Guessing on the month for a woman 2 options: the monthly horoscope, proven method


  1. The "strength" of menstrual blood in divination
  2. How to guess the monthly
  3. Guessing on the day phase
  4. Morning
  5. Day (13 hours)
  6. Evening
  7. Night
  8. Guessing on the day of the week
  9. Monday
  10. Tuesday
  11. Wednesday
  12. Thursday
  13. Friday
  14. Saturday
  15. Sunday
  16. Guessing on the basis of calendar days
  17. The mystical significance of menstruation

Since ancient times, man has sought to control the future. In honor were those who ruled over the future and the past in charge. Many oracles, witches and fortune tellers ready to tell that to go through, using the most diverse and, at times, attributes and absurd. But is it possible to independently solve the mystery? What is the divination of the future month? How do I know the immediate future, based on the time of onset of menses? Is it possible to treat such information seriously? Let's answer these questions in this article are based on the opinion of the esoteric.

Guessing on a monthly

The "strength" of menstrual blood in divination

Guessing on the critical days - intimate sacrament practiced by the fair sex from almost the beginning of time. Perhaps now, many are skeptical about this method, predictions, preferring to seek the help of fortune tellers and clairvoyants or independently to lay the tarot, but even our great-grandmothers seriously sought to take time of day or date marks the beginning regulation.

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But what caused this trend. The answer lies in the properties attributed to the blood. The ancient religions were based on the belief that the crimson liquid that fills the human body, has a life-giving energy, and preserves the memory of the way. Especially revered menstrual blood, because the coming of the first month marked the beginning of the period of childbirth.

Our ancestors believed that the blood has vital properties, keeping the secrets of the past and the future. Menstrual blood is used as a protection against evil spirits and harmful influences, and the woman during menstruation is a kind of amulet to his family and farm. Giving cyclical secretions special forces and formed the basis of a variety of true divination by month. Consider the most common ones.

Find out what awaits you in the future in an article on the link, if the dream of monthly.

How to guess the monthly

Guessing on the month for a woman is sacred character. Relying on individual feeling and the start time of the cycle intervals can be found not only that the future is preparing, in general terms, but also to predict the possible course of the development of relations with a loved one, materiel or the "behavior" of its own body.

"Starting" point for divination may be several factors that characterize the current menstruation. The most popular are several varieties of predictions that give the most complete picture of life metamorphosis for the next cycle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the results of divination can not be taken literally. Any interpretation is possible only in the arrangement to the realities of a particular woman.

These predictions do not require additional attributes, the ability to handle the cards, the expectations of the full moon or new moon. Just look at the calendar as soon as the first "hints" to the expected menses. Let us consider each of them.

You will be interested to know, whether it is possible to do nail during menstruation. Follow the link to find the answer to this question.

Guessing on the day phase

Based on astrological treatises, we can conclude that the planetary arrangement has a direct impact both on health and on the future of man. Based on the time of day at which a woman started spotting, you can make a kind of horoscope checked monthly, characterizing the psycho-emotional background and relationship with loved ones in the coming months, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. It is noteworthy that in anticipation of the monthly need to constantly check a personal care product, because divination is the most accurate, if you focus on the time of onset of blood clots.


The best time to onset of menstruation. Many astrologers believe that the earliest time interval heralds the imminent start of a love adventure and harmonization of the internal background woman. Morning awakening portend imminent and mystics of the time associated with the revival. The coming month for a girl to be filled with love and understanding how the opposite sex, and with all the others. Positive vibrations will fill the person and bestow an extraordinary surge of vitality.

Day (13 hours)

Beginning menstruation at this time is characterized by visionaries in two ways. On the one hand, the "day" of blood-the key to success in everything concerning the work and self-realization. However, monthly, which begin in this phase of the day - a direct recommendation of the universe more time for friends and loved ones, because the family boat may leak.


Interpretation of predictions based on monthly, or more precisely, not the time of their beginning, states that "the coming of the" critical days during twilight does not bode well. "Evening," menstruation is a kind of warning, signaling potential problems and serious conflicts both in business and in the personal sphere. This phase of the day can give an idea not only about the events, approached the woman from the outside, but also to characterize its internal state. Monthly, which began in the late afternoon - a certificate of mental discomfort and boredom, being protracted girl dense veil.


The most unfavorable time for the beginning of the month in terms of esoteric. Having studied in the treatises on magic and philosophy, one can conclude that the night is the only time of the mysteries, but also a harbinger of death, which generates domination of the unconscious, "animal" in human nature. Monthly, which began at night, portend a quick separation from loved ones, possible scandals and a series of financial setbacks.
It should be noted that the predictions of the menstrual cycle are not fatal and can not answer the question of why it happened or that event. Although they are plausible. All that portends menstrual blood, can be realized in a single cycle, ie. E. before the start of the next critical days. It is because of his "poor judgment" this kind of foresight many more related to comic prophecies and not taken seriously, and the desire to tell fortunes inspired not a necessity, and a thirst for fun.

Find out whether there are omens on monthly blood and how to hold a ceremony to return the beloved.

Guessing on the day of the week

This method is based on the opinions posted on discussion forums is one of the most reliable and truthful women, attempting to predict their own destiny. Some sites have a magic online platform that enables a forecast in real time for free.

You can predict the future and their own, relying on the mystical significance of days in accordance with the beginning of menstruation. Those who have already used similar services, know that truthfulness is not dependent on who picks treatment since the beginning of the critical days. Figures difficult to cheat. The value of the monthly numbers and days of the week are considered the most accurate, both among professionals and among women who have tried this guessing myself.


Monday - the day of vain, says the proverb. That month, "come" in the first day of the week, mean trouble for the entire month. But do not be upset. Vanity coming month will be associated with positive efforts. Menstruation, which began on Monday - a sure sign of a speedy receiving expensive gifts from boyfriend or husband.


Monthly, which began on Tuesday - the harbingers of a pleasant acquaintance, which is not long to wait. A man hurrying to break into a woman's life, will surely become a reliable friend and faithful companion, and friendship can turn into marriage. Regula, who came on the second day of the week may mark the rapid changes in life that are not related with a new acquaintance. Remember the conventional wisdom. "Everything is new - well forgotten old" In most cases, in the cycle of household chores to lose touch with friends and family. Menstruation Tuesday - a sure sign that over the coming months will be able to see those whom the lady had forgotten.


Monthly on Wednesday - an alarming sign, not promising anything positive. Swift quarrels, ill health and material well-being, this is what promises the fairer sex in the onset of menstruation Wednesday. Minor troubles will be strewed in abundance throughout the entire month, "sucking" of women both physical and moral strength, sometimes bringing to tears. But do not despair! This omen is not a sentence, but a reason to take a closer look after themselves and mobilize domestic resources to solve urgent problems.


Onset of menstruation on Thursday - a harbinger of a noisy feast. According to most esoteric, as a welcoming hostess will have to act itself. But some experts in the field of the occult are confident that month, came on Thursday warned a woman from feasts in the company of unfamiliar people and close friends, who are unfamiliar guests.


Monthly Friday - messengers pleasant news. Menstruatsionny cycle, which came on the day indicates the imminent onset of an enjoyable and, most importantly, the long-awaited event. This phenomenon may be related to the work, and with the personal life of a girl marriage. Menstruation, which began on Friday, and could spell a little trouble, which will be accompanied by representatives of the fair sex for the entire month.


Based on the interpretation of divination by the day of the week the beginning of menstruation, Saturday - the most auspicious day of menstruation. Critical days, which came on the sixth day of a calendar week - harbingers of the ease of the coming luck and carelessness. Throughout the entire month of a woman does not leave a slight feeling of euphoria and harmony with each other and on those. Challenges and small troubles will "dissolve" themselves, and the end of the menstrual cycle, mark the pleasant acquaintance or success in business amorous.


Onset of menstruation, which coincided with the end of the week - a good sign, heralding joy and harmony during the forthcoming months. Pious messenger, and they will be for those who have passed through a difficult period in relations with the loved one. The upcoming month will bring peace and harmony in the family and the harbor allow to build strong, trusting relationships that promise a happy ending.

Guessing on the basis of calendar days

To predict the near future based on the esoteric significance not only day of the week, but the calendar of the onset of menstruation. These divination are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other, allowing you to create the most complete picture of the future. Predictions obtained by analyzing precipitates "valid" to the next month. Consider the most common interpretation of the calendar days.

  1. Monthly, which coincided with the first day of the month, portends an abundance of positive developments and profitable dating over the next menstrual cycle. Happiness has burst into a woman's life, is only gratefully accept it.
  2. Bleeding that began two numbers - the messengers of frustration. Soon a woman, under the pressure of unpleasant events, have a look at a loved one from a different angle, disappointed in him.
  3. Menstruation, which coincided with the calendar day, heralds the situation, further development of which will depend entirely on women. She will begin the development of an argument, but in which direction to "turn" the development of the event she should identify herself.
  4. Monthly foreshadow the imminent onset of the long-awaited event, which will be a real surprise for the woman. Pleasant chores may relate to both business and personal life.
  5. Council Regulation on the fifth day of the month a woman promise to receive an expensive gift from a loved one, and therefore a good mood for a whole month.
  6. Menstruation came on day 6 of the month - the messenger Affairs evil. According to most esoteric, this coincidence suggests a woman has a serious enemy, who is trying to hit using slander or deception.
  7. Month, coinciding with the 7 th of the month means the appearance of a woman's secret admirer and soon coming into her life a strong sense of light.
  8. Eighth day, marking the beginning of the critical days - the harbingers of intense jealousy, which will Woman tear during the next cycle, and certain problems in his personal life arising on its background.
  9. Month came on the ninth day of the month is a warning. This coincidence indicates the presence of a relationship with her future husband a third party seeking to sow discord.
  10. Menstruation 10 number - news portends an ambulance euphoria of love. Perhaps, in a woman's life will have a new choice or relationships with loved ones will go to the next level.
  11. Menses will tell the emergence of anxiety and mistrust of the beloved. Esoteric claim that all the excitement of this kind in vain, and the chosen girl is crystal clear before her.
  12. Start the day in the month suggests a possible magical influence on women in order to achieve its location.
  13. Menstruation in 13 day of the month indicates the imminent start of the "black bars". Trouble will haunt the woman throughout the cycle.
  14. Spotting - harbingers of good news and a host of surprises.
  15. Noticing the beginning of month at 15 day of the month, watch out, as soon as the bad news will break in life and thwart the plans.
  16. Caution reminding that everything we said can be used against us.
  17. Monthly 17 days of the month promises speedy separation from a loved one. But do not much upset, but simply believe that the separation will be short-lived.
  18. Menstruation came on day 18, it heralds the emergence of a strong feeling of love.
  19. Decoding of divination by the menstrual cycle says that the critical days, which began in the 19th day of the month - the messengers of love. But here is whether it is mutual and that will happen in the course of this relationship is not known, and the stars.
  20. Monthly, coinciding with the twentieth day of the month, predicting a quick unrequited love. Leave attempts to win the heart of the elect and try to switch on the development of a new hobby or travel.
  21. Spotting evidence of lies emanating from a loved one.
  22. Onset of menstruation in 22 numbers - a precursor of the material well-being. The money will roll in on a woman during the entire cycle in abundance.
  23. Spotting 23 day months - messengers of happiness and harmony. Throughout the cycle she is in a state of ease and luxury, and any initiatives are doomed to success.
  24. Monthly on this day promise speedy noisy celebration with abundant feast and a pleasant acquaintance. In the role of celebrations hostess will act very lady.
  25. The coincidence of menstruation to 25 for days of the month a woman promises many new meetings and very interesting introduction, which can develop into a long-term business cooperation.
  26. Regula portend a speedy introduction to the man who will become a true friend of women, able to understand and share her pain and care of 26 hours a month.
  27. Monthly, beginning in 27 calendar day execution portend a long-time intimate desires, followed by unexpected positive turn of fate.
  28. Onset of menstruation on the 28th promises success in business throughout the cycle. Or women will find a platform for implementation and hard work will be evaluated in monetary terms.
  29. Allocation, came 29 do not bode well. In the coming cycle, the woman will suffer disappointment and hurt that can cause severe emotional distress. But remember, the gloom is not eternal, and heralds the dawn!
  30. Menstruation will talk about the possible acquaintance, which may result in a romantic adventure.
  31. The last day of the month, marked the beginning of the month, heralds the imminent journey and the possibility of a situation in which women did not show itself at its best. Remember that before you "cut down straight from the shoulder," you need to consider all the possible consequences!

According to the majority of the fair sex, option 2 above divination by month are true and help compile the most complete picture of the future.

Remember, in this case are not important details of the flow of menstruation. Only the exact start time has weight.

Practice divination like more than once a month does not make sense, because even if we get a negative result of failure will not last more than one month. New menstruation marks a new opportunity to make a prediction.

The mystical significance of menstruation

Cyclicity of menstruation can tell a lot about a woman not only gynecologists, but also experts in the occult sciences. By studying the comments and well-known experts folk omens about monthlyIt can be seen that close friends menstruation occurs in one and the same time. Experts in the field of thin fabrics tend to associate with this phenomenon harmonization oscillations "internal" frequency characteristic congenial people.

Considering the monthly according to the teachings of feng shui, we note that this is not just a physiological process, but a reflection of the integrity of the universe and the interaction of the basic elements of the universe. This doctrine is inclined to identify the stages of the menstrual cycle with the elements of nature. There is the following interpretation:

  • Water is identified with menstrual blood, cleaning the body.
  • Earth is identical to the process of ovulation, a new one that giveth life and represent fertility.
  • Metal cold and empty as the reproductive system of women after menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is from the point of view of medicine, as well as from the standpoint of esotericism - a complex process, granting the miracle of birth. It is possible that for the modern woman guessing on secretions seems absurd, but the results of such predictions often coincide with the real state of things. Such methods do not require effort, and decryption does not encourage women to go to fortune-tellers, it is only necessary to look at the calendars, which is always at hand.

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