The sour smell of secretions in women with no itching, pain, white

Mucus in small quantities is observed in all women. The normal discharge smell, but their fragrance barely catch. In the case of beginning of the pathological process nature secretion varies. The sour smell of secretions in women indicates the development of the disease. Change their consistency, color - a reason to visit a gynecologist. White cheesy discharge are considered a clear sign of disease and need treatment.

bad smell


  • The main symptoms
  • pathological causes
    • Candidiasis
    • gardnerellez
    • endometriosis
  • Sour smell during pregnancy
  • Complications and consequences
  • preventive measures

The main symptoms

White discharge with a sour smell - is the norm, but only on condition that the flavor is felt with difficulty.

In the absence of health problems secretion has the following characteristics:

  • It is not accompanied by pain, burning and itching in women in the intimate zone;
  • It appears in the form of white creamy discharge in the end of the cycle, watery - in the beginning;
  • characterized by a slight amount.

Unpleasant smell acidic mucus acquires the development of infectious diseases, hormone fluctuations, rules neglecting intimate hygiene, excessive body weight, allergic response, and in case of aggravation of gynecological pathologies occurring in chronic form. In this case, the secretion can change the color and consistency.

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Such acidic isolation considered alarming symptom.

pathological causes

If whites become uncharacteristic flavor, it indicates the development of various pathologies. This symptom indicates the reproduction in the urogenital system of pathogens, triggering the beginning of the inflammatory process.


Selection curdled sour odor marked with the active reproduction Candida fungi. They are opportunistic pathogens, which for a long time are located in mucous membranes of the vagina without causing the development of the disease.

Candidiasis is beginning to emerge due to the following factors:

  • suppression of immune function;
  • daily use gaskets with flavors;
  • underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • receiving antibiotic medication;
  • douching;
  • abrupt change of climatic conditions;
  • promiscuous;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules.

development of candidiasis (thrush) begins with a rapid increase in the number of fungi and poisoning the body of waste products. Among its main symptoms are the following:

  • copious white consistency similar to yogurt - appears initially;
  • itching and burning sensation in the intimate area;
  • redness and swelling of the soft tissues;
  • an increase in the number of selections, they look like cottage cheese;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • cramps during urination;
  • pain in the pubic region.

If background thrush develop other diseases that can be released from the vagina brown bloody dischargePossessing a sour flavor.

The therapy of the disease is carried out using antifungal agents in the form of tablets, ointments and suppositories. When combined with other diseases candidiasis treatment is complex and involves the use of anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibiotic agents.


Discharge with a sour smell in women often occur due to the development of bacterial vaginosis. The reason for its occurrence lies in the violation of the natural microflora. The concentration of lactobacilli significantly decreases, and other bacteria that live in this environment, rapidly multiply.

Provoke the development of disease following factors:

  • receiving antibiotic or hormonal medications;
  • held abortive events;
  • promiscuous;
  • neglect of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • frequent douching execution.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • gray or white thick discharge with an unpleasant odor. secretion volume increases after intimacy;
  • initially it is thin mucus, which eventually becomes sticky and viscous;
  • secret has sour aroma or gives rotten fish.

In the treatment of special solutions intended for irrigation (Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin) as well as drugs in the form of suppositories can be used (Gynoflor, Vaginorm).


Development of the disease is caused by hormonal fluctuations, due to which there is an abnormal proliferation of the endometrium. It is noted uncharacteristic highlight: yellow secret eye-catching with a sour odor, itching, pain in the abdomen and bleeding outside the period of menstruation.

Risk of disease is complications that arise from proliferation of uterine functional layer. Mucous bodies are vulnerable, and endometiriozu can join the infection. In addition, often at a lesion appendages and reproductive organ is the consequence of pathological process sterility.


Often this disease marked brown discharge from the vagina. Their appearance is due to systematic damage and the formation of endometrial bleeding wounds.

Sour smell during pregnancy

From the moment of successful fertilization in the body of a healthy woman is a change in hormonal levels. In order to preserve the fruit progesterone concentration rises substantially. The secret becomes much thicker. Faint sour smell of mucus - a normal phenomenon.

The appearance of whiter with uncharacteristic aroma is often observed as a result of waning immunity. For this reason there is a disturbance marked microflora and active multiplication of microorganisms present therein. And not only useful, but also pathogens.

Secretions that produce sour smell may indicate exacerbation candidiasis in pregnancyWhich often manifests during gestation. In this case, the secretion becomes abundant, mucus and acquires the consistency of cottage cheese weight. Appear unpleasant symptoms such as itching and burning sensation in the intimate area.

In the course of treatment of yeast infections in women who bears a child, most often used Pimafutsin candles. They are not an active substance can penetrate through the mucous membranes. Therefore, the systemic exposure is not provided, and the fetus is not harmed.

baby inside

Often during pregnancy exacerbates other diseases occurring in the chronic form. The reason for changing the smell of secretion may be a genital herpes and chlamydia.

Complications and consequences

Any pathology in the absence of proper treatment time later becomes chronic and provokes the appearance of serious complications. If it's hormonal fluctuations, the most dangerous consequence will develop abnormalities that lead to infertility. Similar changes may occur in advanced forms of STDs.

Any inflammatory processes and tumors are a threat to women's health and even life. Thrush (candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis creates favorable conditions for infection control Wednesday. In the case of infectious diseases situation will only get worse. If these diseases are diagnosed late in pregnancy, the treatment is carried out usually after childbirth. In this case, there is a risk that the child will infected during passage through the birth canal.

pregnant worries

In the case of endometriosis and endometrial lesions uterine cells and the ovaries during ovulation and uterine bleeding may start in other phases of the cycle. This pathology often causes infertility.

preventive measures

To prevent the development of pathologies that provoke change in the nature of secretion, it is necessary to stick to simple recommendations. The main ones are the following:

  1. Constantly strengthen the immune system, eat right and give up bad habits.
  2. Medication compliance with rigorous exercise medical recommendations.
  3. It is strictly prohibited abuse of hormonal contraceptives.
  4. Wearing underwear, does not restrict movement, made of natural fabrics.
  5. Avoid stress, excessive physical exhaustion and hypothermia.
  6. With special attention to approach the selection of intimate hygiene products, are used in the process of cleaning the. Preference should be given to those that do not have colors or flavors.
  7. Do not use soap when performing hygiene procedures, as it contributes to a breach of the vaginal microflora.
  8. Panty liners use only during ovulation and closer to the coming of the regulation, when the volume of secretion is substantially increased.
  9. On ordinary days, wash twice a day, and in the critical - at each change of hygienic supplies.
  10. Timely treat any diseases developing.
  11. Systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist.

The acquisition of the vaginal secretion of acid flavor - an alarming symptom. Such changes, in most cases signal the beginning of the pathological process. Leave such clinical manifestations can not be ignored. Determine what caused their occurrence can only gynecologist. Self-medication is not allowed. Such actions often entail serious consequences and sometimes irreversible.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 69
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