Chi-Klim: instructions for use, contraindications (reviews)


  1. The use and characteristics of Qi-Klima
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Tsimifuga
  4. Leonurus extract
  5. vitamins
  6. Release forms and methods of using funds
  7. Contraindications and side effects of medications
  8. Analogs Chi-Klim
  9. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

After 45 years of women's body needs special support, as this period was marked extinction of reproductive and sexual function. This is manifested hormonal changes in the body: the female hormones are produced every day in smaller amounts, thereby begin radical changes in all the systems. Disrupted menstrual cycle, there are psycho-emotional disorders, concerned about pain in different parts of body heat is destabilized, suffering cardiovascular system weakens bone and other tissue. But to facilitate the portability of menopause, prolong youth and support the body during this period it is possible and even necessary. To do this, in today's world there are many products in different shapes and backgrounds. Chi-klim

The most effective is hormone replacement therapy, but it is not for everyone because of the wide range of contraindications and side effects. It is not less effective alternative is homeopathy, plant hormones and parapharmaceutics. Recent formulations are dietary supplements in the form of vitamins and other active substances. Though they are more gentle, but enough to effectively carry out their functions in relation to the body, and in conjunction with the phytohormones are irreplaceable antiklimaktericheskimi means. Such preparation is Qi-Clim, instructions for its use and features of which are presented below.

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The use and characteristics of Qi-Klima

Non-hormonal means of Chi-Klim Evalar submitted by the pharmaceutical company, which is currently the largest and most reliable domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements. Supplier positions Chi-Klim as vitamins for women to 45 years, meaning that the drug in the majority of cases assigned and used in the standard period of menopause. But this remedy often use and early menopause (35-40 years), and at a time when Menopause is caused artificially.

The complex of vitamins and minerals contribute to the synthesis of hormones and maintaining a normal body function.

The drug used in these manifestations of menopause, as irritability, mood surges, fatigue, insomnia, apathy, stress that is caused by disorders of mental and emotional background. The tool is also used for headaches, discomfort in the pelvic and lumbar spine, with jumps in blood pressure and other cardiovascular disorders. These and other uncomfortable sensations occur against the background of hormonal balance, which is the main target of the drug Qi-Clim. It not only helps to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of menopauseBut has a prophylactic effect to a number of diseases that afflict the already weakened by the woman's body. Vitamins for women 45+ and Cream Chi-Klim in the complex can rejuvenate the body, which is confirmed by numerous references of doctors and the fairer sex.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

The drug is completely natural origin.


The main active ingredient is an extract of his Tsimifugi that simulates the action of estrogen - the main female hormones. The extract is included in the most antiklimaktericheskih analogues.

The substances of this plant since the time of the Indian tribes, and to this day in different countries are very popular in the fight against menstrual pain and menopausal symptoms. The rhizome extract contains plant hormones - substances that act similar to estrogen. Those. Tsimifuga, getting into the body, acts on estrogen receptors in the brain, as a selective modulator, and thereby stabilize the balance of hormones. As a result - getting back to normal work of thermoregulation center, where false signals stop coming on overtemperature, missing tides, to replace them do not come chills, body temperature remains normal, disappear sudden bouts of shivering and the feeling of "pins and needles in the skin." Also substances Tsimifugi beneficial effect on the receptors of the ovaries and the liver, bone, preventing development of diseases and discomfort sensations. Along with all of this action, the active substance does not act on the endometrium and breast cancer, and unlike hormonal agents do not promote the development of any tumors.

Leonurus extract

This component is a part of Chi-Klim Evalar from due to its sedative action mechanism provides psycho-emotional balance of the system. With it disappear stress, irritability, insomnia, somnolence, neuroses at klimaktreii.


Included in the vitamins and other micronutrients have complex effect a beneficial effect on the metabolism and functioning of all systems of the body, as well as providing the normal synthesis of hormones.


  • compound L-carnitine (L-carnitine) which during menopause deficiency in the body, is responsible for normal metabolism and normal operation of the muscle tissue;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is responsible for the recovery and growth of normal cells of all types of tissue, blood vessels, stimulating immune processes;
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) suppresses excessive decomposition progesterones, whereby supported thermoregulation function, normal blood pressure, muscle tone;
  • vitamin A (retinol) supports the natural water balance mucous membranes without giving manifest vaginal dryness and other uncomfortable sensations; thiamine and riboflavin (vitamin B1 and B2) is reduced and support the work of the nerve cells;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6) provides a balance of glucose;
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) effect on estrogen synthesis of the adrenal glands and maintains normal metabolism;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) It helps the hematopoietic and immune systems; rutin, responsible for density of blood vessels and capillaries with normal blood circulation, supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system at all stages of menopause;
  • selenium, whose action supports the work of all body systems and participates in the normalization of all violations and arresting most of the unpleasant symptoms.

Thus, the Chi-Klim for women from 45 years is ideal, because it contains plant hormones, vitamins and trace elements required by the fair sex at this age.

Release forms and methods of using funds

Manufacturer EVALAR introduced Qi-Clim in two dosage forms: tablets for oral administration and a cream for external use.

Qi-Clim tablets have a weight of 200 mg and produced 60 pieces. packaged. Chi-Klim instruction requires taking it one tablet twice a day with meals. Receives a frame as all biologically active additives, it is important with food for better comprehensibility active substances. Tablets need to drink constantly, at one and the same time (at regular intervals). Since the drug has cumulative effect, then use it should not be less than three months. If you take these pills for six months, you should take a break and consult with a specialist for the purpose of further therapy.

Taking the drug can be as a single agent or in combination with other medicines. The correct use of the scheme can be determined only expert, considering all the features of your body and personality menopause flow.

The cream is recommended to be applied twice a day - morning and evening. The skin should be pre-cleaned, and movement - smooth, light and massage. As a rule, applied to the face, neck, décolleté, hands and other parts of the body where skin elasticity decreased significantly. Already after 10 days of applying the cream visibly improves skin elasticity, wrinkles and evens the complexion.

Both formulations of this tool is recommended to store no more than two years at room temperature.

Contraindications and side effects of medications

Unlike hormonal medicines, Chi-Klim has virtually no contraindications. To those include individual intolerance major plant substances or allergic reaction to vitamins or trace elements contained in the complex. It is not recommended to use the facility during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should also be with extreme caution to treat it in women with estrogen-dependent tumors or suspected of such. In endometriosis, or uterine fibroids do not rule out taking the drug, but the use of it is held under strict medical supervision.

Also, due to the presence of selenium worth pre-treatment prior to consult a doctor for those who have observed violations of the thyroid gland.

Analogs Chi-Klim

Antiklimaktericheskie analogues represented both foreign and domestic manufacturers. They are natural and synthetic composition, hormones and no.
By active agent - Tsimifuge analogs of the tool are presented Estrovelom, Feminalom, Remens. As well as, Klimadinon reviews doctors about which only the positive.

Analogs are presented in a variety of Dietary supplements at menopause: Ladies Formula, Femivell, Femikaps and others.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Reviews of Chi-Klim mostly positive. Among specialists this facility is in great demand, than its analogues. This is due to a small number of contraindications ratio with high efficiency and natural-based drug.

Chi-Klim 45+ is perfect for your audience, helping women to get rid of hot flashes, irritability, stress, insomnia, pain in the genital area, headaches, heart palpitations, dehydration and skin mucous covers. Due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements in the Chi-Klim its effect is complex. It helps not only to stop all kinds of menopausal symptoms, but also strengthen the body as a whole. A big plus of the drug is that its substance in the action are effective prevention in the fight against cardiovascular disease, low back pain and a number of other ailments. It does not cause addiction and side effects. Since the cumulative effects of the drug, its result makes itself felt long after the cessation of therapy. It is appointed as a part of therapy, as well as a separate product.

About Chi-Klim-cream can also be heard mostly positive reviews. Most female representatives enthusiastically point out that after the first week of its application the skin becomes radiant and fresh appearance, the wrinkles are smoothed indeed, disappear Spider veins.

Thus, we can conclude that it is an effective and affordable domestic product, which has not Only comprehensive antiklimaktericheskoe action, but markedly rejuvenates the female body, both inside and outside.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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