Can be monthly during pregnancy in women


  1. Reasons month of pregnancy
  2. Bleeding in the first month of pregnancy
  3. Ectopic pregnancy

There are cases when a woman finds out about the pregnancy only 2-3mesyatse. And the reason for this is not ignorance and inattention to her, and that she go monthly every month! Of course, according to the women, periods may not go after pregnancy, but as stated in the medical statistics, monthly can go in one of five pregnant women!

Monthly during pregnancy

Reasons month of pregnancy

  1. Insufficient production of estrogen, hormonal disorders. The body "does not notice" of fertilization and does not stop the onset of menses.
  2. Drinking large quantities of hormonal contraceptives.
  3. Repeated fertilization: one cycle occurs over two insemination. As a result, the uterus retains only the first insemination and displays the rest of the start of menstruation.
  4. Risk of miscarriage. Periods may be supplemented by abdominal pain, dizziness and general weakness. Pregnancy can be saved, immediately consult a doctor!
  5. Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by secretions like intermittent and scanty menses.
  6. instagram viewer
  7. Pathology of the fetus.
  8. Unsuccessful attachment fetus resulting from the development of endometriosis or fibroids.
  9. Hyperandrogenism - to develop a large number of male hormones in women.

Read the article at the link, go there monthly at an ectopic pregnancy.

Bleeding in the first month of pregnancy

Indeed, for a short period of pregnancy a woman can be confusing for bleeding that a woman can be mistaken for menstruation. The reason for this may be a process of attaching eggs. In this case, the blood vessels may be damaged, with the result that there spotting in early pregnancy.

The fertilized egg before the month in some cases, no time to be implanted, and as a result, the body no hormonal changes have not yet occurred. The woman may note the appearance leaner fluid. After implantation of the egg full body receives a signal to stop menstruation.

Ectopic pregnancy

Often the selection, similar to menstruation, pregnancy can occur when this type is called menstruation, but more correct to call them bleeding. But remember, any bleeding during pregnancy, potential or apparent is the reason for treatment to the doctor! The fact is that as a result of an ectopic pregnancy are at risk of cervical or uterine tube rupture, depending on the location in which the fertilized egg is attached.

Sometimes a woman is difficult to distinguish from the normal flow of blood secretions during pregnancy, as often as possible can be the same: separation may occur in the first day of the month. Of course, this becomes a cause of concern and doubts women! The main difference is considered not as bright color and poverty selections. In any case, be sure to go to the hospital for your peace of mind!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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