Monthly while taking Jess: after the abolition of no periods, plus a monthly drink Jess does not end


  1. Changes in the body under the influence OK
  2. When waiting for the beginning of a first period of reception Jess
  3. How come menstruation with Jess
  4. If menses come too soon
  5. If the selection does not end
  6. If there was a delay
  7. Why not monthly
  8. Month after the lifting of Jess
  9. When I finished packing
  10. Anytime
  11. When will go after the abolition of monthly Jess Plus
  12. When should you visit a gynecologist
  13. The planned postponement of menstruation using Jess

Hormonal contraceptives affect a woman's body, making changes in the menstrual cycle. How are monthly while taking Jess? What highlight are the norm, and which show a negative reaction to contraception? What to do when there is no menstruation, and whether in such a situation to see a doctor? Answers to these questions are given below.

Monthly while taking Jess

Changes in the body under the influence OK

The main task of the drug - is prevention of unwanted pregnancies.

Birth control pills in this area have the following effects:

  1. Effects on the ovaries, followed by suppression of ovulation.
  2. Effect on sexual mucus to impede the movement of male cells.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Changing the development process of the endometrium to prevent the fixing of the ovum.

If the thickening of vaginal fluid does not affect menstruation, then the rest of influence affects the critical days. Changes in ovarian provoke quite another monthly. The same applies to the process of rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. Therefore, not only the series, but the bleeding may take place unusual.

When waiting for the beginning of a first period of reception Jess

Jess is necessary to drink the first day of menstruation on one tablet. Menses while taking contraceptive pills come to the end of the package, that is, after the end of pacifiers. Such pills in a blister pack of four, the others are active.

If a woman stay on schedule and in time started to drink pills "placebo", the month should begin a few days after taking inactive pills. The maximum permissible deviation - from two to four days.

Against the background of oral contraceptives menstruation is called withdrawal bleeding.

rejection of the endometrium starts only on lower level acting hormones. To this end, and provided in a blister pacifier.

How come menstruation with Jess

In most cases, Jess is meager monthly allocation at the end. The reduced amount of blood triggered by the following factors:

  1. Ovaries. Under the influence of contraceptive female reproductive organs is no longer produce hormones in the same amounts. The active components of the preparation inhibit ovarian function, causing a change in the character selections.
  2. The mucous membrane of the uterus. Prior contraceptives endometrium about midcycle thickens and becomes porous. Under the action of Jess to rejection process mucosa is not formed until the end, and therefore are not abundant menstruation.

And often modified the color monthly while taking advantage Jess. They turn brown due to increased blood viscosity, faster folding and oxidation of menstruation.

Learn about other the reasons for the scarce menstruation in womenBy clicking on the link on one of our articles.

If menses come too soon

Most often, women confuse intermenstrual bleeding with menstruation. They are not dangerous in the first 2-3 months of therapy and may last 2 weeks. Disappear after adaptation to changes in hormonal background, and can move smoothly in menstruation.

A large number of discharge points to breakthrough bleeding. It can occur due to the following factors:

  1. Idiosyncrasy means.
  2. Too low dose of hormones.
  3. Gynecological ovarian disease, endometriosis, the presence of tumors.
  4. Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  5. Abrupt withdrawal rate.
  6. Skipping pills.
  7. Taking antibiotics.
  8. Excessive use of anti-depressants.
  9. Problem absorption formulation components (vomiting, diarrhea during menstruation);
  10. Treatment of folk medicine based on St. John's wort.
  11. The presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Women need to remember that monthly during the active tablets in the first three cycles after the first tablet is no threat to health. Removal of the drug is not needed, so you should continue to drink the pills in the usual way.

After the completion of adaptation period to Jess any spotting or monthly before time must be discussed with the gynecologist. Specialist order tests or advise replace OK.

If the selection does not end

Often you can meet women's complaints on the forums on the Internet: "... drink plus and Jess monthly go for 10 days, what to do…”. It is another tolerance when taking contraceptive.

In a standard situation menstrual bleeding lasts from two to five days. After this time, often begin with the blood separation. They have no relation to the month, speaking a sign of adaptive period.

Prolonged menstruation, after receiving multiple cycles are considered a violation and require a serious diagnosis. Will help solve the problem of replacement of an oral contraceptive. If the doctor has found abnormalities in the reproductive organs, the use of contraceptives is terminated and following treatment.

If there was a delay

It is possible that a woman can get pregnant. Conception happens during the course uncommon, but they can not be discounted. The woman could disrupt instruction skipping a pill. Still plays an important role the factors that reduce the effectiveness of birth control:

  1. Varying the reception.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea).
  3. Acceptance of other drugs.

When the delay is necessary to make a home test or a blood test at the antenatal clinic.

Jess well prepares the body for pregnancy. Its content includes components in the form of folate that are necessary for normal fetal development.

Medical field does not exclude the one-time delay, if it was observed before therapy. They can be caused by stress or adverse external influences.

In order not to aggravate the situation, the girls should be:

  • start a new pack on schedule;
  • eliminate gaps pills;
  • time to drink a placebo.

If in the second cycle after the last menstrual period of white-colored pills do not appear, you need to see a specialist. The woman should tell the doctor when she started taking pills, and how the body reacted to it.

Why not monthly

When receiving Jess monthly delay may be caused by:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • premenopause;
  • long reception OK;
  • problems in the endocrine system;
  • improper functioning of the ovaries.

you can not leave a long period of absence of menstruation unattended at any age. Only a medical examination can accurately determine the cause and help you find an appropriate solution.

Often the delay is caused by factors not related with Jess:

  1. Physical stress.
  2. Stress and emotional exhaustion.
  3. Colds.
  4. Climate Change.
  5. Hard diet.
  6. Lack of vitamins.
  7. Bad habits.

In such situations, the endometrium will be rejected in the conventional mode only after the elimination of the root causes and improve lifestyle.

Month after the lifting of Jess

Every body reacts differently to stop the use of birth control pills. If you cancel Jess the following situations:

  • cycle without change;
  • copious;
  • scanty menses;
  • delay.

And also it has the effect that, how was the cessation of contraception. There are two options to cancel a course:

When I finished packing

If cancellation Jess took the last tablet, it is virtually no risk of side effects cancel. Also it increases the chances of a quick recovery of the body and the normal operation of the ovaries in the next cycle.


When the woman abruptly stopped taking the pills, it is imperative to monitor the state of health. Dramatically throwing the drug doctors do not recommend because of an unexpected reaction on the part of the reproductive system.

In the first case, the percentage of rapid onset of menstruation increases. And if the woman snapped, the delays are more common.

When will go after the abolition of monthly Jess Plus

Month after canceling OK We should come in a few months. Hormones under ideal conditions, is expected to recover quickly. Experience is not necessary, if not monthly, after the abolition of Jess in the first cycle.

The slight deviation on the background of the woman's age (over 35 years) and long-term use of pills. In these cases, the recovery of the body may need from six months to twelve months.

When should you visit a gynecologist

You should always consult your doctor if the month did not start at the beginning of the next cycle after the first delay. In most situations, it says a long recovery, but we can not exclude pathology.

You have to understand that the old problems with menstruation often return after Jess. If prior to taking tablets cycle is not different regularity, even after the abolition of the situation could be repeated. In this case, gynecologists allow a delay of 30 to 60 days.

The planned postponement of menstruation using Jess

Sometimes women are interested in how to use the Jes delay periods. This can be done, but should not be abused by. To delay the call must take pink pills continuously. From taking inactive pills have to give.

But we must prepare for the fact that the allocation of scarce blood smearing the character may appear in the middle of the cycle. Contraceptive effect of such a scheme does not depend.

To resort to this method is only advisable if a woman consumes Jess two months and more.

Oral contraceptives with low-dose hormones are considered the safest. A woman can only take pills correctly and promptly respond to changes in the cycle. Absence of menstrual periods and vaginal bleeding are not dangerous when the body's adaptation. Any deviation outside of this period should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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