Monthly while taking birth control pills: Is it possible to start drinking app without waiting periods, retention, bleeding in the middle of the cycle


  1. Operating principle
  2. Features reception
  3. Effects on the menstrual cycle
  4. absence of menstrual periods
  5. Intermenstrual bleeding when taking contraceptives
  6. Normalization monthly when using birth control pills
  7. Restoration of the menstrual cycle after canceling OK
  8. Side effect
  9. Sharp weight gain
  10. Bleeding
  11. Pathological changes in the ovaries
  12. Hormonal disbalance
  13. Pregnancy
  14. diseases of the endometrium
  15. blood clots

Oral contraception is one of the most popular means of protection against unintended pregnancy. The principle of action of these drugs is based on the change in the number of produced "female" hormones and the functioning of the reproductive system. Based on the characteristics of the impact of the capsules, it is clear that the periods during reception birth control pills undergo a change not only in cycling, but also intensivnotsti, and consistency. But how to determine which of the specific symptoms are the physiological norm? In fact oral contraception affect the female reproductive system? How is the monthly during the period of use of contraceptive capsules? Let's look at this together.

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Monthly with contraceptives

Operating principle

Gynecologists say that the principle of contraception is based on provoking the active ingredients of the drug effect "artificial sterility." But what does such a phenomenon? Danger whether the effects on the girl?

"Artificial sterility" means the inability of a woman's body to form a viable egg. In simple terms, in the process of receiving an oral contraceptive the fair sex loses natural ability to ovulate. This effect is achieved by the impact of tablets for contraception hormonal girls, namely, by increasing the level of the "female hormone" - estrogen.

in the field of gynecology experts say that the higher the level of "substance" in the women's the body, the lower developing ability thereof to follicle stimulating substance activating work ovary. That is why in the process of diagnosing female infertility in the first place, doctors strongly recommend that the patient be tested for hormone levels and the "quality" of their generation.

Definitely talk about the benefits or harm of OC use is not possible, because the "risk" depends on the individual and is determined solely by watching a woman gynecologist. Definitely we can only say that this type of capsule has a significant impact on hormone levels and the nature of menstruation. One of the most popular drugs in the line of oral contraception are contraceptive in the form of "Janine" capsules and "Yasmin".

Features reception

For the most part, an oral contraceptive containing 21 capsules with the active substance, calculated on the daily intake. At the end of the tablets in the package, respectively, need to take a little break, and which have bloody discharge appears.

Most women who have recourse to the "help" of contraception in the form of capsules, note that have meager monthly character and sticky consistency. Also, during the period of use of these drugs are no characteristic menstrual dense blood clots, rejects the first two or three days after the onset of critical days. Their absence due to the termination of the formation of oocytes.

Some manufacturers are expanding the number of capsules to 28 or 30. The active substance contained in 21 pill, remaining the same are "empty" and, in most cases, a different color. Such a decision is aimed to ensure that after the end of menstruation she did not forget to continue the course and not "lost count."

Effects on the menstrual cycle

It is worth noting that in the first two or three months after the call to the help of pills for contraception for most women menstruation is observed delay. This phenomenon is due to physiological and hormonal reorganization and changes in the reproductive system. Concerns should cause malfunction, continuing for six months after receiving the oral contraceptive agents. Such abnormalities may indicate how an individual intolerance of female body active substance contained in the preparation, and on the adrenal or thyroid arising in patients receiving the drug facilities.

Gynecologists say that pills oral contraceptives have an impact not only on the ability to ovulate and krovoottorzhenie during menstruation, but also on the quality and quantity of mucous fluid rejected by the body during the entire the menstrual cycle. The active components of the formulation contribute to "seal" mucus. That is why sperm are not able to achieve the goal. They're just "stuck" in a thick viscous mucus, and not getting in the cervix. Such exposure can provoke a variety of diseases associated with failures in the functioning of the cervical glands. That's why experts recommend before receiving the OK to consult a gynecologist and to hand over the necessary tests.

Menses when taking contraceptive pills undergo many changes. This phenomenon is due to their repeated "formation." Let's look at the most common abnormalities in the cyclical nature of exclusion and the dark blood fluids during the critical days:

absence of menstrual periods

This phenomenon is associated with a sharp, "violent" level changes "female hormone" - estrogen in the body. Many girls, dividing their experiences on online forums have noted that after the start of the monthly contraceptive capsules do not come for a long time.

Most often, the gap is three, and sometimes four weeks. Such a failure is physiological and characterizes the body's response to external stimuli.

Read the article at the link, what to do if when receiving no monthly Jess.

Intermenstrual bleeding when taking contraceptives

While some people complain about the lack of critical days, others watch the monthly advance to the end of the cycle in 21 capsule. Both phenomena are within the physiological norm, and is the individual organism response to the drug. Fears can cause a heavy spotting, sharply turning into a mid-cycle bleeding when taking contraceptives. When the diagnosis at such symptoms should immediately seek medical attention and to change the way of contraception. This phenomenon may be indicative of irreversible pathological processes affecting the female reproductive organs of the system.

Normalization monthly when using birth control pills

After three to four months after the start of oral contraception, recurrence critical days should recover, even if initially the girl complained that after taking the contraceptive pill is not monthly.

It sets a new cycle, based on the frequency of use of the capsules. Many women noted a change in the character of not only the time slots, but also rejects the characteristics of substance. Within these physiological changes are the norm:

  1. Changing the number of rejects of the liquid. Most often, a decrease in allocated secretion.
  2. The change in blood consistency slizeobraznogo secret. Girls celebrate dilution and no monthly during the first days of epithelial tight bunches.
  3. Alleviating premenstrual symptoms. Acting on hormones, pills reduce the level of pain and eliminate cramping cramps that accompany premenstrual period.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after canceling OK

Within a few months after the cessation of birth control pills is happening resume the activity of the reproductive system. If no periods after the abolition of the contraceptive pill, You need to see a gynecologist.

Reduction of the "female hormone" level triggers the production of follicle-stimulating substances, which in turn triggers the ovaries. This process contributes to the activation of ovulation and leads to the restoration of cyclical periods, formed prior to receiving the capsules.

Many just started taking the medication data, women are concerned about the question of what should be the monthly while taking oral contraceptive agents. Based on the review in a variety of left on the discussion forums, we can conclude that the allocation are meager, menstrualnopodobnoe character. Color pigmentation pronounced, highlight painted in rich brown color with streaks of blood. The duration of menses during reception OK varies from 3 to 7 days.

Side effect

Despite the fact that the new generation of birth control pills have a soft, gentle effect on a woman's body, it still includes a number of gormonomoduliruyuschih funds. Gynecologists claim that this method of preventing conception burdened with the possibility of side-effects from taking the capsules. These include:

Sharp weight gain

Hormonal changes could negatively affect the silhouette of a girl. In most cases, hormone therapy provokes a sharp weight gain, which "leaves" after the abolition of the drug.


Hypersensitivity of active components capable of provoking excessive bleeding not related to menstruation cycles, while taking contraceptive capsules. When the diagnosis at such symptom is not necessary to wait until the end of the package. You must immediately stop receiving the drug and consult a gynecologist.

Pathological changes in the ovaries

The sharp jump in the development of Follicle fluid and forceful termination of functioning ovaries can provoke the development of pathological processes in their work.

These disorders may diagnose only after receiving the OK. That's why after a woman stopped to drink these tablets, you must be seen by a doctor on a regular basis for a few cycles.

After the cessation of oral contraception is necessary to pay close attention to when the start and end periods, as well as on the nature of the discharge.

When the diagnosis at all sorts of deviations should immediately consult a specialist. With the help of a number of necessary analyzes doctor determines the presence or absence of ovulation and kistoobraznyh formations on the surface of the ovaries. Cysts on the ovaries can cause delayed menstruation.

It should be noted that ignoring the anxiety symptoms can lead to the emergence of acquired infertility. Experts note that if the beginning of the monthly while taking birth control more than six months, an urgent need to abolish this form of contraception, and go to the doctor. This symptom is chronic administration of tablets may be indicative of the potential development of pathology.

Hormonal disbalance

Jumps in hormone levels can adversely affect the thyroid gland and adrenal gland. These hormonal dysfunction fraught with failure. Experts recommend to be tested for hormone levels during the whole period of contraception, regardless of how long is a similar method of contraception.

When diagnosing abnormalities in the analysis, it is necessary to quit immediately take these drugs. Alarming symptoms suggestive of the presence of pathological processes can be prolonged menstruation delay constant taking contraceptive pills.

Hormonal disruptions have a negative impact not only on the nature of the month, but on the whole body. Such displays are possible:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions in various forms.


Despite the fact that the action of the active components of capsules for oral contraception is directed to preventing the possibility of becoming pregnant, like any kind of protection, this tool is not capable of providing 100% protection.

It is important not to miss the pill count and carefully, as last menstrualnopodobnye separation between doses. Experts recommend taking the drug at the same time. If she has forgotten to drink capsule within a time interval, it is necessary to fill the gap immediately.

When diagnosing at the absence of menstruation in a break between taking birth control is recommended to do a pregnancy test. With a high probability it will be positive.

Among the range of drugs oral contraceptives, there are those whose acceptance is an extra character after unprotected intercourse. By means of this type relates Postinor. The package contains a few pills, one of which must be taken immediately after unprotected intercourse. Active components means stop the process of fertilization, preventing unwanted pregnancies. Admission Postinor also affects the cyclical nature of menstruation. Many of those who resorted to his aid noted that the monthly went before the usual period and continued to go regularly for several cycles. If after Postinor no monthly more than a week, it can be assumed hormonal failure or conception.

diseases of the endometrium

Hormonal changes and the ovaries forcible termination operation can cause changes in the endometrial layer growth rate in the uterus. Depending on the strength of the jump, like natural growths can, and do, stop. This disease is a serious defect in the female reproductive system organs and requires immediate treatment with therapy aimed at the ability of the enveloping fabric to recover independently.

blood clots

Any oral contraceptives cause thinning of the blood. Doctors say that this phenomenon is due to the change in the level of white blood cells and platelets. These fluctuations can lead to the development of thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism caused by the appearance of "buildup" in the vascular structure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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