Alanine cycle: instruction manual, reviews, composition


  1. Application and features Clim Qi-Alanine
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Release forms and methods of using funds
  4. Contraindications and side effects of BUD
  5. Analogs Chi-Klim Alanine
  6. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Climax comes in the life of every woman at different ages: it may be early, giving itself felt as early as 35 years, the standard - after 45 years, and may well not be late coming to only 50 years. But when he did not come, which means that the reproductive function women gradually fade. This is due to a decrease in production of female hormones, and as a consequence - a lot of unpleasant symptoms that bother 85% of women of menopausal age. It is important to consult a specialist and choose for themselves the right therapy. Of course, you can hear about the effectiveness of hormone therapy, but it has a number of contraindications and side effects. The most reasonable solution would be plant-based preparations. They represented a wide range of analog: integrated action or to address specific symptoms. Great demand for natural products line Chi-Klim.

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I would like to pay attention to the drug Chi-Klim Alanine, because feedback was given to believe that money is very effective in the fight against the tides and impaired thermoregulation.

Chi-Klim drug alanine

Application and features Clim Qi-Alanine

Chi-Klim Alanine is absolutely natural, non-hormonal drug during menopauseBelonging to the group of dietary supplements. Available Evalar manufacturer that is a leader in the production of dietary supplements in the domestic market and in demand even abroad. The basis of the preparation is 100% amino acid - beta-alanine.

In the early stages of menopause and artificial menopause This medication is able to prevent the manifestation of the tides, at a later stage or too heavy During menopause and hormonal disorders - significantly reduce the number and frequency of these uncomfortable sensations. In addition to BAA tide helps cope with the effects of other disturbances in thermoregulation - chills, rapid changes temperature, heart palpitations, climacteric neurosis, irritability, hyperhidrosis (increased sweating)

This remedy is prescribed in the form of an independent, and in combination with Chi-Klim vitamins for women 45+Containing composition Tsimifugi extract, which effectively simulates the action of the hormone estrogen. Deficiency of this particular female hormone when the extinction of reproductive function leads to a number of violations in the body and causes unpleasant symptoms. Those. Two of these drugs in the complex show high antiklimaktericheskie results, particularly - in the struggle with hot flashes.

Read also about the Folk remedies for hot flashes during menopause in women.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

The main substance in a preparation is 100% beta-alanine - amino acid vitamin-like nature. It is contained in the human body, but with the arrival of menopause and during hormonal irregularities in the female body it is produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to a number of violations. Because of the scarcity of the substance, as well as hormones, hypothalamus receives false signals of overheating or overcooling of an organism.

Thus the centers responsible for thermoregulation, begin active work to generate heat, which is why there is a sudden feeling of heat surging. To quickly remove them, the body rapidly reduces body temperature, and it overcomes the chills. All this is accompanied by profuse sweating, and heart, in turn, responds to this active work and the frequency of contractions. Therefore, problems occur not only outside of the uncomfortable sensations, but also failures within. At this point in the cycle Alanine comes in, supporting the body of the missing amino acid that has beneficial effects on the brain centers, restoring thermoregulatory balance. This means that the tool not only facilitates the symptoms, but also affect the mechanism of its appearance at the root by eliminating its cause.

It also promotes the active substance saturation of neurotransmitter receptors, thereby supported by psycho-emotional balance and strengthens muscle tissue. That's why you do not feel the cramps and pains of different nature and locations during the menopause, as well as get rid of irritability, mood swings, and neuroses.

Release forms and methods of using funds

Instructions to the Chi-Klim alanine prescribed to take 1 tablet once a day in the same time. With frequent and intense tides can increase the dose to 3 tablets a day. Taken irrespective of food intake. admission rate - not less than one month, it can be increased if necessary.

Contraindications and side effects of BUD

Since the tool is completely natural, it has virtually no contraindications. These include allergic reactions and idiosyncrasy of the active substance, pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects have been revealed only 3% of the consumption of pills in the form of itching, redness and irritation. Usually, it happens when there is excessive use of funds.

Analogs Chi-Klim Alanine

Among the analogues of natural origin can be identified such antiklimaktericheskie drugs like Menopace, Klimadinon, Remens preparations line and over a hundred others.

On the main active substance - beta-alanine - the main analogue is a means Klimalanin guide on the use of which is described in one of our articles. The concentration of amino acids in both formulations is identical - 400 mg.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Unless there is a serious hormonal imbalance, menopause, and makes itself felt tides, palpitations, debilitated condition, changes in temperature without pathology, in most cases assigned Qi-Alanine like Clim independent means. It not only relieves the symptoms listed above, but also improves metabolism, improves performance and endurance due to high concentration of beta-alanine. It is worth noting that this amino acid is a part of sports nutrition, which is used to enhance the metabolism of increasing energy.

Experts also have a positive attitude to the facility because it has no specific contraindications. In addition to performance, it does not bear the burden on the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system. And most importantly - BAA operates not only on the periphery, but also removes the very cause of the tides - prevents disruption of heat exchange processes.

According to statistics from the company Evalar - 87% of women who took the drug in consultation with experts, noted its positive effect on the relief of menopausal symptoms. Females also in a review on the discussion forums say that hot flashes disappear, decreased sweating, not overwhelmed by chills and pain in the heart. Women say, if not the complete disposal of these symptoms, a significant reduction. Basically everyone who receives the above-mentioned drug, note its effect already after one week of application.

In addition to addressing the above symptoms a woman in a review, write a general improvement in well-being, to establish emotional balance, improving efficiency and sense of lightness in the period. This tool does not increase the weight and addiction. It does not cause side effects and for the price is affordable.

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