- The dangerous metrorrhagia during menopause?
- The main causes of
- Characteristic symptoms of menopause metrorrhagia
- Diagnosis of uterine bleeding
- Possible options for the treatment of metrorrhagia
The human body - well-organized self-regulating system. If its functioning is not disturbed by any disease, all physiological phenomena occur in a timely manner, subject to certain laws and cycles. One of these cyclic processes is the monthly menstrual flow in women. At the age of 45-50 years, the female body is part of the so called the menopause. Gradual reduction of the activity of the ovaries leads to the extinction of the reproductive activity of the organism. The number of depleted follicles, that will be marked by the gradual cessation of menstruation. At this time there is an active hormonal changes. Sharply reduced production of estrogen hormones, which inevitably affects the activities of all systems and organs. If bleeding again start to bother the woman, the experts say about metrorrhagia, menopause.
The dangerous metrorrhagia during menopause?
Consider menopause a disease or pathological condition is fundamentally wrong. This natural biological process is provided by nature itself. However multiple external and internal factors have a negative influence on its course. Impact and accumulated in the course of the disease life and ignored earlier manifestations of ill health, which seemed insignificant. Now they can appear very sharp. One of these displays can be metrorrhagia - occurrence of bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle. This is an alarming symptom that requires thorough examination and appropriate therapy.
Given the characteristics of the functioning of the body of women in menopause, to manifestations of metrorrhagia should be treated very carefully. Unfortunately, in some cases, its diagnosis may indicate the presence of malignant disease, in particular, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer or adenomatosis. Should I remind you that the success of the treatment of these diseases is largely dependent on how quickly the patient seeks medical help.
The main causes of
Any illness is not born by itself, there are always some provocateurs. Metrorrhagia in the menopause - is no exception. The doctor can choose the right treatment strategy should properly identify the causes of the disease.
- Disease, including chronic and, in the female reproductive organs can be attributed to the leading causes of the development of this pathology. The most common cause blood disorders endometrial secretions are integrity, e.g., the appearance of polyps, ulcers, erosions, fibroids, and the presence of cancer processes.
- Very often, to maintain hormonal balance during menopause, women take drugs with estrogens. If their concentration exceeds the needs of this particular organism women, it may cause unexpected bleeding of varying intensity.
- In pre-menopausal stage often cause uterine blood loss can be anovulation. It is dishormonal disorder that is that for some reason in the ovaries matures egg again, but to leave him, she can not.
- Another cause of the disease may be diseases of other organs and systems. In particular, a bleeding disorder, a problem in the activities of thyroid gland during menopause (Hypothyroidism), cirrhosis, and others.
- One of the factors that cause illness can also be a strong fatigue, prolonged stress, and general emotional trouble. No wonder they say that all illnesses come from nerves. Stress - the strongest provocateurs. Disorders of the central nervous system may also intensify this problem.
- Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, can also lead to adverse changes in the organs of the reproductive system.
- Provoke the disease can and intoxication.
Characteristic symptoms of menopause metrorrhagia
The main thing that should make people think - the appearance of abnormal bleeding. When it comes to pre-menopausal period, the cheerleaders have any bleeding between menstrual periods, especially heavy and prolonged. It is not a variant of the norm, and traces of blood after intercourse.
Important! If menopause has stabilized, that any bleeding is dangerous and requires urgent treatment in a clinic. Any delay could lead to irreversible consequences and the development of dangerous conditions.
Accompanying signs of abnormal bleeding due to internal changes and hemorrhage, may be the following symptoms:
- weakness and fatigue;
- pale skin;
- emotional instability, irritability, tearfulness;
- sharp spontaneous weight loss;
- pain localized in the lower abdomen;
- pain during sexual intercourse.
Diagnosis of uterine bleeding
Assigning the proper treatment of metrorrhagia, menopause is based on the earlier diagnosis and to identify the factors that triggered the trouble.
That the doctor has developed correct and accurate picture of the situation, the patient following examinations can be assigned:
- direct examination of a gynecologist;
- general blood analysis;
- blood test for hormones;
- scraping of the endometrium to carry out histological examination;
- Ultrasonic diagnosis pelvic organs to detect possible pathologies, as well as determining the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus;
- laparoscopy (why there spotting after laparoscopyI read in one of our articles).
Possible options for the treatment of metrorrhagia
conducting patient with symptoms Tactics bleeding in menopausal women It depends on the severity of symptoms and general pattern process. In some cases, a strictly conservative treatment, while others require immediate surgical intervention.
If the blood loss is high, hospitalization is required and the adoption of emergency measures, such as surgical and to optimize the patient's condition and stop the loss of blood. Later, the woman appointed postoperative drug therapy based on the information gathered about the disease, and strict bed rest. The whole complex of procedures is defined and controlled by the attending physician.
If the total amount of blood loss is not high, causes triggering discharge, not dangerous for the patient's life and not require surgery, and the patient's condition is satisfactory stable, the treatment may be performed outside of a hospital.
Woman appointed medication drugs that increase blood clotting, increasing the reducing function uterus, stabilizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, lining the levels of hormones, as well as vitamins and minerals drugs.
The absence of cancer and symptoms of hypertension may be the reason for the appointment of physiotherapy sessions. In any case, the choice of treatment depends, in particular, by-instigators factors.
If the disease is caused by intake of drugs with estrogenic hormones that require either complete abolition of, or the selection of other options and adjustment of dosage.
Any pathological process is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, advance prevention can be the key to women's health at any age. Faithful companion in this will be the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle with moderate exercise, a balanced nutrition, eliminating bad habits, harmonious regime of work and rest, minimizing psychological discomfort.
Woman during menostaza should be extremely attentive to their health. In no case should not put off a visit to the doctor out of fear or reluctance to notice the problem. After all, only a responsible attitude towards yourself and your body - a sure way to full life and active longevity.