FSH and LH when to pass on any day of the cycle: What Hormones rent for 3-5 day cycle, thyroid hormones, follicle


  1. Hormones and fertility
  2. When the women to be tested for hormones
  3. FSH
  4. Progesterone
  5. Estradiol (Estradiol)
  6. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
  7. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  8. On what day of the cycle take FSH
  9. When donating blood PH
  10. The basic rules of the FSH test procedures
  11. Which affects the result of the analysis

The human body - it is well balanced mechanism, which consists of a plurality of individual systems. Failure in one of them can lead to operation problems. One of the most used systems is reproductive. It procreation depends on it. It often happens that for a long time in the family do not get to have a child because of problems with the hormonal background. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to constantly check the endocrine system by giving blood for analysis of hormones. Read our article on what day of the cycle should take thyroid hormones.

cycle day delivery of FSH and LH

Hormones and fertility

Hormone - the main constituent element of a healthy body, which regulates metabolic processes and controls the process of procreation. If their record is not OK, then it may lead to a negative outcome. Hormones are formed due to the functioning of the endocrine glands.

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If the work of the hormonal system is disturbed for any reason, the ability of conception decreases significantly. Therefore, it is important to take a survey to detect the presence of hormones in the body and their quantity. And in the case of deviations from the norm - to take the necessary decisions on the balance of recovery.

In any clinic where the cause of infertility is determined, the patient is sent for examination of the endocrine system. One of its principal organs is the thyroid gland. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland, is maintained normal metabolism and regulate the processes of early development of the human organism and act out an important role in the formation of fetal brain. During the year, should always be checked for the presence of breast abnormalities.

When the women to be tested for hormones

In order to obtain accurate data, it is necessary to take into account a woman's menstrual period. Since then there are processes that affect the normal condition of the body.

The reproductive system of the body - it is a very balanced mechanism. And if the record fails, the whole system becomes vulnerable. To make it to function properly, you need a certain concentration of hormones. To do this, patients in clinics are different types of tests.

All such studies done in different periods of the month. The clinic is always prompt, what hormones pass 3-5 days of the female cycle, or in any other days.


Follicle stimulating hormone (abbreviated as FSH) is formed in the operation of pituitary - cerebral appendage. In the female body, he contributes to the formation of the egg. Thanks to a certain level of FSH, it develops and matures.

During the formation and circulating hormones in the body of the fair floor ovulate. It is controlled by the hypothalamus, which produces the necessary hormones.

FSH promotes a series of transformations of the ovarian follicle in the preovulatory phase of the course. Later, when the follicle develops and becomes larger, it allocates estrogen, which contributes to the process of oocyte maturation. When it matures, the leaves the follicle.

On day 3, the cycle rate of follicle stimulating hormone for women is 3,5-12,5 mU / l.

Furthermore FSH formed in the female body and other substances, the definition of which is necessary to maintain the health and physical reproductive system in tone.


The hormone progesterone, which affects the functioning of the uterus, which is not reduced under his influence. This makes it possible to attach to the fetus and to continue the pregnancy. This material may have different indices to certain periods of the cycle. Thus, before ovulation hormone concentration increases, and before delivery is significantly reduced. If progesterone is insufficient, then there may be a miscarriage. Read about what day of the cycle, give blood progesterone.

Estradiol (Estradiol)

Estradiol determines the formation of women's reproductive system of the body and affects the process of menstruation.
Prolactin. It is designed to lactation regulation and stimulation of breast growth. prolactin level is dependent on the period of pregnancy and may fall after delivery. Although he can stay at the same level even after pregnancy.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Thanks to it pass metabolism and prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland.

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

It provides work of the reproductive system of man. Thanks to this substance produces testosterone and progesterone. find out what day of the cycle woman to donate blood for testosterone.

All types of hormones must be present in the body in a certain amount.

The level should not exceed or be below the norm established indicators. If there is such a situation, it indicates the presence of disease in the body.

Standard indicators of these hormones can be different, since each individual body, and concretely designate substance concentration difficult. But the verification is absolutely necessary. The procedure itself is passing the analysis on hormones will last about 30 minutes.

On what day of the cycle take FSH

To get the results that best portray the situation with the hormonal background, should take into account how the menstrual cycle of the organism.
Typically, the duration is about 20-35 days and begins on the first day of discharge. Menstrual cycle consists of two phases, and a time interval between them ovulate.

Follicular period - a time when the developing follicle and then it leaves the egg. Follicular phase begins on the time of occurrence of bleeding and ends with ovulation. It lasts between half of the cycle. A woman may be a slightly higher body temperature - 37 °, and during ovulation - it is reduced. This allows you to keep track of the right time for insemination.

Norm values ​​of FSH in women 2-3 day cycle is 2,8-11,3 mU / l.

The second period of the corpus luteum, formed in place of the egg. It luteal phase, which occurs after ovulation. It comes in mid-cycle. Then, supported by the necessary amount of hormones in pregnancy. The duration period of about 13-15 days.

Normal values ​​of FSH on cycle day is 4,5-14 5,8-21 mU / l (ovulatory phase).

Only the doctor decide on the date of delivery of blood for analysis. Given the progress of the patient's menstrual period, it selects the most appropriate time. It is worth noting that during pregnancy the procedure is slightly different.

Under normal circumstances the FSH must pass for 3-7 day periods.

When donating blood PH

Besides FSH, lyuteotropin (LH) also affects the functionality of the reproductive mechanism. The concentration of LH and FSH affects more successful course of pregnancy. On what day of the cycle and when to donate blood in the luteinizing hormone (LH), says doctor.

Independently determine the LH is difficult to pass on any day of the menstrual cycle.

Some experts advise to do check on the fifth or seventh day, while others are convinced that the best results are obtained in the sixth or seventh day. All depends on the individual woman on the course of the process of menstruation and other characteristics of the organism.

3-5 days of the female cycle rate of luteinizing hormone LH in women should become 1,9-12,5 mIU / mL.

If there is a violation (decrease / increase) ratio indicators, it indicates problems in the adrenal glands. Therefore, a specialist may prescribe additional tests of other bodies which are not related to genital system.

Hormones LH and FSH levels are checked regularly, so when they pass you should definitely ask your doctor.

It is understood that the content of these substances is not only the physical health of the woman, but also her mental state, intellectual ability, quality of life.

The basic rules of the FSH test procedures

  1. Material for analysis pass to 10-11 o'clock.
  2. You want to limit sexual activity for some time.
  3. Women are advised to refrain from any strenuous exercise immediately before blood collection procedure.
  4. It is very important not to smoke and not to drink alcohol, since they strongly influence the fertility system of the person and reduce the opportunity to have healthy offspring.
  5. Do not take any food in front of the doctor.
  6. Do not make any thermal treatments.
  7. If the patient takes hormonal agents, it is necessary to give them up for a week to visit the doctor.
  8. It is important to stress the absence of that is necessary to secure a good psychological atmosphere, plus a normal, restful sleep (7-8 hours).
  9. It is advisable not to change the climatic conditions before going to the doctor and not to make any travel.

Which affects the result of the analysis

Do not forget that the quality and results of the analysis will also be influenced by the age of the patient. After all the processes that occur in the human body match his biological rhythm. The same applies to the production of hormones.

Factors that may affect the performance of research:

  • possible to terminate a pregnancy or abortion;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • infections, sexually transmitted;
  • receiving dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and anabolic agents;
  • irregular working hours and rest, about increased physical activity.

All of these conditions can significantly affect the results of the analysis. Therefore, before undergoing the procedure, it is better first to appoint a consultation with a doctor and discuss with him all the nuances of the future survey and decide on the day of delivery.

Working with experts is absolutely necessary, because even now there are controversial points when donating blood is best, what day. But usually, after the passed training to pass all the tests require the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Problems with the production of hormones may be associated:

  • and deterioration of reproductive function;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • with menopause;
  • with impaired sexual maturation process;
  • the problem of the genetic nature;
  • with sexual infantilism (inhibition of sexual development).

doctors often prescribe hormone therapy to control their concentration in the body. After receiving the results, you should consult with your doctor, because it is a concrete specialist can decipher all the indicators.

Blood on the level of hormones in the rent when it is really necessary, therefore, do not be afraid. Still better, you can take precautions and be tested and start treatment in the early stages, rather than wait, when there will be serious problems with the body. It should take care of their health and checked by a doctor at least once a year.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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