Such doctors as Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus tried to treat varicosity even in time immemorial, but their attempts were unsuccessful. The famous Italian physician and anatomist Marcello Malpighi discovered the patterns of capillary circulation and devoted them to the study for many years.
Varicose - is an irreversible pathological process of enlargement and lengthening of the veins with thinning of the venous wall and the formation of "nodes", as well as the inadequacy of their valves due to a genetic defect.
Varicose veins are a common disease that occurs at a fairly young age. This disease is considered a disease of the Western world, as it is provoked by a sedentary lifestyle and hypodynamia.
Contents of
Contents of
- Medication
- When without tablets you can not manage
- Treatment with
- tablets Groups of drugs for varicose
- Best drugs
- Tinctures as a way of treating the disease
Medical treatment
Every person has varicose disease and needs to be considered for choosing a treatment plandetails detected during ultrasound examination.
To treat varicose can sclerotherapy, endovascular intervention or medication. In the process of treatment of veins also use compression knitwear and therapeutic exercise.
One of the most effective methods is the treatment of varicose veins on the pill. In the process of therapy, their use is combined with compression treatment.
Aside from , ointment preparations ( creams, pastes, gels, liniments) differ in the consistency and content of the ingredients.
Ointments help:
- strengthen the walls of the vessels;
- to reduce the risk of thrombosis;
- improve the performance of venous valves;
- to eliminate swelling of soft tissues;
- heal trophic ulcers.
At the first stages of the disease, various gels are a good assistant in the fight against the disease. Generally, gels are applied to the skin of the legs, where there are stars. Usually such a course of local treatment goes together with general treatment.
Also during the treatment of ailments, folk remedies are often used to combat varicose veins. The use of decoctions of herbs, tinctures and compresses, usually practiced for two months. Such therapy is perfectly combined with drug treatment of varicose veins.
In addition to folk remedies, the therapy is combined with special gymnastics - exercises by Mikulina .This gymnastics was specially designed to combat such ailments and gives tangible improvements.
Massage of feet at night with cream or ointment with essential oil will give a good result in the diseased parts of the legs.
When without tablets can not do
Often the location of varicose veins does not allow for local treatment with ointment or cream and then the patient is prescribed a pill against varicose.
Drugs are prescribed at the first stages of the disease, because when the form of the disease is neglected, they are practically useless.
Tablets treatment
When treating varicose tablets do not play a key role.
However, to assert that tablets with varicose veins of the lower extremities are ineffective, it is impossible. For complex treatment, medications are excellent.
Also the purpose of tablets is practiced after surgical treatment.
Therapeutic effect:
- decreased microcirculatory disorders;
- improved vascular status;
- removal of inflammation;
- increased blood and lymph flow.
Tablets for varicose veins for the treatment of are divided into:
- antioxidants;
- anticoagulants;
- disaggregants;
- phlebotonics;
- preparations for swelling;
- for trophic changes;
- fibrinolytics.
The current pharmaceutical market has a huge number of venotonic drugs, however, most medicines have similar medicinal substances. The effectiveness of the drugs depends on the assimilation and concentration of the main active substance.
In case of varicose veins, venotonics are prescribed, which strengthen the vascular wall and the agents that prevent thrombogenesis and dilute the blood.
Drug Groups for Varicose
Varicose Vein Tablets for treatment:
- phlebotonics;
- antithrombotic;
- aspirin and drugs based on it;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics;
- corticosteroids.
The effect of antiaggregants is aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots in the affected vessel and reducing the viscosity of the blood. Preparations are available in the form of tablets, gels and ampoules.
The venotonics of are usually available in the form of creams and gels. Their effect is to reduce fragility and increase vascular tone, improve blood circulation. Also, these drugs help reduce pain in the legs and relieve swelling.
In the treatment of varicose , non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated with pronounced edema of , pain and other signs of inflammation. In this case, the use of creams and gels, which contain ketorol, diclofenac, etc., will be effective.
The best drugs
Often when treating varicose veins are used phlebotonics.
So, what tablets to drink with varicose veins? People's feedback about these tablets from varicose is the most positive:
- Tablets Venarus .The drug has a tonic, angioprotective effect on the vascular walls, improves the lymph flow. The drug is used at all stages of the disease. Venarus is preventing the development of pathologies in the form of trophic ulcers and thrombophlebitis. The drug can be taken during pregnancy. The price fluctuates between 400-700 rubles.depending on the dosage of the drug.
- Detralex is a preparation based on bioflavonoids, improves the tone of vessels, improves their elasticity, well influences blood circulation and prevents the appearance of blood clots. The cost of the drug is about 600 rubles.
- Ointments and gels , in which there are venoactive components - extracts of a medicinal, horse chestnut or needle bottle have an anesthetic and vasoconstrictive effect. These drugs should be used in the initial stages of venous disease, with standing work or for prevention. The most common on sale are preparations based on horse chestnut extract.
- Active substance in Venorutone is an analogue of routine, affecting tissues at the cellular level. The drug increases the impermeability of cell membranes, protects cells of the veins from the effects of free radicals. When taking the drug, soft tissue swelling decreases and the veins tone increases, pain disappears. Not recommended in the first months of pregnancy. The price is about 580 rubles.
- Venolife is available both as a gel and as an ointment with a specific odor. It prevents thrombosis, improves the regeneration of connective tissues, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Increases the stability of blood vessels, eliminates the fragility of capillaries, has anti-inflammatory effect. Phenylethyl alcohol, which is a part of it, has an antifungal and bactericidal effect, does not allow infection of open wounds. The price varies from 280 to 305 rubles.
- Flebodia 600 is a venotonic angioprotector that has a beneficial effect on microcirculation and venous congestion. Also, the drug reduces the extensibility of veins. Flebodia is indicated for use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The cost of the tablets of Flebodia - is approximately 420-700 rubles.
- In Trental , the active substance is pentoxifylline, which increases the rheological properties of the blood. The substance in the formulation lowers the viscosity of blood and platelet aggregation. Lowers plasma concentrations of fibrinogen. When taking the drug, cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulates in the blood and smooth muscles. Drug administration lowers the overall peripheral vascular resistance. The cost is 153 rubles.
Tinctures as a way to treat the disease
- Drinks with nutmeg : grind a nutmeg with a glass of boiling water and add one spoonful of honey. The drink is insisted for half an hour, and then 1 glass is drunk one hour before meals and the second - after two hours.
- Tincture on the nettle: 2 teaspoons finely chopped nettle pour 200 ml.boiling water, insist and filter. Tincture is drunk a month, 3 times a day for a quarter of a glass. Before repeating the course, take a break for several weeks.
Many doctors note that the fears are not caused by varicose veins, but its consequences. Do not neglect the symptoms of varicose veins and delay with treatment. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo a prescribed course of medical treatment.