What dreams monthly dream woman, dream interpretation, dream menstruatsionnaya blood


  1. How to interpret a dream about a month
  2. Interpretation of the popular dream books
  3. Dream Miller
  4. Dream Interpretation Taflisi
  5. Dream Interpretation Danilova
  6. English dream book
  7. Dream Interpretation Longo
  8. esoteric Dream Book
  9. Dream interpretation of the XXI century
  10. everyday sonnik
  11. Positive impressions after the dream of the month
  12. For pregnant
  13. Love and Relationships
  14. Career
  15. Negative impressions after the dream of the month
  16. If monthly dreamed man
  17. Time to sleep

Anciently sleep enveloped in mysterious secret. This is not only an integral part of human life, but also, according to many mystics, the conductor in the Book of Fate, where each has its own head. That dream, dreamed up in a dream, not just a series of fascinating images and subconscious conversation with the individual, and many analysts say. So whether or not to believe in dreams? What dreams monthly? Whether it is possible, based on the information received in a dream, and avoid trouble? What dreams should believe? Let's look at it, relying on the interpretation of the most popular dream books.

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dream monthly

How to interpret a dream about a month

Like a dream, at least once, but "it comes" almost each of the fair sex. Look mystics, esoteric and parapsychologists to this phenomenon is extremely ambiguous. A variety of treatments is associated not only with different approaches to look at sleep as a phenomenon, but also with the traditions of the time, to which it belongs traktovatel.

Based on the opinion of the majority of antique and oriental dream-books it can be concluded that the appearance of "unclean", "dirty" blood in the dream does not promise anything good girl. And the men who had a chance encounter in dreams with spotting, should take care of oneself, and it is better to prepare for a grand scandal.

Later downers not so radically explain the appearance of menstrual blood during sleep. From the Middle Ages accepted interpret such dreams in conjunction with the factors that cause bleeding. Yes, and the nature of the discharge, the situation surrounding the girl has a lot to say about that portends a dream. The combination of all the factors which have appeared in a dream, and will affect the final interpretation. A variation can be diverse, depending on the color selections and profusion of such sleep may presage female quick disease; if the dream of a meager allocation, barely noticeable, not wait for an ambulance, a pleasant change.

Rodoviki mystics who identify with blood repository of information about the past and future of all kinds believe that the emergence in night dreams female menstrual fluid indicative of the problems that will arise in the next relatives.

Read also about the conditions under which nails with monthly capacity it is not desirable in an article here.

Interpretation of the popular dream books

In an effort to understand what dreams monthly blood, please refer to dream books, has established itself as the most "pravdonesuschih".

Dream Miller

Miller's dream book about menstruation in a dream contains several interpretations. The differences are based on the status of the ladies, who saw release in dreams. If monthly dreamed girl, newly married, she will soon become pregnant. A woman in years, especially unmarried, which dreamed of menstruation, it is necessary to immediately pay attention to their health. Critical days, which began in a dream. May indicate a serious disease processes that have affected the organs of the reproductive system.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

This work, a treatise on the influence of dreams on a daily ancient astrologer Abulfazl Hu-Baishev Taflisi. Many of those who once sought the help of his texts say that they are often true. But it is worth remembering that the astrologer Taflisi lived in 13th century Persia. This means that the world of that era left a strong imprint on the interpretation of many phenomena. Thus, menstrual blood does not bode well in a dream. Regardless of whether copious or rejects the substance is hardly noticeable come - expect trouble. Highlight, come in Kemar warn women about health problems or to public disgrace, expecting it soon.

You will be interested to read about women wondering the monthly. Follow the link to find popular methods of fortune-telling.

Dream Interpretation Danilova

Based on this dream book, you can make a clear conclusion: the dream blood from menstruation - a good sign. According to the author, menses, dreamed up a woman in a dream, promise a loss. Depending on the circumstances and nature of the discharge loss may be small, in fact, invisible or, on the contrary, "Poteryashka" will bring a lot of problems. Profuse discharge which began the critical days in dreams portend major changes in the life of a girl. The loss is not associated with something tangible, and rethinking the life goals, "leaving" a strong soil conventional setups from under his feet. But do not be afraid. Changing the direction of being the beginning of the promise of a new, happy life of the dreamer page.

English dream book

Responding to a question, what dreams monthly woman, dream-book, compiled by British stargazers, brief and concise. Treatise refers to the monthly physiological reasons. Explaining the appearance of menses in the visions of the night, one can almost say with certainty that the dream sgustkoobraznye of bleeding - for emergency pregnancy.

Some of the English school of astrologers believe that the dream that started menstruating, signals representative of the fair sex problems in sexual life.

Stargazers in Europe of the Middle Ages otherwise treated "impure" blood in my dreams. They tend not to have been to draw parallels between the physiological causes of the phenomenon and reality sex with the fact that man sees in a dream the night. In those days it was thought that the monthly running down the legs girls in a dream portend swift retribution for sinful deeds.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Relying on dream interpretation Longo can say with certainty that seen monthly at itself in a dream - a good sign. The appearance of bleeding, running down the legs, or the abundance of those present on the strip, predicts the emergence of obstacles or disappointments amorous affairs. The girls who saw in his dreams like a picture is worth more cautious about finding a life partner. Next to them is not the man they think he is.

esoteric Dream Book

Any dream book, in fact, is an esoteric treatise. But there is one that treats the dream exclusively in terms of the "laws" dictated by the magical reality. Relying on such a source should be guided by their feelings. Virgo, looking forward to monthly in dreams, in reality, trying to find a solution that could have a fatal impact on it. Esoteric Dream Book encourages who saw these dreams do not jump to conclusions and decisions, and trust to chance. What is happening only in his power. If the girls in dreams monthly blood was plentiful, thick and dark should not expect extremely unpleasant incident that entails a series of negative consequences.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In an effort to answer the question: "What can dream a dream month girl, when in fact they are not" many turn to the dream-books of the XXI century. What's special about it? He was drafted with the active participation of renowned parapsychologists his time. That is why many women tend to believe that source.

From a dream to interpret what he saw in this dream book, it is worth remembering all the details and bright and come out of their current situation. If spotting a vision of a pregnant woman, do not worry. Parapsychologists believe that because the subconscious makes it clear that all is well with the baby, childbirth will be prosperous, and the baby healthy and calm.

Women who dreamed of heavy menses, soiling furniture and clothing, should be concerned about the health of the reproductive system organs. It is possible that the pathological processes occur in the reproductive organs.

If, however, the dream of a woman long delay, then it should not expect the meeting with a very wealthy man. Affair does not turn into a solid marriage, but give the woman a lot of nice, passionate minutes.

everyday sonnik

It is not a dream book, but a collection of beliefs, handed down from woman to woman. But popular wisdom can not lie, and therefore, it is necessary to listen to his interpretation.

In the dream book of everyday appearance of menstrual blood is treated uniquely. If the critical days came in a dream to the young girl, and even in the form of dark clots - expect trouble with health.

"Dirty blood" filthy linen mature woman testifies that soon will reveal its secret is not the most pleasant, "received" in his youth. Before the arrival of the monthly carefully concealed. Apparently this taboo and built analogy.

Abundant, dark isolation, to "pour" the surrounding objects are predicting the emergence of problems with which the girl does not cope alone. In most cases, the problem is deeply personal and request for assistance have a negative impact on self-assessment of the fair sex.

Menstruatsionnoy stain in the blood is not a subject, but a man - to spoil for a long time friendly or family relationship with him. Some of the married women claimed that stain your monthly panties or in a dream her husband clothes they happened to accompany her lover on a long journey or business trip.

If a married woman dreams of constant renewal cycle and allocation, despite the profusion not spoil anything or anyone, except for the sleeping, she should not expect a lot of luck in financial affairs.

Figuring out what to dream of the critical days in a dream girl, it is worth noting that the treatment is divided into two diametrically opposed camps. Paramount importance and that a sense of self left after night dreams.

Positive impressions after the dream of the month

Virgo, waking from sleep, in which the beginning of the menstrual cycle, cheerful and fun, can count on the positive changes in life. Goodness touches all spheres of life, but, in particular, health and personal life.

Many astrologers modern refute preconceived opinions about what to see in their blood menstruatsionnuyu portends serious illness. Contemporaries are confident that these dreams come to those girls who are subconsciously afraid of "leakage." Dreams serve as reminders of the subconscious mind and speak exclusively of approaching the reality of regulation.

For pregnant

Spotting dreamed up the woman in the last month of pregnancy indicate that the light will be a healthy baby in the next day.

Love and Relationships

If monthly in night dreams went smoothly and without leaving traces on the underwear, the woman should expect a positive change in the current situation on the love front. Blood often symbolizes passion and blood of menstruation - female power, which carries all the information about the kind.

Many women leave their stories on the discussion forums, noted that the more they felt the satisfaction of the current in the blood of a dream, the more concise became their relationship with a partner Java.

Please note, from whom are in bed at the time of occurrence of discharge. If monthly in the dreams of a woman caught her with the object of sexual desire - it's time to try something new in the intimate life. In this case. Suitable conventional wisdom that the unconscious is only the voice of conscious.

Sleep on the early critical days, left a blissful feeling for the whole next day promises success and personal life.


If these days dream began in the workplace, but the girl managed to hide it or just use the gasket - can safely count on a sharp jump up the career ladder.

Profuse discharge may portend sleeping shift command staff. But do not worry, if the morning is not marred by anxiety, such changes only bring happiness and enrich the maiden.

Negative impressions after the dream of the month

Uneasy feeling after waking up and the promise of a negative throughout the day - a serious cause for concern. Disturbances may be direct evidence that the monthly dreamed woman as a warning. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the health of reproductive organs of women. The body can "talk" with a woman through dreams, to warn her of impending danger.

Abundant amount of bleeding, dreamed at the beginning of menstruation, may signal the threat of miscarriage.

Menstruation in a dream, accompanied by a strong, cutting pain portend painful parting with a loved one. If the dream appears not only the menses, but also a pain in the groin area, we can say with certainty that the separation will involve betrayal boyfriend or husband. A married woman such feelings in the night dreams predict a long, filled with too much red tape, divorce.

Dream about menstruation, who left a feeling of shame and embarrassment, it portends public shame and blame. Backed by most of the comments on various websites about dreams, monthly in a "company" say that Something secret and intimate becomes public domain or woman will pay for excessive curiosity or talkativeness.

If monthly dreamed man

Notably, monthly can dream of not only the girl, but the guy.

The prisoner, who dreamed menstruatsionnaya blood, can rely on fast, in most cases, early, release.

If the monthly dreamed just zhenivshemusya guy can congratulate him, because soon his wife would go to give birth.

If a man dreamed of monthly and left a bad impression, should reconsider its attitude towards the fairer sex. Nasty "after taste" after the sleep is the impression he makes on others women.

Time to sleep

It is important to pay attention to the day and time of day, a woman who visited an ambiguous dream. Prophetic dreams are those that become apparent from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Friday. Dreamed at this time can come true as quickly as possible.

Dreaming in the daytime, and all are considered to be empty.

Dreaming in the interval from 19:00 to 00:00 come true in the next two years. Imminent execution predestined should not wait. Dreams from 00:00 to 03:00 come true a little faster, but are "turncoats". Forms and meanings are projected into reality, have the opposite value of sleep. But dreams at 03:00 and 06:00 come true very quickly and as close to the popular interpretation.

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