Monastic tea true or divorce


  1. Structure
  2. Monastic tea smoking
  3. antiparasitic tea
  4. Tea for combating osteochondrosis
  5. gastric tea
  6. with hypertension
  7. slimming
  8. pancreatitis
  9. Monastic tea for thyroid
  10. when menopause
  11. Indications and contraindications to the use of the monastery of tea
  12. Contraindications
  13. The opinion of the doctor
  14. Cooking method
  15. Is it possible to make such a self-infusion?
  16. Positive and negative feedback about the monastery tea

From time immemorial our ancestors trusted the health of Mother Nature, accumulating and Cherishing knowledge about the miraculous healing power and its fruits. As a hi from the distant past came to us a storehouse of folk wisdom lekarskoy - Monastic tea. What is it? What is its uniqueness? Truth or myth of the miracle is its amazing properties? Let's try to respond gradually to urgent questions.

Monastic tea

Buy medical herbal tea can be on official website:

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Monastic tea - a kind of herbal components which are carefully selected and tested medicinal properties for centuries. His long struggle with various illnesses product began in 1890 in St. - Elizabethan monastery. As the story goes, unique prescription formulas were created holy elder - father George hermit based knowledge in the world, professor of medicine. Initially, herbal infusions served to maintain the strength and cure diseases of the brethren who lived in the monastery. But, thanks to the amazing properties, the fame of herbal healer scattered far beyond the sacred walls. And now drink is the guardian of the health and longevity of each who will resort to his aid.

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The product is not a panacea, because the medicinal properties are not concentrated in a single preparation. Salubrious effect has a set of herbs from various ailments, clothed in the usual form of tea and the naming of the place of their creation. Tea, composed of all natural and affects on the human body at the cellular level, successfully It is struggling not only with the body lesions, but with a broken heart, helping to discourage habits as soon as time.

Drug composition depends on the disease, which is directed to healing effect.

Consider the most popular monastic herbal teas.

Monastic tea smoking

The habit to smoke is not only physiological, but also psychological dependency. And how comprehensively the impact of habits on the body at the same rate and inclusive should be its elimination. The composition of tea includes anti-smoking grass for insides and for the soul:

  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • lime root;
  • barberry.

Tea monastery smoking helps cleanse the body, beneficial effect on the nervous system, allowing you to eliminate the most common, stress, cause addiction.

Buy tea from smoking

antiparasitic tea

Monastery types of tea: customer reviewsHerbs that are part of, is having a devastating effect on the protozoa that attack the intestinal tract: tapeworms, Chlamydia, Giardia. Due to the unique properties of the drug, due to the possible complementarity of components, tea helps to get rid of intoxication provoked by the vital activity of parasites. Herbal healer ensure the destruction, removal of "invaders" and will help the development of the microflora, preventing reinfection. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of:

  • oak bark;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile;
  • wormwood;
  • marigold;
  • sage;
  • yarrow.

Using this tool is possible in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Monastic therapeutic and prophylactic tea from parasites - a very present help in the fight against the cause and elimination of consequences of the invasion of worms and protozoa.

Buy antiparasitic tea

Tea for combating osteochondrosis

Achieving additional therapeutic effect to strengthen the spine and regeneration of bone and muscle tissue is possible by combining the following medicinal herbs:

  • oregano;
  • dandelion;
  • pine buds;
  • cranberries;
  • burdock root.

The interaction of the active components in herbs, helps to reduce swelling of the limbs and get rid of the debilitating pain. Natural composition acts directly on the immune system, increasing resistance to inflammation.

Buy tea from osteochondrosis

gastric tea

Tea for stomachThe unique combination of herbal ingredients can be used as an herb for the effects on symptoms problems in the area of ​​the stomach (heartburn, colic, diarrhea), and cure the cause of the disorder: a violation of microflora bowel. The therapeutic effect is provided by the presence of:

  • mint;
  • granulated corn flax;
  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • cudweed;
  • horsetail.

Gastric monastery tea - an indispensable tool for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Buy tea for stomach

with hypertension

Hypertension has long gone from the category of age-related diseases. This ailment is now young and old attacks. The systematic use of Monastery of tea not only will reduce the pressure, but also a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. rose hips and hawthorn flowers, are part of strengthen blood vessel walls, and elecampane root and chokeberry leaves help to significantly improve the quality of blood characteristics.

Monastic tea hypertension can truly be considered a "first aid" for the entire cardiovascular system. Healing body was sick, herbs and actively fighting with concomitant diseases, stabilizing pressure. herbalists also recommend the use of this tool in the fight against vascular dystonia.

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Slimming TeaIn an effort to lose weight, women mercilessly fights not with the causes and consequences of a problem - obesity. Rigid diets and exhausting sport bring short-term results and a lot of additional problems caused by the depletion of the body's vitamin.

Means by its member curative and restorative herbs, has a mild, but effective impact in the fight against excess weight. Regular use of infusion helps accelerate the metabolism and excretion of the active moisture.

Pleasant taste and after appearing haggard feeling of fullness, allowing you to easily switch to a fractional power mode. Herbal drink will not only help to eliminate the problem at the cellular level, but also have a beneficial effect on the body due to the presence of:

  • herb senna;
  • black currant leaves;
  • wild rose;
  • birch leaves;
  • linden.

Monastic slimming tea - a comprehensive attack on the problem of excess weight.

Buy slimming tea


Represents an ideal balance of herbs, gently envelop the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Careful exposure to create fertile soil for the revival and maintenance of intestinal microflora, which will allow to forget about cutting pains in the abdomen, cramps and flatulence. The combination of herbs has a beneficial, cleansing effect on the liver.

Monastic therapeutic tea with pancreatitis - "ambulance" power of herbs.

Buy tea from pancreatitis

Monastic tea for thyroid

Cup of teaThyroid disease, provoking negative changes in the hormonal background, a detrimental effect on the state of the whole organism. That is why it is important to constantly have on thyroid supporting, strengthening effect. Course periodic use of Monastery of tea for the thyroid gland will help to stabilize the amount of iodine in the body. Together with a positive effect on the overall hormonal balance, such a result will help to achieve a significant reduction, but it happens, and the complete elimination of thyroid nodes. The "thyroid medicine cabinet" monastic series includes:

  • black chokeberry;
  • herb hawthorn
  • grass cocklebur;
  • motherwort;
  • herb St. John's wort.
Buy Tea for thyroid

when menopause

Climax is not just a period in a woman's life, but the real test for the physical and psychological health. medicinal tea components are selected in such a way as to support the woman's body and give a boost to start a new turn. Impact of thyme, motherwort, sage and stevia will support the normal condition of the skin, prevent hair loss, prevent jumps in blood pressure, eliminate excessive sweating, and to cope with possible apathy.

Buy tea for menopause

Indications and contraindications to the use of the monastery of tea

Depending on the components included in the composition, the medicament drug successfully combats whole range of diseases, such as:

  1. Prostatitis.
  2. Psoriasis.
  3. Diabetes (reduces the risk of diabetic coma).
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, heart failure, hypertension).
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and gastoendenity parkreatity, colitis).
  7. Liver and kidneys.
  8. Allergies of various nature.
  9. It helps to cure female infertility.
  10. Hyperhidrosis.
  11. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.
  12. It is an indispensable tool in the fight against alcoholism.
  13. It helps to overcome the pernicious craving for smoking.
  14. It has an antiparasitic effect.
  15. Is indispensable in the fight against gynecological ailments (hormonal menstrual irregularities and instability background during menopause, fibroids, yeast infection, candidiasis, herpes, breast, menopause, inflammatory lesions uterus).
  16. Long-term use of herbal possesses antitumor effect.
  17. It helps to reduce the acidity of the digestive tract.
  18. It has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
  19. Regular consumption of tea prevents diseases of the duodenum.
  20. It reduces the risk of hypertensive crisis.
  21. It acts as an immunomodulator in the fight against tumors.
  22. Improves the functioning of the digestive system and pancreas.
  23. Successfully prevents liver failure.
  24. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves somatic pain, including the so-called menopause.
  25. The constant use of Monastery of tea has beneficial effects on the skin. Healing the body from the inside, and eliminates disease symptoms: acne, acne scarring of the skin.
  26. It has beneficial effects on the joints.
  27. It helps to cope with a cough of different etymology.
  28. It has an overall cleansing and revitalizing effect on the body.


Despite the many advantages, the use of Monastery is highly recommended not for everyone. Besides individual intolerance herbal components, the use of medicinal infusions has a range of basic contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Children up to 12 years.

The opinion of the doctor

Elena Malysheva said many times in his transfer of the undisputed benefits of herbal medicine as an adjunct in the treatment of many diseases. The presence in the herbal preparations essential amino acids that provide both point and general immunomodulatory effects on the body.

Many components of herbal medicines have no chemical analogues, and a wide range of useful properties include anti-cancer effects, helping to how to prevent cancer development, and become an indispensable tool in the fight against cancer.

Elena Malysheva of the monastic tea mentioned in the context of therapy aimed at restoring organism and preventing various types of inflammations, from pneumonia and ending candidal phenomena.


Cooking method

Most often, the plant collections made "cook" in the boiling water for 20 minutes. This method is deadly for many useful substances in herbs structure. The detailed instructions for use included with each species infusions are described in detail not only the method of exposure, but also a description of how to brew the infusion. Here is a brief excerpt:

  1. To make Monastic medical tea, it is recommended to use a glass bowl. In contact with the plastic or metal elements, amino acids can react.
  2. The manufacturer recommends following proportions: 2 tablespoons sublimed placer 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Infuse tea manufacturer advises for 20 minutes, avoiding sunlight.
  4. The resulting broth is used as tea leaves for 24 hours and taken about 3 times a day depending on the spectrum of natural drug.

Properly brewed, regularly use healing balm brings the expected results, in the form of a significant improvement in health, after the first application of the course. The duration of use is highly recommended to adjust the old under the supervision of a physician.

Is it possible to make such a self-infusion?

Designed to cure many diseases, tea not only needs proper preparation, but in certain conditions of herbs harvesting. Exclusively collected at a certain time, and dried on a particular technology, herbal ingredients are transformed into a real "wellness bomb" for the body. Yes, and calculate the exact proportion is extremely difficult in the home, and the deviation from the formula of healing even per gram could lead to unpredictable results.

Why create additional difficulties themselves, if monastic herbal tea in an already finished version sold in the online store of the official supplier.

Order therapeutic agent can be from any part of the country, because the delivery is carried out on the territory of Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as in all regions of the country. On the site the buyer can get acquainted with the terms of passing the shares and bonus offers.

Cost Monastery of tea depends on the spectrum. On average, the price will be from 600 to 2000 rubles.

The original monastic tea is not sold in pharmacies, and available to buy exclusively from the official supplier!

The miraculous properties of the product generate a lot of debate on whether they are real or just another deception. Let's try to sort this out, based on the reviews, in a variety presented on the discussion forums.

Positive and negative feedback about the monastery tea

poorly Fedor Z., city Mytishchi: "I bought the gulls to overcome the plague. He drank, drank, drank, and illness as he was, and remained. Only to him more and headaches diarrhea were added. Do not waste your money, this is not a panacea, and another marketing lie. "

poorly Oksana Ch r. Barnaul: "Recently I was diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the uterus, often open bleeding. I ordered tea monastery as a maintenance therapy. What can I say... prop two courses. Bleeding stopped, but the inflammation has not yet docked. Upset that this tea comes in a tidy penny. Even I do not know whether I will continue the course, too expensive out. "

GoodSvetlana K., city Tula: "For many years I suffered from kidney failure. It did not help anything. But here is a daughter bought me this tea. Effortless its use is not required, how to prepare and implement detailed instructions. I saw it for several courses and is not something that I, even my doctor was amazed! From the ailment and not a trace! "

Good Alain D. of Vologda: "Tea of ​​the monastery and order a long time instead of the usual drink as an additional support for the immune system. I have a child, I went to school, started to get sick often, the constant terrible cough. We managed to forget about this illness only because tea. Yes, and my husband heart stopped naughty. I recommend to all!"

Good Maria Z., city Moscow: "Due to the busy schedule does not always have time to fine dine. A few years of this rhythm turned to me pain and discomfort in the stomach. Monastic know recommended to drink tea. Long read reviews. According to him difficult to understand the true tea helps or is it another divorce. I decided to try myself and check it out. Based on the composition of realized that the damage can not put tea. I ordered. Now, I consider it necessary to share with people. Time to brew a lot does not go away, the taste is pleasant, and most importantly, the positive effect is obvious! Stomach pain ceased to disturb the immune system and increased - does not hurt SARS more than six months. I will continue to drink. "

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