Discharge with blood, but not monthly, why go smears

Menstruation is normally characterized by a bright red discharge, which intensified in mid-month and gradually disappear after 3-7 days. Sometimes women appear allocation from the blood, but not monthly - scarce, spotting, irregular.

Norm are considered only in the initial phase of menopause, and in other cases indicate hormonal failure, the development of disease or other pathologies. Especially dangerous are whites are at the beginning of pregnancy (3-6 week).

Why is not the blood during menstruation


  • dysfunction types
  • Differences from month uterine bleeding
  • Causes of bleeding from the vagina
  • After installing intrauterine device
  • Secretion in allergic reactions
  • Blood at ovulation and pregnancy
  • Allocation as a result of sexual intercourse
  • Post-natal and post-operative period
  • Acyclic allocation pathologies

dysfunction types

Abnormal periods may appear on the background of exacerbation of chronic infections in the acute phase of various women's diseases at the onset of menopause.

Orange, brown, red isolation, but not monthly, may develop as a result of various pathologies:

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  1. Orange physiological mucus becomes as a result of such diseases as gonorrhea. Pathogenic microflora inhibits lactobacilli, develops vaginal bacteria overgrowth. Parallel disturbed menstrual cycle. Appear meager allocation orange. In addition, the pain is felt in the lower back and abdominal pain, burning, itching, there is an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Also, such secretion can be observed at vaginosis not associated with diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. black selection characterized by inflammation of the cervix, appendages using a contraceptive incorrectly matched. From hormonal imbalance may develop pain in the lower back and abdomen, fever. Additionally, there is nausea (and even vomiting), digestion is disturbed. It is also very dark secretion in a small volume can occur after abortion, and obstructed labor, cervical biopsy, with a spiral wear.
  3. Yellow green or bleach - sign of increased content of the bacterial flora. With an increase of leukocytes caused by the development of pathogenic organisms, inflammation occurs, causing vaginal mucus acquires a color.

Highlight women instead of monthly as may appear normal in early pregnancy, when Climate change, nervous exhaustion, malnutrition, hormonal therapy, reduction of Immunity.

Differences from month uterine bleeding

Separation of blood during a regular period are different from pathological vaginal secretions. With the standard of menstruation:

  • monthly are odorless;
  • number of lost blood is between 50 and 80 grams for the entire cycle;
  • Replace the gasket must be made not more frequently than once every 2 hours;
  • color dark red or slightly brown;
  • normal consistency, liquid, mucus without inclusions of lumps, flakes;
  • occurrence of secretions necessarily coincide with an estimated menstruation day.

Allocation of blood, but not monthly, indicate bleeding. Main difference from menstruation:

  • volume greater than 90 grams per cycle may develop iron deficiency;
  • duration - 7 days or more, and in the second phase the volume allocated monthly blood is not reduced;
  • no characteristic smell of blood;
  • may additionally occur fever, dizziness, weakness;
  • almost continual discharge of blood instead portioned as in regulator;
  • bleeding does not necessarily coincide with the date on critical days.

The menstrual cycle at metrorrhagia may increase up to 35 days or more or, alternatively, reduced by up to 21 days.

Causes of bleeding from the vagina

Separation of blood may occur due to various reasons. Blood during pregnancyEspecially in the early stages, the blood from the vagina often indicative of pathology - placental abruption, which began abortion, at least - on the attachment of the ovum, if conception occurred during the second phase of the cycle is closer to the beginning of the next menses.

The presence of blood in excreta indicates vascular injury that develops during the growth of polyps, fibroid, erosion. In this case, bloody secretions appear within 1-2 days after injury, for example when inspecting or sexual contact.

The causes of bleeding after menstruation - a possible hormonal imbalance, the recent installation of an intrauterine device, treatment gormonosoderzhaschimi drugs. Various gynecological pathology change vaginal discharge, staining them red, yellow, green color.


Symptoms and Causes of red selections - infection, tumors growth, including cancer, hormonal imbalance. Among physiological reasons isolated top climacteric, depletion, in particular nervous, acute viral diseases.

After installing intrauterine device

Navy today is considered one of the most reliable methods of contraception and is widely used in gynecology, not only to prevent pregnancy but also to treat. When using a spiral cervical canal is practically not disturbed, so the risk of bleeding is minimized.

Of bleeding, but not monthly, may appear After spiral installation during the first 3 weeks or less. This is because during insertion of the cervix mechanically damaged, so little bleeding increases. If the heavy bleeding does not stop within 24 hours, you need to visit a doctor.

Neobilnye smearing whites observed any longer. They talk about the successful restoration of the cervix. Usually stop after 5-10 days, but can go up to the next period.


The appearance of clots, increased blood separation, change of color on the secretion of green and yellow may indicate hormonal failure, Accession bacterial infection, the development of endometriosis, cervical damage during installation, traumatizing polyp or erosion during time manipulation.

Secretion in allergic reactions

Allergic disposition of the body leads to a change in the work of almost all systems. The body perceives many familiar substances as foreign, releasing into the bloodstream a large amount of histamine to fight the foreign proteins.

The major manifestations are urticaria, dermatitis, the development of asthma, hay fever, angioneurotic edema. But in red, appearing instead of the normal menstruation, can also develop on the background of aggravation of allergies in women.

Character secretion can vary with the use of means for cleaning the hygienic processing or external genitalia. If there are substances to which a woman has allergies, you experience the following symptoms in their structure:

  • skin irritation, swelling, itching, burning;
  • development of various skin reactions - rashes, ulcers, papules, excessive dryness;
  • the appearance of vaginal discharge - they usually have a slightly pink hue, in time may either coincide with menstruation, and to appear at any time in the cycle.

Mucous discharge streaked with in this case is very easy to fix - just use systemic antihistamine and treating the skin for several days special creams or ointments.

Blood at ovulation and pregnancy

Spotting during ovulation phase - the norm for almost 30% of women of reproductive age. The main difference between ovulatory bleeding from menstruation - it comes in the middle of a cycle, or closer to the end (approximately 7 days prior to the expected start date of menstruation).

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Reddish hue secretion when ovulation occurs on the background of natural changes in the female organism:

  • in a certain period cycle the dominant follicle develops where the egg is maturing;
  • at the time of ovulation, the follicle ruptures, releasing an egg ready for fertilization;
  • soft tissue rupture provokes the appearance of brown discharge that end in 1-2 days.

Moderate allocation during ovulation are the norm, do not carry the threat to women's health. Regular ovulatory bleeding may indicate inflammation, rupture of the cyst and polyps, mucosal damage.

Also, the reason is considered to be a regular daub hormonal imbalance. After conception, when you're pregnant, but you have a hormonal disorder, small brown discharge, coinciding in time with menstruation, can appear in the first and even the second month.

After conception in the early stages small allocation of blood are observed with increasing blood concentrations of the hormone progesterone. There are several reasons for this pathology:

  1. Implantation of the embryo. Approximately 1 week after egg fertilization moves down through the tube to the uterus for further attachment to the mucosa. At the time of attachment to the inner layer occurs vascular damage, which on the background of increasing progesterone have high sensitivity. Process takes about two days and the term falls on the date of the onset of menstruation. At this time may appear small and faint spotting a nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Later fertilization. If the pregnancy is the period when the menses, the rejection of the endometrium can occur, because of what appear bloody secretions.
  3. Maturing oocytes 2 in one cycle at different times. This is possible in patients receiving drugs that stimulate ovulation. In this case, one fertilized egg, which safely secured within the uterus, wherein the second (unfertilized) is output, causing a slight bleeding in the early stages.
  4. Hormonal imbalance, decreased progesterone concentration or its failure. If successful conception lead to the appearance of mucus instead menstruation.

During pregnancy, any bleeding requires medical assessment and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Allocation as a result of sexual intercourse

Allocation after intercourse with a red tint suggests mucosal damage. Several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • mechanical damage - minor trauma, fracture, rupture hymen, insufficient lubrication and intensive natural sexual contact;
  • infectious diseases - except brownish discharge after sex a woman will disturb the pain, burning, itching;
  • inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms - in intensive intercourse polyps, cysts, erosion, uterine, cancer will be subjected to mechanical injury that provokes a brownish secretion.

A single occurrence of brownish discharge does not pose any danger. But if they accompany every intimacy for a long time, you must find out the reason.

Post-natal and post-operative period

The appearance of the secretion of bloody hue (lochia) after delivery is the norm. They arise because at the time of delivery lining of the uterus is damaged, from the vessels at the site of placental blood comes out. Body is cleared of membranes, dead epithelium, blood clots. As healing wounds lochia stopped (after an average of 5-7 weeks).

Duration dark appearance in bleeding postpartum period depends on several factors:

  1. The more intense the uterus is reduced, the faster the bleeding stops. Accordingly, the more the child is applied to the breast, thereby resulting in the reproductive organ in tone, the faster end lochia.
  2. In women after 30-35 years, the ability to restore tissues is reduced, the wound will heal longer.
  3. Individual rate of clotting. Women with hematopoietic system disorders may open instead of lochia bleeding requiring medical intervention.

In the first 3-4 days after delivery the lochia are similar to regular monthly with the amount allocated to the blood half-liter. Gradually the amount of secretion is reduced to 100 milliliters per day.


The danger is stored in the first couple hours after delivery. Hypotonic bleeding occurs against a background of reduced uterine muscles. injected oxytocin, which increases contractility of the uterus to prevent this condition. Also emptied the bladder, the stomach is put on warmer ice.

Bleeding may occur at break neck. In this case, the wound sutured, hematoma opened.

In the postoperative period after the hysterectomy, surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy and in other cases is copious, bright red hue. Occurrence of a small amount of dark clots. Spotting may occur 30-40 days.

Bleeding in the postoperative period occur for the following reasons:

  • weight lifting and increased physical activity;
  • unprofessional treatment open vessels;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • sex immediately after the operation.

Acyclic allocation pathologies

Abundant and stringy red whites may appear in various diseases, such as:

  • adnexitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • STDs.

In these pathologies, there are additional symptoms such as pain during intercourse, inspection, douching, tissue edema, itching, burning, pain, and may develop a fever, weakness, iron deficiency anemia.

The emergence of non-standard, instead of menses scanty secretion of red may be the norm, and to testify about restructuring in the body, including the hormone, but often speaks about the development of pathology, the cause of which is to identify the doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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