Allocation after Postinor: bloody, brown, white, whether it is normal, if you do not go

Postinor - Medicines used for emergency contraception. Its active ingredient is levonorgestrel, which blocks the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity.

Most floor notice of the fairer appearance bleeding after receiving Postinor which may have a different character: be a variant of the norm, or point to the development of complications requiring intervention doctor.

Why after Postinor begun allocation


  • Description of the preparation
  • Correct reception Postinor
    • when monthly
    • during pregnancy
  • Side effects and contraindications
    • allergic reactions
  • Factors influencing the selection
    • Smell
    • character
    • Color
  • Treatment and prevention

Description of the preparation

Postinor is a hormonal drug agents used in order to implement emergency contraception. The active drug component - levonorgestrel - slows the ovulation process, the appearance of changes in the endometrium, stop the development of the fertilized egg, its implantation. Also, the drug increases the viscosity of cervical fluid, which is why sperm movement is blocked, the chance of pregnancy decreases.

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The maximum effect of the drug agent is achieved at its reception on the first day after the end of unprotected sexual intercourse. Permitted use of pills within 72 hours after the close, and its efficiency drops significantly. If a woman is drinking facility on the 2nd day, it will be effective in 85% of cases, in the third - 58%.

To learn more information on the operating principle, the properties of the active ingredients and ancillary medication, contraindications, possible complications can be turned to the instructions for use.

Correct reception Postinor

Basically there is no discharge of bloody character, observed for a long time with the right dose of medication. But sometimes this drug can cause hormonal disturbances that result in a change of menstruation nature, long brown spotting.

Such side effects in most cases do not require treatment unless they are accompanied by a change in color selections, pain. Most often, such separation occur 1 week after the administration of the tablet.

Sometimes brown discharge in women may indicate the presence of disease, so for more information for more information on this topic.

When used incorrectly Postinor increased risk of side effects, complications. Therefore, this method of contraception should drink based on a few rules:

  • first of all be divided into 2 doses postinor - 2 tablets in the package, each of which is required to drink at a particular time;
  • 1 tablet consumed Postinor need within 72 hours after sex without a condom or skip oral contraceptives;
  • It follows a similar dose of medicament received by 12 hours;
  • than the first tablet is taken quickly, the lower the chance of pregnancy;
  • taking the drug is allowed in extreme cases, this should be no more than 1 time in 3 months;
  • if a woman after receiving Postinor for 3 hours Starting vomiting, it should enjoy a further 1 tablet.
drinking pill

The effectiveness of the drug is estimated to early Regula. The cycle must be a regular, menstruation may be delayed for 5 days. In some cases, hormonal disorders associated with taking medications, can cause heavy periods. In this case it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out the likelihood of complications.

If month delay lasts 9-10 daysShould visit a gynecologist to avoid possible complications.

when monthly

The possibility of pregnancy in the last days of the menstrual cycle is considerably reduced, but in this case, there is little the likelihood of conception during menstruationAnd to exclude it, it is required to have a drink postinor taking into account all of the above rules. Thus the dosage means need to be fully - 2 tablets over 12 hours.

Upon receiving postinor tablets may experience changes menstrual cycle:

  • monthly start with a delay of 5-7 days, if the woman took the medication in the first half of the cycle;
  • period may be more abundant;
  • length regulator increases;
  • instead of the normal monthly possible brown spotting.

When changes of the menstrual cycle is required to see a doctor to rule out the likelihood of pregnancy, the development of uterine pathologies. Also, in some cases, a woman needs to stop the bleeding started, it can only make a specialist.

during pregnancy

Before taking Postinor recommended to do a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, medication should not drink, because it will not have the desired effect.

If after unprotected intercourse, the woman drank a pill, and then discovered that she was pregnant, she should not take the medication again. means the components do not adversely affect the embryo, so even after receiving the pregnancy can proceed normally.

pregnancy test

If she took the medication and then discovered she was pregnant, while there is the appearance of brown discharge, you must consult your doctor immediately. This is due to the fact that such means increases the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

Side effects and contraindications

In addition to the occurrence of bleeding and postinor can cause other side effects:

  • reduced ability to conceive within a couple of months after the use of the drug because of the hormonal changes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of pain in the chest, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • general weakness.

Their appearance is considered a variant of the norm, so they do not require recourse to the physician.

After receiving Postinor may occur, and other manifestations:

  • difficulty breathing function;
  • appearance of allergy to the epidermis in the form of rashes;
  • swelling of the face portion;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

If these symptoms appear, it means that the body began to develop the pathology that threatens a woman's health. At occurrence of such symptoms should seek emergency physician.

at the doctor's

Before taking this medication, be aware that it has the following contraindications:

  • gallbladder disease;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to components means;
  • severe abnormalities of liver function;
  • during childbearing.

It is also not recommended to take postinor children under 16 years of age, and if a woman has previously revealed an allergic reaction to this medicine or eskapel.

allergic reactions

an allergic reaction can occur after receiving Postinor. This complication develops on the background of hormonal changes or due to the presence of individual intolerance. Most often, women appear redness, rash, accompanied by severe itching.

Such allergy menstruation begins to subside, and then extends. But in order to facilitate its state before the start of menstruation, it is required to show the physician.

Factors influencing the selection

Admission Postinor can cause spotting, do not have any colors, odors. However, their appearance is not accompanied by a burning sensation or itching in the intimate area.

If used together with brown secretions were described symptoms, you must consult your doctor immediately as they point to the development of infectious, bacterial or fungal pathologies of the reproductive system, inflammatory processes in its bodies.


Against the background of hormonal changes can weaken the body's immune system, which is why the vagina begin to lead an active life activity pathogens. Most of these processes provoke the occurrence of thrush. Allocation for candidiasis accompanied by a sour smell. The development of such a disease may exacerbate the condition of the body, so the occurrence of unpleasant flavor urgent need to visit a gynecologist and hold the appropriate treatment.


Normally considered the fact that the girl after taking Postinor start spotting consisting of blood and mucus. They can go for at least 2 weeks, and then self-terminate.


Pathology is considered, if the "artificial" menstruation is abundant in nature. Thus bleeding lasts more normal menses. In this situation, you need to see a doctor, because such a reaction can be triggered by severe hormonal disorders.


Normally, after receiving the allocation Postinor should be pink. If there is a bright blood, accompanied by great soreness of the lower abdomen, it is necessary to address urgently to the physician, since this may indicate uterine bleeding.

white or yellow dischargeAccompanied by an unpleasant odor, indicate the presence of infection or fungal diseases. This is due to the fact that the drug is not a preventive measure and only protects against unwanted pregnancy.

Treatment and prevention

If the result of taking hormonal postinor the woman began to bleed heavily, to stop him, she should see a doctor. In this situation the specialist may prescribe pills or Dicynone Etamsylate.

If a woman suffers from the fact that her menstrual cycle is disrupted, have meager monthly and do not recover on their own, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy. In this treatment regimen is chosen based on the individual data.

Most often, when these secretions do not require hospitalization, therapy is conducted in the home, taking into account all the recommendations of a gynecologist.

To eliminate the need for drugs for emergency contraception, it is recommended to pay attention to other means of blocking the process of conception. These include well-chosen physician oral contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine devices. Their use is accompanied by a lower risk of side effects and complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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