Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) when the take on what day of the cycle


  1. The nature and specificity of the hormone antimyullerovogo
  2. Indications for laboratory studies on AMH
  3. Preparation and analysis procedure
  4. AMG indicators: whether to panic
  5. increased performance
  6. low rates
  7. Normalization hormone levels
  8. AMH hormone and IVF

Hormones play a special role in human existence. Overstated or understated figures reveal a violation of functions of organs and secretions of the body. For the reproductive system of women in the fertile period of priority importance Anti-Müllerian hormone. Its level is directly related to the ability to conceive, carry and produce a child. Hormonal imbalance has a negative impact on the general condition of women and can cause dysfunction of the reproductive system. It is therefore important to conduct clinical trials on time. To find out when and on what day of the cycle is better to take the Anti-Müllerian hormone, it is necessary to understand the nature of its origin.

When should I take AMG

The nature and specificity of the hormone antimyullerovogo

Anti-Müllerian hormone (abbreviated - AMH), also called Muller inhibitory factor Antimyullerovskoy substance, agent or factor.

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It is produced by the Sertoli cells (males) and granulosa cells (the female body) dimeric glycoprotein. At the beginning of embryonic development, protein hormone is responsible for the resorption of Muller's ducts and serves to determine the sex of the child. That is why in the case of a false hermaphroditism, when the external sexual characteristics to determine the sex of the fetus can not be appointed to study AMG. And also it is an effective way to determine the functional activity of the ovaries. Development of substances not subject to the brain and the endocrine glands. For his production meet the gonads.

Observation of the quantitative indicators Antimyullerovskoy substance is recommended to start at the time of puberty, when there is an active formation of fertility.

Indications for laboratory studies on AMH

Conducting research is assigned:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • in elucidating the causes and nature of infertility;
  • In case of early or late puberty;
  • upon the occurrence of premature menopause in women.

AMH Assay assigned patients who undergo androgen deprivation therapy for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
Focus on study number AMH outputs obstetrician, urologist or endocrinologist. Analyzes are carried out in the social and private clinics. Modern equipment demonstrates more accurate results. According to the norm, the most reliable indicators of fixed antimyullerovogo hormone in women on day 3 of the cycle.

Preparation and analysis procedure

To get the most accurate results, before the delivery of the analysis must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not play sports for three days before going to the lab.
  2. Exclude from the diet of fatty and junk food.
  3. During the day, give up alcohol.
  4. Minimize stress phenomena.
  5. Stop taking steroid medications for 2 days.

Doctors recommend to come to the clinic in the morning, as the analysis shall fasting. In acute need can be any non-carbonated drinking water. On the day of delivery of the analysis should give up smoking. If shortly before the hormonal study patient aching cold or the flu, it is recommended to transfer the analysis of the change. Children up to 5 years before the blood donation necessarily need to drink warm water.

Blood sampling is done from a vein. Using a special serum quantitated Antimyullerovogo hormone content and volume ovary, and counts the eggs that can be fertilized during the current cycle. Results of the study are known on day 2.

AMG indicators: whether to panic

For men and women, indicators of Mueller inhibitory factor differ.

  1. Before puberty, boys are the norm numbers from 46.4 to 78.1 nanograms per milliliter, and the girls - no more than 8.9 ng / mL.
  2. In adulthood, men are allowed performance to 5.6 ng / mL, and for women - from 1.0 to 10.6 nanograms per milliliter.

For women of childbearing age is important is the rate of AMH hormone on day 3 of the cycle. Hormone produced by the follicles in diameter to 4 millimeters. With increasing to 8mm reproduction stops. 4-5 days after ovulation indicators "egg counter" reaches a minimum value.

Level antimyullerovskoy substance is a marker of diseases.

increased performance

Increased concentration signals:

  • the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • of anovulatory infertility (lack of ovulation);
  • granulozokletochnyh the presence of tumors.

These results are possible with congenital abnormalities, or ovarian AMH receptor.

Excessive amounts of the inhibiting substance provokes abnormal release of estrogen, due to which broken menstrual cycle before the onset of menopause.

low rates

Low hormone levels suggests a reduced ovarian reserve, t. E. at the genetic level in the ovaries laid few eggs. This can be a feature of congenital and acquired. The willingness of women to conceive depends on the number embedded in the ovarian follicle.

By the fall in the level of AMH may result in:

  • transferred autoimmune diseases;
  • surgery;
  • Chemotherapy and radiation exposure.

After 36 years the level of AMH secretion is also reduced. With the advent of menopause substance is no longer produced. Low level Muller inhibitory factor neutralizes the effect of FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, as well as It indicates ovarian fibrosis, early menopause, a severe form of poisoning and premature sexual maturation. find out when and on what day of the cycle take FSH.

Please be aware that the results of laboratory tests on the number Antimyullerova hormone may differ from one another. This is affected by external factors: the equipment used, the conditions of transport of biological material, as well as the general state of health of the woman. Because it is important to prokonsultrovatsya with the doctor, where, when and on what day of the cycle, it is best to take the AMG.

Addiction, excessive drinking, smoking adversely affect ovarian reserve. Adherents of a healthy and active lifestyle less likely to suffer ovarian dysfunction.

Normalization hormone levels

Low levels of the substance can not be antimyullerovskoy medication. To stabilize the amount prescribed vitamin D3. Higher figures have been adjusted in order to prevent the occurrence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Many women are concerned about the effect of long-term use of combined oral contraceptives on the level of AMH. This fact has not been confirmed.

Folk remedies antimyullerovskogo normalization factor may only aggravate the condition of women. The treatment should take place under medical supervision. To obtain more accurate information about the health status of women may need extra blood tests, ultrasound.

AMH hormone and IVF

Prior to the in vitro fertilization procedure is required to be tested for AMG. By reducing the chance of pregnancy rates is minimal. If hormone levels below 0.8 nanograms per milliliter, fertilization is impossible, and the IVF procedure is not carried out. Keep in mind that with age ovarian reserve is reduced, and the risk of genetic abnormalities increases. find out what day of the cycle do embryo transfer with IVF.

High rates Antimyullerovskogo factors together with excessive amounts of FSH complicate the fertilization process. There is no follicular maturation and ovulation is not carried out.

To correct level Muller inhibitory factor assigned hormonal therapy. It is held under the supervision of a physician. Taking into account the health status of women, the gynecologist determine when and on what day of the cycle take a reanalysis of AMG. After this occurs, further treatment and preparation for IVF.

A blood test for AMG - an important part of preparation for the birth of a child. Proper hormonal balance makes it easy to conceive and bear fruit. Experienced specialists will advise you when and where to donate blood for analysis, as well as appoint the necessary treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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