Bay leaf monthly for at delay


  1. properties lavrushki
  2. When it is helping plant
  3. When not to use
  4. Contraindications
  5. How to use the tincture
  6. Recipes at delay
  7. recipe №1
  8. recipe №2
  9. recipe №3
  10. How many will go to menstruation
  11. Reviews of bay leaf for the normalization of menstruation

Traditional medicine is not absolutely safe method of treatment. Therefore, every woman should know how to properly use a bay leaf for the month, and in which cases is the use of plants.

Bay leaf to call monthly

properties lavrushki

Bay leaf has a very rich and useful composition, including essential oils. A large number of trace elements and vitamins have a positive effect even in normal use of laurel in food.

Most attention attracted following:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • improve immune function;
  • cleansing of toxins;
  • normalization of the gallbladder;
  • positive effect on the digestive tract;
  • calming effect;
  • a decrease in blood sugar;
  • improvement of uterine contractions.

Infusion of laurel to the monthly benefit shall be integrated. Means affects not only the reproductive system, but also other factors that affect the condition of the monthly cycle.

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Read also about the applying Vitamin E to stabilize the menstrual cycleBy clicking on the link.

When it is helping plant

With leafs not cause monthly obtained in each situation. Broths are effective only at a delay no more than 10 days. Violation of the cycle and easy hormonal failure can cause the following reasons:

  1. Overwork. Large exercise a negative impact on women's health. The same effect has work in hazardous environments, sleep deprivation.
  2. Stress. The menstrual cycle has the effect of not only the ratio of the hormones in the body, but also the state of the central nervous system. And if harsh experiences provoke copious blood loss during the critical days, the systematic stress causes a delay in the next month.
  3. Climate Change. Woman needs time to adapt to the new environment. Until that happens, it is likely absence of menstrual periods, increased PMS symptoms, as well as the change of the cycle.
  4. weight fluctuations. Any sudden changes in body weight are stressful to the body. Weight loss causes a lack of hormones and an increase in adipose tissue interferes with the entire reproductive system. This is especially true of the ovaries and the uterus, which are responsible for the proper and timely start of critical days.
  5. Hormonal surges. Traditional methods can eliminate only those faults that were caused by a slight external or internal influence.

These factors, due to which the delayed menstruation, do not require serious medical treatment. Therefore, with the right approach to remove various infusions and decoctions based lavrushki at home.

Find out, both induce menses ascorbic acid Article link.

When not to use

Any folk remedy would be useless if a woman menstruation following reason:

  • endocrine disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • formation cycle in young girls;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • and fungal infectious disease;
  • benign and malignant tumors in pelvis;
  • postpartum recovery;
  • the consequences of abortion;
  • administration of drugs affecting the cycle;
  • pathological changes of endometrial cancer.

In these cases, a more serious and systematic treatment. Traditional recipes can be used as adjunctive therapy, but after doctor's permission. Otherwise, they can provoke unpleasant consequences in terms of sexual health.


Application leafs to call monthly highly undesirable in the following cases:

  • suspected pregnancy;
  • the first 2 years of menstruation;
  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (frequent constipation);
  • allergic to lavrushku;
  • not established the cause of amenorrhea.

The use of sheets of the plant in all of these situations, it may aggravate the condition of the reproductive system, as well as adversely affect the work of other bodies.

Also known effect onion peel to normalize monthly. Recipes infusions and decoctions and peel look on our website.

How to use the tincture

Treatment to be as effective as possible, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. A woman should make sure that the shelf life is not over yet.
  2. It is always best to use a new stack or store the remains of plants in dry conditions.
  3. Decoctions suitable for filtered or melt water, and from the liquid to the tap should be abandoned.
  4. Do not disturb the preparation of the formulation or greatly increase the concentration of the broth.
  5. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in the morning ready means.
  6. It is to abandon the frequent use of strong decoction (not earlier than in one cycle).
  7. In order to avoid the negative consequences of not recommended to drink herbal teas for more than two days.

Recommended rules not only eliminates useless treatment, but also to protect women from the negative effects of folk therapy.

Recipes at delay

There are several variants of broths from leafs to call menses. There are no clear regulations to whom a prescription is better suited. Therefore, a woman should independently determine the suitable method of brewing.

recipe №1


  • 10 g of leafs;
  • 500 ml of purified water.

It is necessary to fill the plant with water and bring to a boil over low heat. An hour later, you need to close the lid and let the broth cool yourself. It means you can filter or wait until the cake has settled. This method involves the use of 1 cup of broth, and then have to start menstruation.

recipe №2


  • several sheets lavrushki (3 large and 5-6 small);
  • 1 cup boiling water.

To get started is to add water the leaves, and then boil for an hour. Eat more appropriate means to heat rather than cold. 2 more times in the same procedure can be repeated daily for best results. If menstruation did not go, then drink the broth the next day anymore.

recipe №3


  • 400 ml of water;
  • 10 g lavrushki.

Put the bay leaf in a pot on the fire and wait for boiling. After that, the broth simmer cook for 4-5 minutes without a lid. The mixture is then steeped for about five hours. It is advisable to drink in small sips throughout the day.

Exactly how to take the bay leaf, it is better to decide, based on their capabilities. If a woman can not be a day to drink a decoction of the throat, then it is better to give preference to the recipe, which is faster than can be consumed early in the morning.

Find out what are the medical preparations at a delay of menstruation Article link.

How many will go to menstruation

In most cases, menstruation begins quickly, the next day or a few days. Bleeding patterns should resemble the previous cycle. If a woman's first day begins with spotting, even after treatment, the situation remains the same. In rare cases, after the delay observed heavy bleeding. If the discharge of blood exceeds the norm, it is necessary to go to the hospital.

The deviation of a few days, but if menstruation no more than 5 days, then re-tool can not drink. Most often the problem lies in infectious diseases and functional disorders. And all this is already treated by conventional methods under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Reviews of bay leaf for the normalization of menstruation

To evaluate the effect of the plant, relying on reviews of women difficult. Many of the fair sex violate the dose or try to cure people's means serious violations, the existence of which they are unaware.

Comment Marina, 40 years old: "I do not like to go to the hospital, so I use tested grandmother's recipes. Delay I have a few times a year. Enough to drink a glass of means bleeding begins with the bay leaf and the next day. "

CommentLarissa, city Kiev: "I Was surprised that it was the doctor advised to call the laurel sheets monthly. She said that to blame my trip, after which the body has not yet recovered. Critical days began two days after the procedure. But I recommend longer cooking means. "

Comment Anna, 30 years old: "I have had time to write many negative reviews about the laurel leaf during the delay. Now I want to apologize because I have recently been diagnosed with a problem in the ovaries. It is clear that no traditional medicine in my case would not help. But I would like to advise everyone to go to the hospital immediately and take the survey. It is better to prevent a violation than to a long and painful to treat him. "

Reviews of bay leaf at a delay of menstruation does not give an accurate picture of the effectiveness of treatment. Women can use traditional recipes, but only in the absence of serious diseases of the reproductive system. Also, be aware that described in the article recipes can give short-term effect without addressing the root causes of violations of the cycle. Upon detection of violations is better to go to a medical facility and to discuss the problem with your doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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