Spotting after a month, a week, why go with the blood, if menstruation is over

The body is always in control menstrual cyclicity. Thanks to this woman is able to reproduce. In order to maintain this function it is important to follow the cycle and in the presence of any faults promptly seek medical attention. Spotting after your period - this is a serious offense for which you need to pay special attention.

hands on stomach


  • classification of MQM
    • juvenile DMK
    • MQM reproductive age
    • MQM in menopause
  • Causes
    • External factors
    • internal factors
    • The juvenile period
    • In reproductive age
    • The menopause
  • Diagnostics
  • The more dangerous long-term monthly
  • Treatment

classification of MQM

If the blood after menstruation - is an alarming symptom. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is classified according to the period of its origin:

  1. Juvenile.
  2. Reproductive.
  3. Climatic.

Let us consider each type of pathology.

juvenile DMK

With this dysfunctional uterine bleeding faced by girls during puberty. Juvenile type of the disease makes itself felt after a delay of critical days. Red discharge after menstruation abundant.

Juvenile DMK is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, headache and dizziness, pale skin.

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In pediatric gynecology and pediatrics is one of the most serious pathologies. It poses a risk to women's reproductive health, as provokes inflammation of the pelvic organs. Also, juvenile DMK leads to complications of pregnancy, miscarriages.

sad girl

MQM reproductive age

With abnormal vaginal bleeding a week after menstruation experienced by women from 18 to 45 years. A special feature of this disease is the lack of ovulation at mid-cycle. The secretion of progesterone in the body at the same time is negligible.

Secretions after monthly appear because of impaired blood circulation, in which the blood vessels to dilate. For more details about why month end and begin againYou can read a separate article on our site.

In most cases, the appearance of the MQM in the reproductive age stimulates adrenal or ovarian cancer.

MQM in menopause

pathological isolation from blood during menopause can start in women aged 45-55 years) A feature of this disease is that it takes a much harder and more painful than in other age periods.

DMK menopause is triggered by impaired blood clotting. When the functional state of hypothalamic structures change, there is a malfunction of the ovaries, which creates favorable conditions for the development of the gynecological pathology.

blood cells


Before taking curative measures, it is necessary to understand why are spotting abnormal discharge after menstruation. Their causes are associated with external and internal factors.

External factors

Among the major release:

  1. Emotional stress, stress. Suspicious isolation provoked strong emotion, often appear within 3 days after completion of menstruation.
  2. Injury. Blood after a month for this reason can go in 2 weeks after completion of menstruation. There is a risk of injury during an impact or during sex.

internal factors

DMC can be triggered by:

  1. Proyomenoreey. This is the medical name for a short menstrual cycle. blood often comes in 10-12 days after the month when such pathology.
  2. Venereal disease. Often these diseases are progressing in a latent form.
  3. Intrauterine device.

Also causes dysfunctional uterine bleeding may be associated with the age period.

The juvenile period

The nature of this pathology - polietiologichesky. If after a month a week a girl puberty vaginal blood began to come out, this is due to the imperfection of its regulation of the reproductive system.

girl on the couch

Factors precipitating MQM in juvenile period:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. Failure in the functioning of the ovaries may be caused by a cyst or preserved dominant follicle.
  2. Pathology of pregnancy. One of the most common, which provokes postmenstrual allocation is fetal hypoxia.
  3. Psycho-emotional turmoil. After prolonged stress or neurosis puberty in girls vaginal mucus often allocated blood. This is connected with the violation generating body LH and FSH.
  4. Uterine malformations. For example, the mucous membrane body may be damaged polyp or cyst.

In reproductive age

In women of reproductive age the appearance of bleeding immediately after menstruation is associated with gynecological diseases and pathologies. But sometimes failure of the menstrual cycle occurs for any other reason.

Factors precipitating MQM reproductive age:

  1. Neuropsychiatric reactions. If due to severe stress after menstruation are vaginal bleeding, it is not necessary to resort to medical treatment. Help stabilize the cycle relaxation therapy. This may be, e.g., yoga or massage.
  2. Physical exhaustion. If after menstruation blood smear continues, this may be due to over-activity. Rest will help to normalize the cycle and improve well-being.
  3. Abrupt change of weather / climate. Female body is sensitive to any changes.
  4. Intoxication. Brown spotting mid-cycle may be triggered by the ingestion of a toxin or a pathogenic infection.
  5. Taking certain drugs. There are a number of drugs that have a negative effect on the lining of the uterus. This provokes postmenstrual selection.
  6. Inflammation of the appendages or ovaries.
  7. Abortion.
Capsule in the doctor's hand

The menopause

If after 45 years the woman go of bleeding after a month, it is associated with a reduced excretion by the body of the pituitary gonadotropins. Release of these substances becomes irregular, so a few days after the menstrual period may extend from the vagina brown clots.

DMK menopause is characterized by tenderness. Profuse discharge of blood - one of the symptoms of disease.

Violations of menstruation at this age are associated with delayed production of progesterone by the body - one of the main female hormones. This leads to an abundant proliferation of the endometrium outside the uterus, the result is a strong discomfort in the ovaries.


To understand how to treat bloody discharge that occur after menstruation, it is recommended to pass the necessary examination. To identify disease need to see a gynecologist.

Diagnostics include instrumental and laboratory methods. The main activities:

  1. Bacteriological analysis of the post-menstrual secretions.
  2. Ultrasonography.
  3. A blood test for hormones.
  4. uterus colposcopy.
  5. Biopsy of tumors (if present).
  6. Carrying hysteroscopy.
  7. Histological examination of the pathological tissue.

The study will help determine the presence of gynecologic pathology, as well as to establish the cause of its occurrence.

The more dangerous long-term monthly

Normal monthly allocation continues from 4 to 7 days. Increase in the period of menstruation for several days should not be a cause for panic. phase of the cycle may be shifted due to the influence of various factors. But if the critical days of the last 4-5 days more, it speaks about the flow in the body of the pathological process.

she covered her face with her hands

Also disturbing symptom is the lack of change in color of menstrual blood. A few days it will be bright red, but to the 4-5 th should darken. By the end of the period of critical days of release should buy brown.

Danger to women's reproductive health are not long periods, but a disease that provoked them. Often prolonged menstruation is accompanied by pain and poor health. This process is fraught with iron deficiency, and as a consequence of anemia.

Also, long-term blood loss leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. This will worsen, not only health, but also the quality of life.


Engage in treatment of bleeding should only be a doctor. Independently appoint yourself any medications contraindicated. It is worth remembering that the timely adoption of therapeutic measures will be long lasting reproductive health.

Before the doctor prescribe treatment, he will hold a complex of diagnostic measures, aimed at establishing the specificity and causes of bloody discharge.

The scheme of treatment will be selected specialist individually. In most cases, used hormone therapy. Action medicines prescribed by doctors to patients with DMC, directed to normalization of the blood circulation and improving the uterine contraction.

That after long and profuse bleeding body recover quickly, take restorative medicine.

If the illness was caused by the emotional stress, the woman also appoint sedative drugs.

Operative method of treatment which comprises scraping the uterine wall, is used less frequently. It is prescribed for women who DMK appeared in menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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