How to return the month: the restoration of the menstrual cycle in women


  1. Approaches to solving the problem with the mind
  2. The right decision
  3. Two sides of the same coin
  4. Find the truth

The modern woman - active, bright, single-minded, open-minded, and most importantly, that all new open and available for her. Women build successful careers, play sports, go on trips on a par with men. But often, in the turmoil of everyday affairs, they forget their main purpose - to be a mother and a woman.

How to return monthly

Approaches to solving the problem with the mind

Due to the hectic lifestyle, stress, environment, many women aged 22 - 45 years there are problems such as irregular cycles or even month long absence. What to do?

Firstly, we should not immediately panic and rush to the nearest pharmacy where you can buy a magic pill that will solve the problem immediately. Similar changes in body hormones are corrected, but any hormonal effects on the body of women is not predictable. It can be like restore cycleAnd postpone the onset of menstruation indefinitely. Furthermore, if the reason for the delay is pregnancy, such a tablet could cause irreparable harm.

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The right decision

The surest solution is to consult a physician-gynecologist. The first thing he has to do - is to send the patient to a pelvic ultrasound, where the doctor will look at the internal organs. Perhaps the critical days was just about to approach and do not worry. In this case, the gynecologist will likely prescribe a course of multivitamins to restore strength and energy. In case, if a monthly "no hearing, no spirit," and the delay is already a significant and pregnancy is excluded, there are two versions of the doctor's actions. The first - he will prescribe you a course of contraception, which is often mistaken for the regulation of the cycle. The second - the same "magic pill", after receiving which over time will come monthly.

Some women resort to prayer at monthly. There are cases when a conspiracy helped restore women's health, but psychologists believe that action is based on self-hypnosis.

Two sides of the same coin

It would seem, what's the problem, it took all recovered, and it's done. But in the first and second option has a downside. Many women have been long after withdrawal amenorrhea receiving Jess or other oral contraceptives, ranging from 1 month - up to a year. The reason is that the internal organs, especially the ovaries, that are accustomed to the fact that all the "work" for them performing tablet, cease to function independently as needed. About the danger of a second embodiment it has been said.

Find the truth

Be sure to ask your gynecologist, so that he appointed you to donate blood for hormones and thyroid hormones. It happens that the cause of the problems is not on the surface, and to get to the bottom, you need a comprehensive survey. If the hormone is all right, but the delay did not pass, try to take a vacation and go to sea. Maybe it's in the stress that surrounds you at work, at home, anywhere. And the body all the forces sent out to resist external "threats" and the works of the female "rusty". Remind him that you are a woman, you want to rest, relax, take care of themselves and be happy.

Remember that the pill, and hormones can drink always, it is the easiest way, but also the most controversial. First try to cope on their own, expand their femininity, relax, and everything will work out.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 89
  • 153