No month after discontinuation of contraception: a delay after the abolition of ca.


  1. The principle of impact on a woman's body
  2. The effect on the endometrium
  3. Effect on release
  4. adjustment period
  5. Stopping capsules and normalization of the menstrual cycle
  6. When waiting for the monthly
  7. What is levonorgestrel
  8. age features
  9. The possible consequences and the absence of menstruation
  10. Pregnancy
  11. Amenorrhea
  12. Diseases Sexually Transmitted
  13. Hormonal disbalance
  14. Oncological diseases
  15. ovarian pathology
  16. endometrial disorders
  17. When you can plan conception?

Oral contraception is the most reliable means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The drugs based on the intervention of the active components in natural hormonal woman background. But what effect such an invasion of the working women of the reproductive system? How to quickly return to the usual cyclical "mainstream" month after discontinuation of contraception? Let's look at this together.

Month after discontinuation of contraception

The principle of impact on a woman's body

The operation of any means of oral contraceptives, whether drug emergency measures as "postinor" or means the systematic effects, "Janine", is the impact of the active ingredients on the main female reproductive hormones. In this case we are talking about the oppression of the main functions of FSH and luteinizing hormone. In fact, it creates the effect of "artificial sterility", stopping the ovaries work with the help of drugs.

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The effect on the endometrium

Depending on the variety of birth control pills, the effects can be provided not only on the a woman's ability to ovulate, but also on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of endometrial cancer. This orientation is due to an additional "safety net." Even in the case of maturation and fertilization, the egg will not be able to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus and continue its further development.

Effect on release

In principle, additional protection of the active components is based on the ability to develop channels cervical mucous liquid. The drugs do not inhibit this function, but change the nature of the manufactured "product". Slimy substance becomes more dense, viscous and sticky. Getting In such an environment, spermatozoa lose their ability to rapid movement of the uterus channels.

adjustment period

Gynecologists say that in spite of the temporary suppression of one of the main functions of the organs reproductive system, the cyclicity of menstruation does not stop with the beginning of contraceptives tablets. As an important part of the system that are affected, monthly undergo changes, but do not disappear altogether.

Many women have been used as hormonal contraceptive capsules, noted that the time interval monthly changed in accordance with the reception of tablets. Within 3 months after the start of the critical days were set on the basis of the dosage regimen. This is based on the cyclical reception 21 capsules with the active substance and a break of 7-10 days. It was during this period and the "arrival" of menstruation.

It modifies also the character rejects the substance. Blood brown allocation becoming more scarce in the volume of the disappeared consistency dark epithelial clusters inherent in the first days of menstruation. Many noted that premenstrual symptoms, burdened by sharp pain spasms became less pronounced or disappearing.

But as "behave" month after the complete abolition of means of hormonal contraception? How quickly restored cycle? It could indicate a pathological phenomenon, characterized by delayed menstruation after canceling OK?

Stopping capsules and normalization of the menstrual cycle

Based on the principle of action OK it becomes clear that the action of the active ingredients is based on the deep integration into the woman's hormonal background. Accordingly, expect instant normalize the menstrual cycle is not necessary after the abolition of the contraceptive pill.

Gynecologists say that the longer a woman takes the capsule, the longer will be the recovery process of the body. In fact, the menstrual cycle will be set again.

When waiting for the monthly

Doctors say that, on average, the process of establishing the final cyclic menses may take up to 3 months. This time interval includes the resumption of production of follicle stimulating hormone and "Launching" of the work of the ovaries, and the normalization of the overall hormonal background of the organism surviving "invasion" levonorgestrel.

Read the article at the link when the wait after receiving monthly cancellation Jess.

What is levonorgestrel

Based on the characteristics of the pharmaceutical, levonorgestrel - artificially synthesized analogue of the "female hormone" estrogen. The substance is a member of any preparation of oral contraceptive and provides medium and progesterone menstruation phase. It is these "segments" of the full menstrual cycle "responsible" for his ability to ovulate and the successful attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

age features

With great care begin and end reception OK is worth very young girls and women on the verge of menopause. In the first, the second case hormones is highly unstable, and third-party intervention can lead to serious pathologies like the organs of the reproductive system, as well as in the functioning of the adrenal and thyroid gland.

The possible consequences and the absence of menstruation

But what if there is no menstruation after discontinuation of birth control pills? The answer is clear - go to the doctor. Woman, ascertaining the absence of menstruation itself over a period longer than specified for normalization of hormonal levels, the timing, it is necessary to see a specialist and pass several necessary to clarify Cause Analysis. Consider the most common dysfunctions provoking delay after receiving monthly contraceptive tablets:


The phenomenon is hardly dysfunction, but most often it is the pregnancy is the absence of menstruation after discontinuation of hormonal contraception. Paradoxically, but many gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives as therapy infertility, if not revealed functional disorders of the reproductive process in surveys system.

Such an impact is based on the principle of the "reset" the ovaries. Such therapy as a treatment for infertility is short-term and is appointed for a term of 1 to 4 months, depending on the characteristics of the patient's body. If the pregnancy is the period of targeted prevention using oral contraception medication, then, in most cases, we are talking about the wrong medication.

It is strictly forbidden to throw or to alternate in its sole discretion control pills. Despite the similar effect, every one of them has an individual cumulative effect.

Gynecologists advised to take the capsules at the same time. If a woman forgets to drink cherished pill, you need to immediately fill the gap, but in any case, do not exceed the prescribed dosage. In terms of the number of contraceptive pills will not play a decisive role, but to undermine the overall health overdose can.

On the basis of discussions posted on discussion forums, it is clear that many women care about the question: "What do you do if during inadvertent crossing had unprotected sexual intercourse? "In this case, experts advise resort to using oral contraceptives instant action, such as" postinor "or "I eskapel".

If a long delay is necessary to do a pregnancy test or to give blood for the hormone hCG. It is likely that the result will be positive.


Prolonged menstruation delay exceeding a period of six months, after the cancellation of hormonal oral contraceptives on the background negative pregnancy test can indicate the presence of pathological phenomena associated with cyclical menses. Described dysfunction called amenorrhea.

The term describes the absence of menstrual periods for several cycles. Amenorrhea can occur for a variety of reasons, including, and hereditary. Based on the statistics, no more than 3% of contraceptive pills can cause amenorrhea as a side effect of a course of administration. In most cases, the manifestation of dysfunction characteristic of "at risk": the girls at the stage of formation of the reproductive system of women and premenopausal.

Amenorrhea is not a serious cause for concern, ie. To. Is not evidence of irreversible pathological processes that have affected the organs of the reproductive system. But if there is a problem to consult a specialist still stands. The gynecologist will appoint maintenance therapy to prevent the recurrence of this phenomenon.

Diseases Sexually Transmitted

Another fairly common problem in the lack of critical days after cancellation contraceptive tablets, is the presence of infections transmitted during unprotected act. Oral contraceptives can protect her from unwanted pregnancies, but fungal and immune diseases transmitted from partner to partner during sex, capsules resist not forces.

In most cases, the delay after withdrawal menses contraceptive pills unrelated to pregnancy or amenorrhea is a symptom of syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, hepatitis of various etymology. Such disease in the absence of proper treatment can cause serious complications in both organs reproduction system and the whole organism.

One of the most common consequences of STDs in an advanced stage is the acquisition of female infertility.

Infections, sexually transmitted infections, accompanied by not only the absence month. Among the most common symptoms of experts distinguish acute pain in the abdomen, putrid smell of discharge, itching in crotch voldyreobraznyh appearance of growths on the labia, the appearance in the mucous secretions of bright yellow and green clots.

For early treatment or exclude the presence of STDs is necessary for diagnosing at prolonged absence of menstruation after discontinuation of contraceptive should consult a doctor and pass a number of analyzes.

Hormonal disbalance

Long-term use of contraceptive pills can cause total failure of hormonal organism. Artificial change in hormone levels can adversely affect the thyroid operation or provoke dysfunction of the adrenal glands. In this case in between taking birth control is no monthly.

Oncological diseases

Receiving contraceptives is not able to provoke the development of malignant tumors in the body. Intervention in women hormonal background can only accelerate the growth of tumors.

Gynecologists argue that the long absence of menstruation can be an indication of cancer.

ovarian pathology

PKD cysts on the ovaries can cause amenorrhea after canceling means receiving oral contraceptive.

endometrial disorders

This pathology is not characterized by complete absence of menstruation after cancellation contraceptive preparations, but is expressed in uncharacteristic consistency "spotting". Due to the influence of combined oral contraceptive hormones as well as on the layer thickness endometrial, after taking can cause problems in the formation of the natural epithelial layer.

Pay attention to the first period after taking contraceptive drugs. Uncharacteristic blotches can be a serious cause for concern. Pathological processes in the tissues of the endometrium can cause acquired infertility, therefore, in the presence of secretions uncharacteristic clots, immediately consult a specialist!

To avoid negative consequences for the organism or unintended pregnancy, doctors recommend a responsible approach to the process of completion of receiving oral contraceptive agents. It is not recommended to drink the drug abruptly finish in the middle of the 21 capsular cycle. Dopeyte package to the end. This will be a smooth exit from the course of the contraceptive treatment.

When you can plan conception?

Many women who have decided to end the reception OK, are interested not only be resumed when the cyclic monthly after the abolition of contraception, but also how many after the course, you can think about replenishment.

Gynecologists say that the body is fully "recover" after a similar hormonal intervention is not earlier than 3 months after the last capsule. Based on the opinion of experts, we can conclude that pregnancy planning costs through 90-100 days after the course. A sure sign of the readiness of the organism to fully perform their reproductive functions will normalize menstrual cyclicity.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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