Month after Visan when they should come [recovery cycle]


  1. When necessary reception Visan
  2. The main effect of drugs
  3. Visan and monthly
  4. Heavy bleeding when taking medication
  5. Menstruation after the abolition of Visan
  6. In the first month
  7. Delay of menstruation
  8. bleeding patterns

Most women do not wish for any reason to visit the hospital and seek medical advice. Therefore, they are in search of information on the Internet about what should be a month after Visan and during the reception. The successful course of treatment says the character of menses, a description of which can be found in this article.

Month after Visan

When necessary reception Visan

According to the feedback on the forums, the majority of women appointed Visan in the following cases:

  • Conservative therapy for endometriosis;
  • postoperative recovery due to removal of endometriotic cysts;
  • prophylaxis after surgery.

The reason for receiving medicament protrude problems with mucous layer of the uterus, more precisely, the appearance of pathological proliferation of endometrial cells outside of this layer.

And girls talk in a review of the relationship Visan and monthly, because it is unusual bleeding forced to see a specialist. Treatment of such tablets is indicated for the following negative features of menses and related symptoms:

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  • menorrhagia (profuse uterine bleeding);
  • pain in the pelvic region, lower abdomen in the critical days;
  • infertility and feeling pain during sex;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The main effect of drugs

The active substance acts Visanne micronized dienogest relating to gestagens. Component possesses antiandrogenic and progestagenic effect on the female organism:

  1. It stops the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins.
  2. It reduces the production of estradiol in the ovaries.
  3. Blocks ovulation.
  4. It inhibits the proliferation of the endometrium tissue.
  5. Atrophies endometriosis.

During treatment, the affected organs and systems, which have an important impact on the monthly cycle. But Visan characterized by gradual exposure, so the monthly allocation may occur in the first two months of the reception, despite the suppression of the ovaries and the low level of estrogen, which is not enough for the full maturation of the mucosa uterus.

Most often use Visan 3 months, but the course can last up to 6 months without a break. There is no difference in what day of the cycle woman started to drink a hormone more important to do it in the same time to achieve the desired concentration in the body. Stop taking the drug should be only after consultation with your doctor. Direct indication - severe bleeding, against which a specialist is often advised to increase the dose or choose analog.

Visan and monthly

Menses at Visan should disappear due to action of the main component of the preparation. But due to the individual characteristics of each organism menstrual flow may occur at the beginning of the reception, but did not go into the bleeding.

Under normal circumstances, the gasket will be noticeable only brown spotting. It is such a minor release indicates that the ovaries to fully relax and the endometrium is no longer growing. Therefore, doctors warn patients that the intake of pills absence of menstruation - is a good signal.

But we can not exclude adverse effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • deterioration of general health.

They occur for the following reasons:

  1. Problems with the digestive tract affects the absorption of dienogest.
  1. Tablets are not suitable for women.
  1. The presence of comorbidities.

In all these circumstances, the drug does not work adequately, so you need to review the treatment and after the passage of diagnostic checks.

Heavy bleeding when taking medication

Periods may go and while taking Visan. Not dangerous such allocation only at the beginning of the course, especially if the first tablets were drunk shortly before menstruatsionnogo cycle. Continue to be present only traces of smearing on the strip. Abundant discharge may be caused by the following:

  1. Clotting. At risk are patients with poor blood clotting, or those who receive it means reducing viscosity. Visan is therefore contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension or atherosclerosis.
  2. Consistency month. Hormone alters vaginal discharge and menstruation. Endometrium develops unevenly, hence blood clots. But this effect is only allowed in the first few months of therapy.
  3. Neoplasms. The presence of cysts often provoke severe bleeding, which against the backdrop of dienogest can cause anemia and become the main cause of worsening of endometriosis.

Also, adverse events from tablets amplified by:

  • vasodilation of the large quantities of alcohol;
  • problems with the digestive organs.

It is very important from the presence of disturbances consult a gynecologist to stop treatment and undergo further diagnosis.

Menstruation after the abolition of Visan

When the month should come after Visan, it depends on the following factors:

  1. The individual characteristics of the organism.
  2. The duration of the treatment course.
  3. Standing body to use tablets.

Upon receiving Visan restore normal cycle hardest women who have undergone laparoscopy (removal of cysts, endometriosis). In the initial stages of the pathological proliferation of the mucosal layer of the uterus menstruation after laparoscopy They come in 2 months. But sometimes the body needs a little more time to restore reproductive system.

In the first month

Month after the lifting of Visan in rare cases begin immediately or within a week after taking the last tablet. This does not mean a quick recovery of the body, and indicates a possible recurrence of endometriosis and other problems with hormonal.

But do not worry, and it is better to pay attention to the nature of the blood and sensation. Severe abdominal pain, profuse discharge immediately after the termination of the course - is an occasion to go to the hospital for more information from the attending physician.

Delay of menstruation

If you do not start, it is important to eliminate stress and anxiety after the third or fourth menstrual cycle menstruation. Because of these two factors, even in completely healthy women do not occur monthly bleeding. Further, it is possible to suspect that changes in hormonal balance were too severe.

For accurate diagnosis and determine the reason why menstruation has not come, the doctor appoints analyzes on hormones (study what day of the cycle to be tested for hormones). According to most reviews monthly advance after Visan became possible after the appointment of oral contraceptives, which restored the normal growth of the endometrium. The drug is not only struggling with foci of disease, but also makes the endometrium is very dense, and this structure prevents the disease to progress.

If there is a delay, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy by a test or a blood test. Visan is not used as a contraceptive, although it inhibits the maturation of the follicle. Therefore, it is likely that menstruation did not come because of fertilization. To get pregnant can be both during treatment and during the months when there is no menses.

bleeding patterns

According to how to begin monthly, we can only roughly estimate the condition of the body. The following emphases are marked in many situations:

  1. Abundant. They are the norm, because as soon as the repeal drug suppression of estradiol stops. The endometrium is booming and rejects tissue more. But it can also indicate the period of renewal of the disease foci.
  2. Scarce. It does not constitute a violation, when caused by the gradual recovery of the reproductive system. But also often identify a lack of hormones in the female body.
  3. Daub. It requires examination, even in the first months after the last pill. Doctors may find a lack of hormones, the reproductive system problems.

All questions regarding admission Visan need to ask the doctor. Only a specialist is able to give an explanation of all the ongoing processes in the body. Make a self-diagnosis a woman is not able to. Menses during and after dosing the surfactant demonstrate the success of treatment, and to accurately track changes only after ultrasound ovary and endometrium.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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