Periods of a woman's life: menstruation at different stages


  1. Menstruation after childbirth
  2. The consequences of menopause
  3. Diseases that affect the flow of blood
  4. Month after abortion
  5. Menses while taking contraceptives
  6. Monthly in the diet

Menstruation - an important process in the life of any woman. C adolescence and old age periods are present in it with a few interruptions. Depending on the different stages of a woman's life, they behave differently. It is important to know what changes are of a certain change in the body, to thoroughly prepare for them and to avoid negative consequences.

Monthly at different stages of a woman's life

Menstruation after childbirth

After birth, the female body is restored gradually. This process is different and each representative of the female passes it differently. If a woman breastfeeds, the month will not appear until the end of the lactation period. After his termination, monthly can be resumed within a few months. Renewed menstruation after childbirth may be accompanied by disruptions in the cycle, lean, but more intense discharge. The body needs time to normalize hormonal levels to restore the menstrual cycle.

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The consequences of menopause

At the age of about 50 years, a woman's ovaries in its functional characteristics are extinguished. cases when menopause was observed at an earlier age recorded in a medical practice. This is due to the fact that the ovaries cease producing eggs. This procedure often leads to severe crash in the monthly female cycle. This may be a severe delay increase or decrease allocation and their intensity. Such symptoms should not cause distress or anxiety in women, as this process is quite natural in this period of life.

Diseases that affect the flow of blood

Any of the female body diseases may lead to vulnerability and weakness. Because of this cycle can be offset or delay.

Diseases that cause delay menstruation:

  • tuberculosis;
  • anorexia;
  • bulimia;
  • various syndromes in which irritable bowel.

This list of conditions shall exclude the healthcare industry experienced professionals, in order to avoid health problems reproductive organ of a patient.

It is important to establish the correct diagnosis on the basis of laboratory research and expert advice. In its specifics, the disease will be accompanied by additional symptoms, but in this case, the delay is a rare manifestation.

Month after abortion

Any kind of abortion or miscarriage can greatly contribute to reduction in a woman's hormonal the body and damage the internal tissues as a result there can be problems with the violation of the cycle and the delay menses. For more information on secretions after abortion described in the article here.

Menses while taking contraceptives

All birth control contraceptives, which are used in oral form, are composed of the presence of hormones. A hormone, in turn, greatly affect the female body. There may be menstrual disruptions and delayed menstruation with abundant or scarce brown and red secretions. Also during the period of administration is monthly may be absent for a while. Such a reaction is, first of all, indicates a change in the hormonal background, which is usually normal during the habituation period (1 3 months). If the problem does not go away after a period of adaptation, this may mean that the body rejects these drugs or used to some extent to it.

Monthly in the diet

With proper nutrition person can prolong their lives to a great extent, and the diet may allow him to have a slim and very attractive figure. Why is it out - for the diet may experience menstruation? The answer to this question is simple. Many of the women are quite addicted to the correction of their appearance, that they forget about the balance of minerals in your body. This aspect is also to some extent may affect the monthly and even provoke their disappearance. Doctors terminology used in their practice, called "a critical mass in a woman." This mass is within a forty-five kilograms or less to reduce its girls can not.

Besides pregnancy, there are many reasons that disrupt the menstrual cycle in women. Ordinary relocation or travel which is due to climate change, as well as stress, too, to some extent, can affect menstruating.


  • Oct 19, 2019
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