Estradiol when to take what day of a woman's cycle


  1. Why do I need estradiol
  2. Estradiol in adolescent girls
  3. Hormone in adult women
  4. On what day of the menstrual blood tests to estradiol
  5. The rules of analysis
  6. The normal level of hormone
  7. Causes and symptoms of deviations from the norm
  8. low estradiol
  9. high estradiol
  10. How to normalize estradiol
  11. With medication
  12. Using the power

Hormones woman has a huge impact on the overall condition of the body. Estradiol is one of the key components. Lack or excess of the element causes disturbances of menstruation deprives fertility and childbearing, have a negative effect on the operation of all systems. Every woman is desirable to know the answer to the question of when and on what day of the cycle need to take estradiol, the indicators were as accurate as possible.

Day cycle Estradiol

Why do I need estradiol

Estradiol - the primary hormone responsible for femininity. It affects distinctive from men sexual characteristics, such as shape and voice. Most of the elements produced by the ovaries.

Component contributes to the harmonious development of the female reproductive organs, affects the uterus, vagina, vulva and breasts. The hormone stimulates the early growth of organs in dopubertatnogo and in puberty period of time.

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The role of cell - responsible for the normal course of menstruation and the process of the correct development of the uterine structures. The natural concentration of estradiol a woman's body takes on the function of gestation and conception.

If the amount of estradiol is not enough, the pituitary gland does not recognize the need for development of luteinizing hormone and will not be able to start the process of ovulation.

The hormone affects almost all aspects of women's health. Because no matter should take estradiol woman, the amount of component inspection is necessary to exercise regularly on a daily cycle.

Estradiol in adolescent girls

In addition to effects on sexual organs, the substance is activated for the correct formation of the bone tissue during growth and puberty. Therefore, girls have a higher concentration of the hormone in the blood after the first monthly rise faster than their peers of the opposite sex.

At puberty, estradiol, provides a harmonious development of girls due to the following properties:

  1. In adolescence, the normal level of the hormone promotes the formation of internal and external genitalia. Thus, the vagina is covered by epithelium composed of several layers, which increases the strength and elasticity of the walls. But the internal organs are protected from infectious pathologies type.
  2. Due to the component there is an acceleration in the division of the sternum cells. Formed the ducts necessary for feeding future offspring. Breast grows and takes on a certain shape.
  3. Fallopian tubes formed according to requirements. Ciliated epithelium type expands, thereby increasing the permeability of the fallopian channels.
  4. The element has an impact on the psychological state, ensuring the development of the girls female emotional type.

Hormone in adult women

In an age favorable for conception and birth of a child, estradiol is also important. It facilitates the flow of processes in the body:

  1. Accelerate the blood's ability to clot, preventing bleeding.
  2. Decrease in plasma concentrations of lipoproteins.
  3. Decrease the amount of cholesterol.
  4. Normalization of triglycerides.

In the body of the woman, the unborn child, the biological element is produced in large quantities and control the content of the required percentage of liquids, the formation of the placenta. The drawback is that excessive blood component leads to edema and safe for a healthy pregnancy.

Analysis For the three phases of the cycle. On which day of the cycle to donate blood to the hormone estradiol will tell the attending gynecologist.

On what day of the menstrual blood tests to estradiol

There are a few rules to help you choose the right moment for the procedure on their own:

In the childbearing period after the start of the cycle the doctor recommended to wait 7 days - this will be the best time for the procedure.

In premenopausal women analysis surrenders 2 times. One - on day 6 from the beginning of the cycle, the second - after some time. To study was objective, it is desirable to carry out both procedures in the same laboratory.

A woman in menopause can donate blood at any time.

The rules of analysis

Every woman should understand the proper preparation for the blood sampling procedure to the analysis:

  1. In just a few days before to check the blood on hormones to exclude physical activities and abandon the active training.
  2. Some time before the procedure can take alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  3. The hormone is investigated inaccurate if the patient experienced prior to analysis and experience stress.
  4. On the day before the procedure should be possible to exclude the use of drugs, especially if they are hormonal. Sometimes medications can not do without. In this case, the patient should be put in the doctor's reputation.
  5. Undergo the procedure should be on an empty stomach.

The normal level of hormone

component norms depending on the menstrual cycle phase, during which he delivered:

  • Follicular - from 57 to 227 pg / ml;
  • Ovulatory - from 127 to 476 pg / ml;
  • Luteal - from 77 to 227 pg / ml;

Pregnant indicators the content of this hormone can significantly increase and reach the level of 210-27000 pg / ml. Menopause is characterized by normal blood levels of 20-80 pg / ml of hormone.

Causes and symptoms of deviations from the norm

Deviation from the norm is overestimated and underestimated the level of estradiol in the blood.

low estradiol

The reasons why the hormone is at a reduced level:

  1. Medication, for example, means of a contraceptive or chemotherapeutic effect. Provoke a decline in the content of the component can cimetidine, danazol, Dexamethasone.
  2. Improper diet. Diets involving consumption of food fats without excessive saturation or carbohydrates organism, failure of the meat is likely to disrupt hormone production.
  3. Bad habits, such as alcoholism.
  4. menopause.
  5. Diseases of the reproductive system.

Signs of low estradiol consist of the following symptoms:

  1. Rash on the face;
  2. Lack of hydration of the skin;
  3. Constant lethargy;
  4. Coldness in the hands and feet;
  5. swelling;
  6. Hair loss;
  7. Violations of the monthly cycle;
  8. Excessive hairiness of the body in the chest, abdomen and buttocks;
  9. Development of infertility, impaired formation of follicles;
  10. Frequent diarrhea;
  11. Pain in the breast;
  12. Trouble sleeping;
  13. Aggressiveness and susceptibility to stress;
  14. There is a reduced libido.

high estradiol

Generation of excessive amounts of estradiol may be when:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. The availability of ovarian tumor malignant and benign nature;
  3. giperterioza;
  4. Weight gain;
  5. Kidney disease, and adrenal cortex;
  6. Alcoholism, chronic nature;
  7. The presence of a benign nature of the tumor in the breast;
  8. Contraceptive use medicaments with action against seizure drugs, fungicides.

Elevated hormone indicators include symptoms:

  1. Rash on the face, the presence of acne;
  2. Bleeding disorders;
  3. Severe pain during menstruation from a few hours to a couple of days;
  4. Chest pain;
  5. Trouble sleeping;
  6. Chronic migraine;
  7. Hair loss;
  8. Emotional instability;
  9. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main indicator of the level of hormone disorders is a blood test. Better not to risk the health and in cases of suspected pathology in the first instance to be checked in the laboratory.

How to normalize estradiol

To self-medicate prohibited. The wrong medication, excessive dosage or duration of a course of therapy will have a negative impact on the entire female body and worsen the situation. Diagnose and treat the amount of hormone abnormalities should gynecologist-endocrinologist.
There are two ways to bring estradiol in the body to normal:

With medication

Used when significant deviations. In such cases, the woman is not able to cope with their own pathology. Do blood tests to estradiol, the patient goes to a doctor, who appoints the appropriate remedy.

Using the power

Natural therapy is used for minor deviations from the norm of the biological element. The main thing - to give your body a boost, in which hormone levels will rise or fall.

Lack component can be filled through food, facilitates the process of production of the hormone estrogen, and providing access into the body:

  • legumes and grains;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • dairy products;
  • meat products;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • coffee.

This does not mean you have to go on a diet. Dietary restrictions harm the body even more.

Of physicians and their patients comments, we can conclude that elevated estradiol treated with proper diet, compliance with a balanced diet, treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies tract.

Estradiol - an important hormone for the female body. Depending on what day of the woman's cycle to take estradiol and progesterone, as well as to inspect other hormones depends on the result of the analysis. Because it is so important to undergo the procedure at the appropriate moment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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