After Postinor no monthly: a delay when the need to go monthly


  1. Release form and function
  2. levonorgestrel
  3. hormone action
  4. How to apply postinor
  5. As postinor affects the monthly
  6. No monthly after Postinor
  7. Hormonal disorders
  8. Exposure to the active ingredient of the drug in blood coagulability
  9. Incompatible drugs consumed together with postinor
  10. The presence of the patient's excess weight
  11. Combining receiving Postinor alcohol
  12. Inflammatory processes in the uterus
  13. Pregnancy
  14. idiosyncrasy
  15. Contraindications
  16. Tolerances in the menstrual cycle

When pregnancy is not included in the plans, but had unprotected intercourse (PPA), women resort to emergency contraception drugs - such as postinor. However, the guaranteed "protection" against unwanted fertilization can not provide any one of the means of contraception. What if Postinor month after receiving absent for a long time? How many can take the delay caused by the influence of the active ingredients in the body, and how soon will come the critical days? Let's look at this together, drawing on the views of practitioners and gynecologists.

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Month after Postinor

Release form and function

Based on the pharmaceutical characteristics postinor - means for emergency contraception oral designed specifically for preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first 72 hours after PPA.

Means produced in the form of two white tablets coated with a protective sheath. In most cases, a means to acquire emergency contraception without a prescription.

What has a contraceptive effect on the body, providing an instant "sterility"? To answer this question let's look at the chemical composition of the drug.


The main active components of emergency contraceptive postinor - artificial hormone levonorgestrel. This material is a synthetic analogue of steroid hormones female wearing generalizing name "progestogens".

Produced in large doses, these compounds are capable of blocking the process of ovulation, and thus prevent pregnancy.

This artificially synthesized hormone is widely used in all kinds of oral contraception. Dosage varies solely to be included in the chemical formula of a medicament.

Such popularity among 19-norsteroidov levonorgestrel was due to 100% bioavailability. Preparations on the basis of a synthetic hormone, falling into the gastrointestinal tract, are absorbed completely, and thus, active ingredients penetrate into the bloodstream in full, ensuring maximum exposure kontratseptiruyuschee within 1.5-2 hours after taking capsules.

It is thanks to this property, postinor pills are considered the best in the segment of emergency contraception.

In addition to 750 mg of levonorgestrel, based on the pharmacological "history" of tablets, they contain silica, magnesium stearate, potato starch, corn starch, talc and monohydrate lactose.

hormone action

The active substance of this tool - levonorgestrel, not only immediately blocks ovulation. Synthetic hormone causes systemic changes in the endometrium of the reproductive organs, causing the impossibility of attaching the already fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

When receiving the tablets after several hours of unprotected intercourse, and changes the nature of mucus in the cervix. The liquid becomes more dense and viscous, preventing movement of sperm.

Such an impact not only prevents the onset of a possible pregnancy, but also deals a powerful blow to the work of all the organs of the reproductive system.

Based on reviews from the majority of women have tried pills for yourself, there is a delay menstruation after drinking Postinor.

How to apply postinor

Based on the instructions, take a tablet in the amount of two pieces at once. Between meals capsules should be a time interval constituting 12 hours.

This drug emergency contraception ensures positive after the first pill in 95% of cases. It is worth noting that the maximum postcoital effect can be achieved in the first days after the NPA. Clinical trials have shown that the use of Postinor 48 hours after having sex without protection reduces the efficiency to 85%. Obstacle to pregnancy 72 hours after sexual intercourse without using contraception reduces the "positive interest" up to 58%.

The earlier a woman took the drug, the higher the percentage of absence of pregnancy.

Doctors do not recommend very often resort to using emergency contraceptive pills. Such an impact can cause serious injury to the body of women and lead to irreversible consequences!

As postinor affects the monthly

Postcoital a strong impact not only blocks the possibility of pregnancy, but also has an impact on all the hormonal and reproductive system. One of the tangible consequences dosing is displacement slots critical days and transformation qualitative characteristics rejects bleeding.

On the basis of statistical data obtained in the course of clinical trials, and by analyzing the thematic forums and women can experience conclude that in most cases the critical days after receiving Postinor come for 2-5 hours after the girl took second tablet.

It is worth noting that the quality and quantity of rejects at the time of liquid may not reflect the usual month. Depending on the individual representatives of the weaker sex, blood clots can be epithelial and plentiful and anointing, barely noticeable character.

Women celebrate the presence of the dense dark clots in the consistency of rejects after receiving Postinor mucus. Such changes are physiological reactions to levonorgestrel and showed no pregnancy.

No monthly after Postinor

Distributed cases when after receiving Postinor cycle is not recovered for a long time delay and female monitors monthly. The first thing a woman thinks - the possibility of the lack of action of the drug.

Wholly prevent conception, the drug is not guaranteed, and 5% of women still pregnant, so in the absence of monthly 7 days or more, it is necessary to conduct a home test.

But as evidenced by the long delay after the use of emergency contraception on the background of a negative pregnancy test? The reasons for this phenomenon may be a few and almost all of them lie in the plane of the sexual malfunction bodies of the fair sex, or hormonal disorders due to exposure levonorgestrel. Consider the most common causes of prolonged absence of menstruation for a negative pregnancy test:

Hormonal disorders

This is the most common cause of long-term delay monthly when taking contraceptive pills Postinor. The synthetic hormone levonorgestrel prevents ovulation not only offensive, but also has a strong effect on the endocrine system of women. Distributed cases in which menstruation is not returned to the usual frequency for 3 or 4 months. Such a phenomenon requires treatment with hormone therapy. When the diagnosis at such symptoms should immediately consult a specialist!

Exposure to the active ingredient of the drug in blood coagulability

In this case, after receiving Postinor cycle undergoes time-critical changes. It transformed the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the fluid rejects. Menarche after consuming a drug it has meager nature and dark, bloody-saturated color. This reaction is a physiological and should not cause concern.

Incompatible drugs consumed together with postinor

There are a number of preparations, the chemical composition of which, to a large extent reduces the ability to block ovulation levonorgestrel. Here is a brief list of these medicines:

  • drugs used in the treatment of HIV infections;
  • medicines for stomach ulcer;
  • TB drugs;
  • drugs used in the treatment or relief of epilepsy;
  • antibiotics;
  • homeopathic tinctures and decoctions based on St. John's wort.

The presence of the patient's excess weight

Women with overweight should be consulted before using Postinor a gynecologist for further dosage required to block a possible attack pregnancy.

Combining receiving Postinor alcohol

Alcohol is completely neutralizes the effect of the synthetic hormone, levonorgestrel. Combining the use of emergency contraception and the use of alcoholic beverages not only have a negative impact on the expected result, but can trigger upon receiving Postinor abundant menstruation, which can go in bleeding.

Inflammatory processes in the uterus

Postinor can enhance the negative symptoms of such diseases:

  • coleitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • Endometritis.

The most common consequence of these inflammatory diseases are disruptions in the periodicity of the menstrual cycle.


Ironically, a negative test can be a cause of delay and pregnancy. Home test with low sensitivity may show false negative result. To establish the presence of conception exactly should take a blood test for levels of hCG.


Ignoring individual intolerance or contraindications, described in the instructions to the drug, capable of causing great harm to the health of women. Among other things, the impact of such a negative effect on the menstrual cycle.


To reduce the risks when taking emergency contraceptive drug should take into account the individual characteristics of the organism in which the use of Postinor absolutely contraindicated. Consider contraindications list specified in the instructions.

Age. It is not recommended the use of medication to persons under 16 years of age. During menopause and menopause before postinor drink, you should consult your gynecologist!

Pregnancy. The use of contraceptives in early pregnancy is not only dangerous to the fetus, but also for women. Impact tools substances can provoke miscarriage, accompanied by heavy bleeding or cause abnormal fetal development.

Lactation. Postinor Components have full bioavailability, t. E. enter the bloodstream, and therefore in the milk feeding, in full. Levonorgestrel impact on infants is not fully understood and may cause the body crumbs irreversible.

Hypersensitivity of drug components.

A history of genetic diseases:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • Lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Only after consultation with the attending gynecologist woman postinor be taken in cases of:

  1. Transferred during the life of jaundice
  2. Menses. Postinor during menstruation can cause heavy bleeding that threaten life and health of the woman. Especially if need dosing coincided with the beginning of the critical days.
  3. Irregularities in the biliary tract.
  4. Presence of chronic liver disease.
  5. Crohn's disease.

Tolerances in the menstrual cycle

Most of the women taking the drug, wondering when to wait month after Postinor. Experts say that the tolerances in the cyclical menstruation is 10-14 days.The lack of critical days for a period of more than 2 weeks should cause concern for the fair sex.

This delay may be indicative not only of the ensuing as a result of improper or untimely reception preparation of pregnancy, but also diseases of the reproductive system that emerged in patients receiving the drug on the basis of levonorgestrel.

In most cases, gynecologists give direction to the general analysis of urine and blood, and through studies of the reproductive system and pelvic sonography. Such a list of surveys will help to establish the presence of pathological processes that have emerged as a complication of effects of levonorgestrel, and the answer to the question whether she is pregnant, recently host facility emergency contraception.

In cases of violations in the endocrine system, the therapist may recommend a visit to an endocrinologist and treatment by a hormone that helps to restore the loop.

Remember that after receiving Postinor are irregular periods and may change their qualitative characteristics! It may be noted appearance meager monthly. Before you drink a drug, you should consult with an expert!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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