May 9: activities in the school

  • Holiday tasks
  • Preparing for the holiday
  • Holiday decoration
  • How to hold the Victory Day
  • How interesting to hold a concert
  • Unusual scenarios of the holiday

A very important holiday for all the inhabitants of our country is coming - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary that people do not forget about the exploit of their ancestors. It is especially important to tell the children about the war. They must know what price the Victory over fascism went to. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday in all schools there are events dedicated to this event. Many teachers prefer formal rulers, class watches or concerts. But the problem is that in recent years, it's more difficult to spend May 9 at school.

The Great Patriotic War is perceived by modern children as a very distant event, of which they know little. By 2017, there are almost no live participants, children are not interested in old movies, they are less likely to read books. The traditions of celebrating the Victory Day are often formal. Therefore, many teachers try to organize something unusual to interest children. But the scenario of May 9 should be solemn, this is not an entertaining event.

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The objectives of the holiday

The main thing that teachers need to do when organizing festive events is to awaken in children a sense of pride for their people who defeated the fascists and stood at such a difficult time. All conversations, class hours and even concerts should encourage students to be interested in the past of their homeland, to seek material and read books. Each event dedicated to the military theme performs the following tasks:

  • to bring up patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland;
  • to let the children understand what the war meant to each person;
  • to acquaint with historical facts;
  • give an idea of ​​the real life of people during the war years;
  • instill a sense of gratitude and respect for the heroes of war.

Preparing for the holiday

To the event was not formal and remembered by the children, they must necessarily be connected to its preparation. It is advisable to discuss the scenario together with them and choose the variant of the celebration.

Prepare for the Victory Day in advance, a few months before the event. For children to understand how important it is to honor the memory of fighters who died, defending their homeland, we should not confine ourselves to one concert or a ruler. Of course, it is desirable that there is a serious event, but apart from it, you can use other methodical techniques.

  • Watch military movies, listen to songs and memorize poems by heart.
  • Preparation of individual stories about members of the family - participants in the war. Well, if they are accompanied by a demonstration of photographs or any surviving items of the war years.
  • Joint production of the entire album class. For him, you can use personal military photos or cut from magazines.
  • In elementary school, you must pay attention to the manufacture of hand-made articles. These can be flowers made of paper, postcards or drawings. You can make an exhibition or donate these crafts to surviving veterans.
  • Senior children can participate in the design of not only the classroom, but also the school. They can draw posters and wall newspapers, make an exhibition of books or photographs.
  • Very well, if on the eve of the holiday the teacher takes his class children to the museum of military glory, if such is in the city.
  • If there is no possibility to invite veterans to school, students of lower grades can write letters to them. Children should express in their own words what they feel on Victory Day, describe their attitude to the war.
  • And as many teachers as possible should tell about the war, Victory, the heroic deed of Soviet soldiers. Do not load children with dry information, dates and figures. It is better to talk about the fate of ordinary people, the importance of victory for all subsequent generations.

Holiday Decoration

It is very important that the concert, held on the eve of May 9, was properly issued. For children to feel the atmosphere of those years and the solemnity of the Victory Day, the hall or class should be decorated with posters, wall newspapers and photo collections. When conducting a performance or a theatrical performance, it is advisable to use costumes and decorations that are as close as possible to the realities of the war years. You need to find tunic, caps, flasks, guns and pistols.

To make the event more interesting, it is desirable to use a multimedia projector. With the help of a computer, you can display footage from films, documentary shootings and newsreels of the war years on the screen. All this must be accompanied by music.

The songs "Victory Day" and "Holy War" are most often used. But depending on the scenario of the holiday, you can take other songs or their fragments: "Dark Night", "Buchenwald Alarm", "Cranes", "We need one victory", "At an unnamed height".

It's also good to use songs and music from famous movies: "Officers", "Some old men go to battle" and others. You can include in the concert sounds of the bell, the hum of aircraft, bomb explosions and the voice of Levitan.

How to hold Victory Day

The scale of the organization of the holiday depends on the school's capabilities, location. In the city it is easier to find and invite veterans, visit the museum. In a small rural school, you can hold a holiday for all residents or visit a local monument. But in any case, do not stop with one concert or a ruler.

For Victory Day to affect the soul of each child, one must approach his organization responsibly. It is advisable to hold various conversations, contests, class hours and themed evenings 1-2 weeks before the holiday. And on May 7 or 8, the culmination should be a concert or a performance. What options can I use?

  • The class hour is the easiest way to celebrate Victory Day at school. Children should prepare for it in advance: to collect material for reports, to learn poems and songs. Between performances the teacher can show slides or include a phonogram of military songs.
  • A more interesting variant of the holiday is a quiz, competition or sports match. Questions related to dates, surnames and major events of the war years are more suitable for older students. In primary classes, it is better to hold a competition with military games.
  • The best way to let the children feel the full scale of the Victory and the horror of the war is a conversation with the veterans. However, recently it is difficult to find the survivors. If there is such an opportunity, the meeting should be solemn. A veteran must be imagined so that the children understand that they have a real hero before them. After congratulations and the delivery of gifts and flowers, the veteran talks about the war, Victory. Such meetings teach children to respect the elders and appreciate their feat. As an option, you can use a theatrical production: a scene in the form of a grandfather's conversation with his grandson.
  • Concert is the most common scenario of the celebration. It is desirable that as many children as possible can participate in it, and they are not passive spectators. If this event is organized formally, it will not be remembered and will not fulfill its goal - to awaken in the soul of the child respect for the dead, understanding the value of victory.
  • A more interesting variant is a stage production. Organize a musical performance is more difficult. But he can awaken in children the desire to learn more about the war and ordinary people who died for their Motherland. In small scenes, even students of lower grades can participate. For them, this particular form of the holiday is more interesting. You can take the script ready or come up. There is also another option - to invite professional artists.

How interesting to conduct a concert

When preparing a script, teachers need to pay attention to the idea was, first of all, for children, and not for other viewers. All students should be interested in the holiday, so it is better to abandon the traditional performance of poems and songs on stage.

  • It is best if the presentation is thematic, for example, on the works of one of the poets.
  • For younger schoolchildren, performances that reflect the fate of the children of war are more interesting. For them, you should not use long poems in a concert.
  • For older children, it's important to include a radio announcement of the start of the war, you can use the episode with the boys' wires to the front.
  • For the performance to be remembered, it is desirable to find the military form of those years, to use the decorations of a dugout, a trench or a fire. It is important that all actions are accompanied by music and military songs. Well, if you manage to shoot a concert on video - it will be a memory of the holiday.

To finish any concert or performance you need on an optimistic note. Victory Day is still a holiday, albeit sad. We need to let the children know that it is the exploit of their ancestors that allows them to live peacefully and happily. In the end, you can give all the ribbons of St. George, so that the memory of these long-standing events will remain in your hearts for a long time.

Unusual scenarios of the holiday

  1. Historical game for pupils of middle and senior classes, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It expands the horizons of schoolchildren, helps to better remember the material and educates patriotic feelings. The game involves two teams that come up with names related to the realities of the war years, the motto and emblem. Participants take turns to answer questions and earn points. To make the game more exciting for children, you can take as a model popular shows: KVN or "Who wants to be a millionaire."Questions should include the most important events of the war, the names of generals and heroes, the names of cities and places of major battles.
  2. A very interesting concert will be made on the basis of the film "Some Old Men Are Going to Battle."Participants in the performance must wear tunics. A phonogram with episodes from the film is periodically included. Between the songs and the words of the heroes of the film, the children talk about real people who sacrificed their lives, those who in those difficult years did not lose the presence of the spirit. You can tell about the military correspondents, postmen, nurses, artists who acted even on the front line, about women, on whose shoulders lay all the hardships of the war.
  3. Theatrical performance "At the monument to the heroes of war" can be held together with students of both senior and junior classes. Two brothers, who came to lay flowers at the monument to the heroes, are watched by a picture of the past. This can be achieved by changing the lighting of the scene. The monument is suitable for different people in the clothes of the war years. Each of them puts flowers and tells his story. It can be a nurse, a little girl who lost her entire family in the besieged Leningrad, or a young fighter. At the end, modern children can come up who will tell you that they are grateful to the heroes and will never forget their feat.
  4. The performance based on front-line letters will also be of interest to children, especially if someone has the present yellowed triangles. The participants of the concert, disguised as soldiers, read the letters. Between them, music or poetry sounds. You can include in this concert and letters of modern children, addressed to their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers.
  5. For younger students it is possible to organize a performance from short sketches based on famous poems. It is easy to play such works: S. Mikhalkov "We are also warriors", J. Drunin "Zinka", A. Tvardovsky "The Tankman's Story", excerpts from the poem M. Aliger "Zoya".
  6. In the senior classes it will be interesting to make a dramatic presentation of the 1941 graduates, who after the school ball went straight to the front. Stories about their peers will help teenagers feel the tragedy of war. You can arrange the presentation with music, poems, scenes of farewell of young men with girls, real facts.
  7. In elementary school it is good to hold an event dedicated to children - participants in the war. Before him, the students must read several works about the little heroes. At the holiday, you need to tell not only about the boys and girls fighting at the front or with the partisans. It is important to mention how difficult it was for the children in the rear. It is obligatory to include a story about the blockade of Leningrad, for example, excerpts from the diary of Tanya Savicheva.

Victory Day is a holiday, which can not be approached formally. At school, it is necessary to organize such events, so that children feel the importance of the deed of their ancestors. It is necessary that the new generation does not forget what the war was like. Related Videos:

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