Can I go monthly to the cemetery, the funeral: the priest answer


  1. Can I go to the cemetery during menstruation
  2. opinion church
  3. other superstitions
  4. simple explanation
  5. Prudence will not interfere
  6. view of women

Since ancient times, the menstrual blood has been associated with many prejudices and superstitions. Although women are less believe in prohibition, some still wondering whether to go to the cemetery monthly. There are several opinions on this subject, and each party to the dispute results in its arguments.

Go to the cemetery during menstruation

Can I go to the cemetery during menstruation

In ancient Rus' woman with menstrual bleeding was considered unclean. Therefore it is forbidden to visit:

  • Holy places;
  • cemetery;
  • places with large crowds;
  • to church with monthly.

Woman during menstruation is not permitted in the following ordinances:

  • wedding;
  • Epiphany;
  • funeral;
  • burial.

It was believed that the female part of the population of his bleeding defiles not only the living, but dead. Therefore, it was felt that the soul of the deceased will not be able to find peace and go to the next world. But there is a contradiction, because before the body before the funeral at the cemetery is not sent to the morgue, and the girls of this period is not chased out of the house to spend the night on the street.

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Have a look at what has signs about monthlyBy clicking on the link.

opinion church

In Catholicism topic of menses is no longer rising. Natural process in a woman's body should not worry anyone. Therefore there is no reason not to visit the cemetery or the presence of the day of the burial.

In the Orthodox environment, most clerics continue to use the term "impurity days." Therefore oppose the presence of women at the time of the funeral and burial. Simply visiting the burial places nobody forbids.

And there is another opinion. priest's answer, can I go to the cemetery with monthly, can be positive. Some priests believe that attending the funeral may harm only emotionally. After all, at the time of the critical days cemetery atmosphere perceived sharper bad thoughts arise, and some women even lose consciousness.

You will also be interested to know, what dreams menstrual blood. Follow the link to find out your future.

other superstitions

The following information has no scientific evidence and is not approved by the church. It has been compiled from a variety of sources for information. Take it seriously, or tilt to one side, it's up to readers.

  1. Impure forces. During the bleeding cervix opens. And we believe that it is through her woman's body more easily penetrate the evil force.
  2. loss of energy. Esotericism believe that the graves, coffins and burial sites themselves have a negative effect on the human energy field. Monthly make the body more vulnerable. Therefore, after the funeral often gets bad, there is a loss of vitality.

simple explanation

If you throw a fantasy, it is easy to explain as well why not desirable to bury during menstruation or go to the cemetery. All the matter in the instability of the nervous system. The female half of the population, and so difficult to tolerate such events. And under the influence of hormonal surges with psycho-emotional state problems only intensified.

There is a growing fear of the inexplicable things, and death of a person is perceived even more painful. Therefore, the question whether it is possible to go to the cemetery at the time of menstruation is no single answer. Bad events then do not follow, but do not eliminate the extra experience.

Read the article at the link, is it possible to be a cross during menstruation.

Prudence will not interfere

Believe it or not many beliefs and superstitions, decides the girl herself. Too impressionable individuals better to postpone a visit to the cemetery. When an emergency funeral should be excluded:

  • contact with the deceased;
  • kiss the forehead of the deceased;
  • touch the coffin and tombstone.

It is best to observe from the process. Thus, a woman does not support the old beliefs, but simply protects your emotional state.

If during the critical days of normal health is maintained and is not marked mood swings, it is possible not only to come to the cemetery, but also to participate in the funeral procession.

view of women

There is a tendency, the greater the age, the greater the belief in taboos and superstitions. Young worship, if not fall under the influence of older people zadaetmya not matter whether you can go with the monthly funeral.

The overwhelming number of participants in the forum discussions and comments were not even aware of the negative monthly communication from the cemetery. And all the incredible stories and arguments are perceived as coincidence. So no need to be afraid of negative consequences. Problems arise can, but they will be associated with the perception, rather than the influence of supernatural forces.

Modern methods of personal hygiene eliminates the ingress of blood on the ground. No one even realizes that a particular woman is experiencing a critical days.
The woman should be independently decide whether to go to her funeral during menstruation or just to visit places of burial. The most important thing to take care of their health, and does not believe in superstitions, divination and other mystical things.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 24
  • 193