Prayer to come monthly for a delay: conspiracy Vanga


  1. How to pray in the monthly
  2. Prayer of Vanga
  3. An ancient conspiracy
  4. recommendations

Menstrual disorders require diagnosis and medical treatment. With minor delays sometimes read the prayer on the month. The use of plots has not been proven by science, but many believe in their action.

Prayer monthly

How to pray in the monthly

There is a ban on church attendance at the monthly bleeding. But it is not clear what to do to women who suffer from amenorrhea. Priests say that prayer is enough at home, using any words, because it is important not to offer, and pure thoughts and belief in God.

Experienced parishioners sure to start monthly prayer help as follows:

"Holy Mother of God, Mother of God, command (your name) to give blood in time, so that sorrow and pain do not know. From that day, and for ever. Amen".

This prayer must be read three times to induce menstruation.

If a woman has long caused menstruation, and there is no result, you should get tested and undergo ultrasound. The only way to receive timely diagnose the root cause, because of which were delayed bleeding.

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Read the article at the link that predicts the first day of menstruation and how to proceed divination by the beginning of the day the monthly.

Prayer of Vanga

Bulgarian clairvoyant told people several popular ways to solve women's health problems. Conspiracy from Vanga to go monthly, contains the following information:

  1. It is necessary to break off from any small tree twig and bring it into the house.
  2. Speak on a branch right words.
  3. Put the stick under my bed.
  4. After complete drying of the branch need to break down into very small pieces and throw.

"Let both this branch goes out, goes out and all diseases (woman's name) go. To no Bolesta with menstruation has never happened before. Henceforth and doveku. Amen".

Text of a kind of prayer is adapted to eliminate the delay. It can be used for other female diseases.

Wang said that the cause of menstruation, you must drink the broth. For its preparation is taken 3L. water and the husk from onions two kilograms. All the ingredients are cooked over medium heat until the liquid will become reddish-brown color. After cooking the broth is filtered, and the need to take it in the morning and evening for 50 ml.

Many women naturally the question arises as to is it possible to be applied to the icons during menstruation referring to God.

An ancient conspiracy

The next plot to go monthly, has been used for many centuries:

"Mother blood come out of my body, like the smoke from the fire. Key lock, language. Amen".

Secure the result of a spell will help the following plants:

  • Melissa;
  • ungulates;
  • sorrel;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • bloodroot.

Broth based on them accelerate challenge menstrual bleeding, which is delayed due to minor hormonal disruptions.

Plots on the monthly also used to light the fire of love in man's heart.

You can also read other ancient conspiracies, which are now rarely used:

  1. Tumbleweed. Seeds of plants are formed in a handkerchief or a piece of clean cloth. After that, the parcel must be put in underwear and get to the nearest crossroads, there to burn the seeds in the fire. During the process, you need to say: that is brought, the fire I burned.
  2. Morning urine. For the ritual should raise a glass of clean urine. Over the urine can be read any plot to health. After that, the urine is enough to wipe the bottom of the abdomen, without washing.

Read the article at the link what dreams monthly.


Before reading prayers and folk texts is necessary to exclude pregnancy. Because when child-bearing is possible does not come menstruation, and bleeding that signal problems.

Conspiracies and all the prayers that come monthly in case of delay, do not guarantee a rapid and full recovery. They can not completely eliminate sexual disorders, which are often latent for months, manifesting the lack of menses.

The more prayers go out to calm the soul and the normalization of emotional state. Consequently, for any violations in women's health, it is necessary to go to the hospital. The doctor will help establish the cause of the delay and advise the audited preparations for the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 81
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