sex hormones

This hormone, which is only in the body of men in large numbers. In women, they are also present, but in much lower concentrations. But if a lot of them, then the woman may experience active development of muscle tissue (virilization), the appearance of hair on the face or chest.

Male hormones are so many, but the main - testosterone.

Testosterone (Eng. testosterone) is produced and accumulated in the parenchyma (tissue supporting) the liver and ovaries. For women, it is the basis for the development of estrogen. In medicine, there is a determination of total and free testosterone. General called the one who, after falling into the blood, binds to proteins albumin and hemoglobin. In such form, testosterone becomes inactive.

Free testosterone is not picked up proteins. And that it regulates a woman's body:

  • the work of the reproductive system;
  • density and bone repair, hair and nails;
  • forming ova;
  • muscle, its gain;
  • the level of nutrients;
  • stress resistance;
  • water balance;
  • sexual desire;
  • blood glucose levels.

If testosterone increased

Than at high levels of testosterone? The first and most dangerous threat to women is violation of the reproductive function, namely the violation of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This phase begins at the time of ovulation, menstruation and lasts until or before fertilization. During this period, the egg in place published corpus luteum is formed. It is responsible for producing hormones that provide training for the body to possible conception. If testosterone many yellow body work is disrupted, which can lead to infertility.

Another danger is known as hyperandrogenism. It is a disease that women manifests itself in the form of:

  • deepening of voice;
  • appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • acne;
  • muscle development;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • aggressiveness;
  • the appearance of hair on the body and face.

The causes of high and low levels of testosterone

In women, testosterone increases for various reasons: due to the malfunction of the glands that produce it, pregnancy or uncontrolled hormonal drugs.

Decreased testosterone levels in women also causes a number of unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • swelling;
  • reduction in bone density;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels.

It may decline for various reasons. They are divided into internal and external. The internal include:

  • disruptions of the endocrine system;
  • heredity;
  • disorders of the endocrine glands;
  • age changes;
  • a tumor in the ovaries.

The external causes include:

  • lack of vitamin D;
  • feeding problems;
  • vegetarianism;
  • alcoholism;
  • receiving contraceptive drugs;
  • lack of exercise;
  • weight gain;
  • Low sexual activity;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates.

Lack of testosterone in women can occur hair loss, dry skin, sweating, sleep problems and mood and a number of other trouble.

As you can see, the range of effects of testosterone on the female body should not be underestimated. Therefore, timely diagnosis of the problem is very important. But when a woman needs to take testosterone, what day of the cycle is better to do it?

How to get tested

Since hormones - substances produced by their number in the blood is not constant and depends on the age, the day of the menstrual cycle, the time of year, physical activity of women. Failure to comply with certain conditions, a woman may even refuse to take a blood test for hormones - if woman ate for the last eight hours before delivery of analyzes or wants to be tested later than 11 am. Other excuses can not be. But the result depends entirely on the person, because you need to remember:

  • analysis shall fasting.
  • per night and to exclude the passage of ultrasound, X-ray or physiotherapy.
  • 48 hours prior to analysis can not drink alcohol and smoke. And you should not eat fat.

Analysis carried out on venous blood. hormone levels The study was conducted by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). During the taking of blood introduced a special reagent that binds only to testosterone and paints it in a certain color.

Its amount is determined by how intensely staining occurred. This method of analysis is quite accurate if the human factor is eliminated interference.

When is it best to donate blood for testosterone

To fix the imbalance, it is important to accurately determine when and on what day of the cycle take the free testosterone.

Most of the testosterone in the morning. During ovulation it as much. Because, to be screened in this cycle period is not recommended. The starting point should be the first day of the month. Next, calculate the day of delivery:

  • analysis will show the rate of testosterone in females is 3 or 5 day cycle if the cycle lasts from 21 to 25 days;
  • in a cycle, for a period of 27-28 days, the rate will be visible on the fifth day;
  • if the cycle lasts longer than 28 days - until the 7 th day.

If you calculate the cycle is not successful, then it is better not to go to surrender before the third day after the start of menstruation.

How to treat hormonal imbalance

hormone production failure treatment may be carried out in two ways: by means of traditional medicine and drugs. The choice of treatment is always for the woman, but it should be understood that the cure serious hormonal disorders folk remedies virtually impossible.

imbalance treatment medicines prescribed by a doctor after the testing. And it is not necessary to carry out hormonal drugs without a prescription, as this can lead to serious health problems.

If it has been determined that the cause is a violation of the tumor, then the doctor will consider the possibility of surgery. In the absence of serious deviations from the norm, it is quite possible to adjust the level, starting to eat right and taking the right way of life.

Help raise testosterone chicken, nuts, olives and exercise. Reduce the hormone concentration may decrease body weight. Often, to improve the effectiveness of all these measures, it is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. If in such a way to achieve the desired effect could not be, you need to consult a doctor for the appointment of special preparations.

Hormones requires more attention. But if you are faced with such a problem as hormonal imbalance, do not be upset or ignore the problem. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment quickly will help to normalize your health and regain self-confidence. For prevention of such conditions will be sufficient nutrition and exercise.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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