How to speed up monthly to get you (with delay): folk remedies


  1. When the shift of the menstrual cycle is contraindicated
  2. As approximate menstruation when disease
  3. Simple ways to bring menstruation
  4. How can I speed up the monthly folk methods
  5. Bay leaf
  6. Valerian
  7. Dill and parsley
  8. rue
  9. Onion
  10. Calendula
  11. Elecampane
  12. herbal
  13. Tablets to speed up monthly
  14. Whether or not to interfere with the natural cycle

It does not exist in the world a woman who at least once in the life of annoyance had not thought about how to attack the wrong time of the next cycle. And the reason for disappointment can be set, because it is absolutely clear that the critical days and wedding - events malosovmestimymi, and long-awaited holiday can be spoiled PMS. It makes you wonder whether there are ways to delay the onset of menstruation. About how to speed up monthly and whether such procedures on health, find out in this article affect.

accelerate monthly

When the shift of the menstrual cycle is contraindicated

Regular monthly - one of the most important women's health components. Any deviation indicates that the body is not going smoothly: hormonal failure with the constant stress, inflammation associated with immunosuppressed, cyst, tumor formation, diseases of the thyroid gland, venereal disease, and so forth. That is why to intervene in the rhythm of the critical days to be with great caution, carefully weighing the pros and against it, and to practice these procedures is necessary only in extremely critical situations, and after approval gynecologist.

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Before thinking about how to speed up the arrival of menstruation, it is necessary to know the reasons for the delay (if any) and to consult a specialist in order to avoid the possible pathological consequences. Based on the survey results, the doctor will advise the most safe and effective way to solve the problem. To self-medicate is extremely dangerous, there is always a risk that an unplanned period may be unnecessarily abundant, provoking bleeding, or painful, especially if there is a history of the disease, of which the woman does not even suspects.

There are definitive contraindication for any experiments with the cycle:

  1. Adolescence and transient cycle.
  2. Transferred in the recent past abortion.
  3. Problems with the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Thrombophlebitis.
  5. Infertility and every stage of his treatment.
  6. Problems with blood circulation, bleeding.

As approximate menstruation when disease

Very often provoke menstruation women want when allocating come regularly, and the process of their unstable. Before hasten menstruation, it is necessary to establish the cause of the failure.

One of the most common causes of the problem - infectious diseases of the reproductive system, including chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc... Anti-inflammatory treatment and reception of selected drugs will eliminate not only the disease itself, but also delay provoked them.

Hormonal disorders, triggered by hyperactivity or, conversely, decreased functional activity of the thyroid gland or the adrenal glands. To confirm the diagnosis prescribe ultrasound diagnostics and take a blood test for the proportion of hormones. Treatment time and require systemic administration of drugs.

Before attempting to speed up the appearance of menstruation, it is important to eliminate the malfunction of the ovaries. Their functional disorders can be the result of not only suffering a recent illness, but also violations inherent in adolescence. A high index of infection in childhood (frequent acute respiratory viral infections, rubella or varicella) is fraught with violations of the tab follicles and leads to consequences in adulthood.

Simple ways to bring menstruation

To speed up the coming cycle, or call him at a slight delay, the women often resort to such known methods:

  1. Exercise (especially training for the muscles of the abdomen);
  2. Receiving ascorbic acid (one of the properties of this vitamin - inhibition of progesterone);
  3. Hot Tub (menses able to zoom in for a couple of days, but it is absolutely contraindicated if a woman has a fever and the first days of discharge);
  4. Intimacy (stimulation of the uterus occurs, causing its reduction);
  5. Spicy foods, red meat and turmeric will not leave a chance to stay menstruation (ingestion of these products It increases the likelihood of a rapid onset of menstruation, causing the temperature rise and strengthening circulation).

How can I speed up the monthly folk methods

Healing power of herbs people use for hundreds of years, but for traditional medicine bring the desired results, and no harm, you must know how to prepare medicinal teas and infusions, the range of their possibilities and effects on body.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf has many useful properties, including diuretics, astringents, anti-inflammatory. It is actively used in cooking and folk medicine, but few people know that there is one that helps to speed up monthly, so that they soon began among his abilities. It will take 60 pieces leafs and washed with 400 ml of water. Sheets filled with water, covered with a lid and brought to the boil. Insisted and received a warm decoction of fasting. In most cases, menses occur within 1 or 2 days.


Another recipe: valerian root, chamomile and peppermint in proportions of 3: 4: 4 mix and grind if necessary. The container put 1 teaspoon of the mixture, pour boiling water and infuse. Drink hot for half a cup 2 times a day. Allocation will begin by an average of 3 or 5 days earlier than usual.

Dill and parsley

Affect even the usual products are on the course of the menstrual cycle. Copious eating dill and parsley - a great tool to speed up the monthly folk remedies. For greater efficiency, you can take a decoction of chopped parsley, it is expected that the effect occurs after 3 days after administration.


Leaves rue in an amount of 5 g boil for 15 minutes in 300 ml water. Take on an empty stomach means there after it is not recommended for 6 hours. Important! Repeated reception in the absence of discharge is prohibited.


Infusion of the bow hull has long been known as a means to bring both periods at home. Receiving strong warm infusion can stimulate the appearance of the CD the next day.


Excellent can help cope with the task of calendula. 10 g inflorescences it is necessary to fill with boiling water and infuse for about an hour; infusion to take 3 tablespoons of 3 times a day. After two or three days of menses begins.


Broth from elecampane delay at monthlyTo be effective, but the application of it is dangerous. It is necessary to carefully follow the dosage and you should not abuse them. Nard can cause uterine bleeding. Takes a tablespoon of minced root per cup of water and simmer everything for about five minutes. Broth should be left to the present, he previously wrapped it into something. It should be no less than half an hour. Take this remedy may be twenty-five grams of morning and evening. And it can not be taken during menstruation, it can cause severe bleeding.


Another popular means to call the CD on time or a little earlier - equal proportions of nettle leaves, rosehips, leaves, marjoram and elecampane, petals, yarrow, knotweed and radiograms pink 2 tablespoons spoon. The mixture of herbs to fill in a thermos and pour a liter of boiled water, about eight hours. Strain, take half a cup during the day the whole volume of broth. The first selection will begin on the third day. Means not only make monthly occur more quickly, its use will have a positive effect on the entire body.

Some advised to use prayer to come monthly in case of delay. This approach has no scientific basis, but according to women's plots are effective.

Tablets to speed up monthly

If, in order to hasten the onset of menstruation, seek medical attention, in most cases it will be assigned to medical intervention. Drugs, possessing purposeful action to cause the approach of the cycle quickly and efficiently, and the efficiency rate will depend on the assigned dosage and the drug itself.

Violation of the schedule of oral contraceptives. OK appointed by gynecologists as a means to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to normalize the menstrual cycle. For women using such tablets is not a secret that is able to stop taking the drug provoke onset of menstruation. This method is suitable for those who take contraceptives for at least three months, otherwise bring down cycle will not work.

After consultation and detailed information can be assigned tableted progesterone. Duphaston and Utrozhestan have some sort to accelerate the cycle properties and are able to bring the offensive regulation for the week, if take them well in advance (about 5-7 days before the onset of KD), and the allocation itself will begin at the end of taking the pills.

Rapid effect has the use of progesterone intramuscularly. One of the most effective means to bring the month for a few days.

The formulations so-called emergency contraception, such as Postinor. Used after unprotected intercourse. Upon receiving the active drug substance start effect on the uterus, causing delamination of the inner shell, which leads to the top of the regulator. Among the side effects: rarely able to increase the number of regulation and enhance their pain.

ABOUT the nature of the discharge after Postinor and about the features after receiving monthly Postinor see the links in the articles.

All of these drugs are hormonal pharmaceuticals, helping to improve the speed of onset of menstruation in order to come on time or earlier. Apart from them, there are preparations of reverse action, capable to delay the onset or delay their regulators appearance for a month, and a group of medicines used to enhance the discharges (with scanty menstruation) or reduction. To quickly end discharges, often used homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla.

You have to understand, taking any medication on the list, it can be like a panacea, when you need to speed up monthly with a delay, so and have a negative impact on women's health, and therefore the feasibility of their application determines only competent specialist.

Also for a quick start menstruation can drink Vitamin E. However, it should comply with the dosage and take into account all contraindications. Read on ascorbic acid to month.

Whether or not to interfere with the natural cycle

Any health experiments should be carefully considered and justified. Strongly not necessary to resort to them frequently and for any reason, because the consequences could be dire.

Elevated levels of stress in their daily lives, malnutrition, destroying the environment negatively It affects the reproductive function of the body, causing all kinds of inflammatory processes and hormonal disruptions. Therefore, before you decide to speed up the process on their own monthly, it is important to properly prepare, and then - to do recovery cycle.

such procedures are perfectly suited for the normalization of the cycle:

  • reflexology, helps to restore the balance, normalization of metabolic processes;
  • aromatherapy, helps with nervous disorders, weakened immunity, abuse cycle;
  • proven themselves with women's diseases stone therapy - the heating of the internal organs warm stones;
  • correctly matched to the individual
  • Oct 19, 2019
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