Reviews of broth Matrona of infertility and gynecological diseases


  1. What is decoction Matreny
  2. The detailed composition
  3. Borovaya uterus or ortiliya
  4. Evening primrose (primrose and lily of the valley)
  5. wintergreen
  6. Sudanese rose
  7. marjoram
  8. wintergreen
  9. Chamomile
  10. Indications herbal tincture
  11. Contraindications
  12. Instructions for use decoctions Matrona
  13. Is it possible to make your own broth-like
  14. Where to buy herbal decoction
  15. Price
  16. Reviews of real people of broth Matrona
  17. Negative reviews broth Matrona
  18. positive views

Infertility has long called by the medical community plague of the XXI century. Poor environment, frantic pace of life, abuse of sexual relations leads to disruption of genital system of both women and men. However, many, take a decoction of Matrona, believe that the disease is curable and without imposing doses of hormones can cope with infertility.

Broth Matrona

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What is decoction Matreny

It has long been a collection of herbs and roots are not the only means of survival, but also sacred tradition, carefully stored and tenderly passed down from mother to daughter. Based on the age-old wisdom of herbal medicine based foundation aimed at minimizing the adverse effects of exposure to body chemical drugs and maximization results achieved in the course of combating the disease using medicinal herbal fees.

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Representative natural striking therapeutic composition having a high rate in curing the disease is Matrona Broth. The name of your healing gathering took on the traditions of the holy oxbow, word and deed doctors infertile women. Composition collection includes only natural ingredients. Carefully selected herbs enhance the effect of each other, helping to achieve the desired result desperate women.

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The detailed composition

Broth Matrona of its composition is plain, but surprisingly is effective due to the pharmacological properties, which are endowed with members of his grass.

Borovaya uterus or ortiliya

Borovaya uterus Is the backbone and the main active component of the infusion. For centuries, the grass is used as the main drug of traditional medicine in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system in women. Natural antioxidants contained in the structure of plants, confer its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic and immunomodulatory properties.

Similar effects of upland uterus to help in the preparation of the woman's body to conceive, recovery from acquired pathologies. The positive impact of present and after pregnancy. Regular intake ortiliya minimizes the risk of miscarriage and helps to cope in the first trimester toxicity.

Evening primrose (primrose and lily of the valley)

Primrose The plant is not raw materials common in pharmacology. But thanks to a wide range of activities, the impact on hormones, is actively used in gynecology. Substances produced in the fermentation process, contribute to the onset of ovulation, which is several times increases the chances of getting pregnant. Antiinflammatory, tonics and antibacterial properties allow the use in the treatment of endometriosis primrose and normalization of the menstrual cycle. Due to the action exerted as a point on the uterine lesions, and the general hormonal women, evening primrose among gynecologists earned the title of "first aid". The plant has a beneficial effect on the organism, facilitating gentle removal of toxins.


wintergreen In pharmacology it is used as a "land" part of the plant and roots. Active ingredients and antioxidants, which is rich in wintergreen, have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sedative, hemostatic and astringent effects. In broth Matron for pregnancy used aboveground part of the plant. It is worth noting that the use of wintergreen in conjunction with the upland uterus reinforce the effectiveness of herbs.

Sudanese rose

Hibiscus Sudan rose, more commonly known as hibiscus tea, has a toning and immunomodulatory properties. In gynecology is used for relaxation of smooth muscle and eliminate the tone in the muscle tissue of the uterus.


marjoram This plant name is none other than "the girl's assistant." Regular taking it will not only establish the menstrual cycle, but also to remove the pain that occurs for 4-7 days before menstruation and continued for several days after. Oregano is used and as a strong sedative, restores the nervous system after a disruption. In the postpartum period is used as a powerful means laktogonnogo.


wintergreen The use of natural drug recommended equally both women and men. One of the main means of herbal medicine, purposefully struggling with acquired infertility. By functional plants include actively solving the problems associated with diuresis and frequent occurrence of catarrhal and inflammatory diseases. But wintergreen has a number of contraindications, chief among which is the risk of blood clots.


Chamomile Actively used in orthodox pharmacology, and in herbal medicine. It possesses immunostimulating, antiinflammatory and analgesic properties. In gynecology applied both internally (in the form of tea) and externally (by irrigation).

Receiving a decoction of chamomile during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consultation with a specialist!

Indications herbal tincture

Pregnant womanStudied in detail the effect of pharmacological plants that make up the collection, it is possible to identify the main categories of women, which potentially need to use direction finding infusion. Means shown:

  • in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • at coleitis;
  • at kandioze;
  • deterioration during lactation;
  • under unstable and painful menstruation;
  • during menopause;
  • the absence of ovulation, failure caused by a hormonal system;
  • infertility.

Broth Matreny shown in fighting secondary infertility arising due to hormonal disorders and inflammatory infections in the uterus. Primary infertility is caused by pathological changes in the structure or functioning of the reproductive system, only treatable through surgery!

Due to the unique and useful herbs, painstakingly collected in the lineup, the broth has no side effects and has a positive effect not only on the reproductive system, but also the entire body. Presence assembly components having sedative properties, tackles infertility caused by psychosomatic disorders.

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Despite the all-round beneficial effects, there are a number of pathologies and temporary states of the organism in which is strictly forbidden to drink this collection:

  1. Hypersensitivity of drug components.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, complicated by high acidity in the body.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Urolithiasis disease.
  6. kidney pathology.
  7. Pathological changes in the blood quality associated with an increase in hemoglobin.
  8. Chronic liver disease.
  9. Age up to 18 years.
  10. Bleeding disorders.

The use of a decoction of Matrona during pregnancy only after consultation with a practicing gynecologist! The pharmacological properties of individual components, such as oregano, can cause miscarriage!

Be wary infusion is recommended to use:

  • with paracetamol as a permanent therapeutic agent;
  • in combination with hormonal therapy. Separate collection components affect estrogen levels in the body;
  • combined with antihypertensive therapy.

In the absence of pathological changes in the body, the drug has no side effects. Manufactured same cautions that idiosyncrasy individual drug components fraught:

  • occurrence of acute allergic reactions;
  • fever;
  • of acute headaches or nausea;
  • the changing nature of secretions during the menstrual cycle.

In the process of passing the course with the help of herbal medicine decoction Matrona, you may experience pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms are not indicative of individual intolerance, as the first a sign that the positive properties of the collection began to positively impact on the reproductive system.


Instructions for use decoctions Matrona

Selecting medicinal collection as an adjuvant therapy, many are wondering about the correct preparation of the infusion.

How to drink herbal infusion to get pregnant? use broth Matreny process is identical, but the duration of treatment can vary. Recipe herbal tincture based on dry matter is situated on the packaging manufacturer as well as in the detailed instructions for use, and includes several stages of preparation:

  1. Collection is already sorted. 1 "teabag" -portsiya drug infusion. Pour boiling water herbal medicine based: 200 ml water per 1 unit dose sachet.
  2. Steep herbs for about 7 minutes.
  3. Strain broth and take 2 times a day after meals.

The minimum course duration is 1 month, but for the best effect, herbalists, doctors recommend repeated reception of tincture with a small break.

Detailed instructions for use may be found with the help of photos and video, located on the official website.

Is it possible to make your own broth-like

To drink teaNaturalness and accessibility of medicinal components of the composition, suggests the idea of ​​the possibility of self-production of infusions at home. One of the most common questions relating to the collection, is: "What is the Holy Blessed Matrona Broth Moscow on the composition and where to find the recipe? "forums abound with advice not only on domestic production, but also detailed steps medicinal blanks raw materials.

Experts say that, in theory, real grass and find true healing broth to make. Ways to do this a lot. But here is almost the situation is not so simple, because the home is difficult to achieve the required quality of raw material fermentation. Also, considering the broad profile composite components impact on the body and the possibility of unpleasant side effects, it is necessary to observe the ratio of herbal ingredients. Even 1 gram of extra strip capable Broth Matreny medicinal properties. Should I take the risk and their own health, and the result?

You will also be interested to learn about the properties of the collection of George Monastery father, who was also called upon to heal and prevent gynecological diseases. The composition of the collection consists of 16 herbs, so the list of indications for the use of funds is quite broad. Look official site Monastery of tea Father George Article link.

Where to buy herbal decoction

Given the complexity of calculating the correct proportions this matter very reasonable. Book collection is recommended to the website of the official supplier:

Official site

A pleasant surprise for the customer is the ability to deliver the goods not only within Moscow and St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia, which means that the order will arrive at your destination in a matter of days.


An important criterion is the cost of the remedy. Depending on the provided distributor of shares and bonus coupons price will be different. But should focus on the amount of 1000-1500 rubles.

Natural medicine decoction Matron may buy only from an authorized supplier! Healing herbal tea is not sold through a pharmacy!

Reviews of real people of broth Matrona

Studying the thematic forums on the problems conceiving and carrying a child may stumble upon women reviews broth Matrona. There are among them both positive and negative comments on the use of medicinal collection.


Negative reviews broth Matrona

poorly Eugenia Charles, Sverdlovsk: "My main problem - persistent uterine bleeding. Decided to drink the broth, friend recommended as a panacea for all such ailments. But the promised three-year wait, here I am almost 2 months, waiting until the deadlock moves. While aid from the collection will wait and you can die "

poorly Lydia D., Bratsk: "I tried to become pregnant for 10 years. Nothing helped. I decided to try traditional medicine, ordered a pot. Propyl 4-year, but they were powerless. Apparently, not destiny. "

positive views

Good Alena K., Tambov: "Planning for a child, my husband started almost immediately after the wedding. A year passed, then two, and the result was not. We decided to refer to specialists. My husband was all right, but I was diagnosed with latent inflammation and adhesions in the uterus. Followed by long-term treatment, which also results to no avail. Friend, who saw my despair to consult with your gynecologist familiar, even the "old school." Having learned about my diagnosis, it is recommended to drink decoction Saint Matrona. Just as tea after meals two times a day. The preparation is natural, I saw him for a few months. Taste a little bitter, but does not cause disgust. So, as it turned out later, after the first year of my life I was born long-awaited! I am very happy, thank you, and Matrona and the doctor! "

Good Oksana A., Kaliningrad: "Back in high school, and the result was frozen inflammation of the ovaries. In later years the consequences of the past interfere with getting pregnant. I am not an adherent of chemical medicines, always treated with herbs. This time, too, did not modify itself, has ordered natural collection Matrona. Propyl, and I have not regretted! Enough for three courses that my Matrona is now crawling around. I recommend to all!"

Good Zlata B., Moscow: "In my youth I was tormented by cystitis. As it turned out, the problem lay deeper in the entire urogenital system infections. I was treated, but it did not become pregnant. Gynecologist at the antenatal clinic advised decoction of St. Matrona. After the first course finally came to conceive and bear a healthy baby! I and after pregnancy continued to drink the broth to the menstrual cycle returned to normal. "

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