Progesterone when to pass on any day of the cycle: how to prepare


  1. Why do I need progesterone
  2. How to prepare for analysis
  3. Changing the level of progesterone in phases
  4. On a day to take progesterone
  5. Submission date analysis with irregular cycle
  6. hormone norm
  7. Progesterone During Pregnancy
  8. When should I take and what is considered the norm
  9. How to adjust the level of progesterone
  10. Additional introduction hormone
  11. correction of diet
  12. ethnoscience

Hormones - a complex tool, which directly depends on the state of health and sexual health of women. The main hormone responsible for the reproductive function of the body, is a progesterone. Any couple planning to the completion of the family, first of all is to check the level of this hormone in women. However, you can not just go and give blood for progesterone liked any time - it is very important to choose the right time of the menstrual cycle, because on different days of the hormone in the body can significantly differ. Therefore, every expectant mother must know on what day of the cycle, progesterone and take some measure of analysis indicates a deviation from the norm.

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Day cycle for delivery of the analysis on progesterone

Why do I need progesterone

The main function of this hormone - to control the process of conception and pregnancy maintenance. If there are any irregularities in the direction of its increase in the blood or in the direction of decreasing, you may experience problems with conception. So the first thing prescribed by a doctor for infertility - a blood test for progesterone.

It is also called the hormone of the corpus luteum. It is this temporary endocrine gland responsible for the production of secretions in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and up to 16 weeks of gestation.

Progesterone is involved in the formation of the placenta and preparing women for pregnancy. Each process in this complex chain must be sharpened by the body without the right to make mistakes, otherwise not be able to get pregnant. That is why you need to understand when to take progesterone, what day of the cycle.

How to prepare for analysis

For delivery of the analysis will not only podgadat certain day cycle while undergoing weeklong training. There are some rules that you must follow to ensure that nothing will affect the index of analysis, and it turned out to be very moody and fickle. Here are the main points that must be done:

  1. If you are taking hormonal medication, then a week before blood donation should stop taking them.
  2. For 7 days, doctors are advised to reduce the intensity of sports training, but it is better if you look at it while they pause completely, as physical activity can lead to low results analysis.
  3. 3 days to completely eliminate any alcohol.
  4. 2 days should stop having sex.
  5. The day is better to take time off at work, since stress is absolutely contraindicated prior to analysis.
  6. I do not eat for 8 hours but not more than 10 hours fasting.
  7. It is recommended not to smoke for 3 hours before the test for hormones.

And also there are limitations in food, which is to adhere to a week before the blood test. Avoid:

  • seasoning sharp or sharp taste, including excessively salty foods;
  • drinks containing taurine, caffeine and other substances that affect the nervous system;
  • food with high fat diet;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet and flour.

Adhering to such a healthy diet can lead to normal levels of progesterone, if earlier there were deviations.

A nice bonus: this diet definitely make the figure more slender.

Changing the level of progesterone in phases

Progesterone is unstable throughout the menstrual cycle. He divides it into its phases, depending on where different permissible values ​​of the hormone in the body.

Countdown cycle begins with the first day of menstruation. Since that time, and up to 5 day cycle it creeps up indicator. If it will not be enough in the body, the bleeding starts.

When the missing hormone, the endometrium layer that has accumulated in the uterus during the last cycle, starts to be torn away and out of the body with blood. At the same time will be the work of other hormones - derived pituitary that trigger the maturation of oocytes.

The body starts preparing for another attempt procreation.

On day 9 estrogen attains peak power. Will be allocated an alkali neutralizing acid microflora of the vagina, allowing the sperm to pass unobstructed through fallopian tubes to the ovaries. The egg will ripen up to 13 days.

On day 14, when normally ovulate, sperm can fertilize an egg. If the egg is not met his sperm, then after the active phase of progesterone drops sharply for a couple of estrogen.

Comes luteal phase or the phase of the corpus luteum, formed from the follicle, who recently left the egg.

From 24 day cycle and the beginning of menstruation progesterone virtually disappears.

On a day to take progesterone

About progesterone women usually know when to start some of the problems of gynecologic or during pregnancy. On what day of the cycle pass progesterone, the doctor must decide, because every woman's cycle is different: in one menstrual period is a week, the other runs on the fourth day. But there are standards that usually follow in medicine:

Typically, a blood test shall be 21 days cycle. If the cycle is less than the average of 28 days, the analysis pass on the 20th. If the period between periods last for more than the average, the gynecologist may prescribe blood samples on day 22 of the cycle.

Submission date analysis with irregular cycle

Women are faced with gynecological problems, ask a question: where to take progesterone with irregular cycle? This period is determined by measuring the basal body temperature. Progesterone acts on the hypothalamus, increasing the temperature of the thermometer so the figures will be higher than usual - it's time to give a blood sample. If the monthly yet you have visited, you'll need to donate blood for three times. First after exactly one week after the beginning of the cycle, the second a week later, and the third time - 20 day cycle.

hormone norm

From 19 to 23 day cycle norm is 6,99-56,93 nmol / l. At the end of the cycle, these figures have to fall, or, on the contrary, to grow in the case of pregnancy to 8,9-468,4 nmol / L. Any deviations from the norm in all the conditions indicate hormonal disorders. So the next step is to conduct a study on the causes of the violations.

Find out which means when 17-one, progesterone increased in the follicular phase Article link.

In the male body, this hormone is also present. Sometimes they have to pass a test in its analysis. progesterone rate in men is much lower female level - 0,65-0,63 nmol / L. The increased value may be the bearer of various diseases.

Progesterone During Pregnancy

It is this hormone take the responsibility from the beginning of pregnancy until the last day of its existence to provide a comfortable baby in the womb. First, it increases the muscle mass of the uterus to protect the fetus from abortion. The uterus itself under the influence of progesterone hormone begins to grow and becomes a comfortable "home" for a tiny resident.

Cervical secret acquires the properties of antibacterial barrier which will not pass any infection. Part of progesterone enters the embryo, and transformed it into hormones, which will contribute to the rapid growth of a healthy fetus.

When should I take and what is considered the norm

From this it becomes clear how much the woman need progesterone to originated in her life of 9 months made its first breath. Therefore, once a woman learns of her pregnancy, she immediately advised to make an analysis on the level of progesterone. The question of what day of the cycle to donate blood progesterone is no longer necessary: ​​any period will determine the presence of the fetus and the correctness of its development. But the amount of hormone needed a woman, varies depending on how long gestation:

  • 0-3 month - 8,9-468,4 nmol / L;
  • 4-6 month - 71,5-303,1 nmol / L;
  • 7-9 month - 88,7-771,5 nmol / L.

The first figure - the lower limit of the permissible, and the second - the maximum level.

How to adjust the level of progesterone

If the recommendations referred to in Article are respected at delivery of analyzes, and the result went beyond the normal values, the doctor will have to appoint a hormone replacement therapy.

Today there are many drugs that can replace the lack of hormones and ensure proper functioning of the reproductive organs. But until you do a pregnancy test, they can not be used. If you become pregnant as early as during the use of drugs, their intake should be stopped.

When the test result is below normal, it may mean that in the body there is a malfunction of the adrenal glands, the problem in the ovaries, thyroid disease and other problems.

Additional introduction hormone

Skilled artisans may assign progesterone injections in liquid form, either regularly taking hormonal synthetic Djufaston tablet or a more expensive analogue of natural Utrozhestan components. The most popular destination with an increase in progesterone above normal - drugs mifepristone and Clomiphene.

correction of diet

The food, especially protein, which uses a woman, too, affects the amount of progesterone produced. The more protein is used, the greater the hormone in the body. Accordingly, if you want to reduce the rate, limit the intake of protein foods.


In pharmacies sold herbs that can improve women hormonal background. Carnation flowers, upland uterus in broth with red berries of mountain ash for many centuries famous for its healing properties for the state of women's health. These herbs found on sale is not difficult, but their use is definitely worse than not do. You can supplement their basic treatment - some women say that thus achieved the best analysis as compared to the same. Read on Can I drink upland uterus during menstruation.

Many people do not give due importance to progesterone, until the sad moment comes when the body signals the reproductive system problems. But any woman who thinks about childbearing term, it is necessary to donate blood for progesterone. The earlier will indicate the deviation and start treatment (always under supervision of a physician), the more likely to get rid of the problem once and feel in your body the birth of a new life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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