Brown allocation when receiving Jess (spotting, spotting) causes appearance

Hormonal contraceptive Jess is one of the most popular drugs in this plan. Means a direct impact on the work of the sexual reproductive system of the woman. It is therefore possible occurrence of various custom selections.

When receiving Jess brown discharge often are the norm, but if they last for a few weeks, their volume increases, they cause discomfort, you must look for the cause.



  • Features reception
  • Effect of the drug on the female body
  • Benefits and advantages of Jess
  • Spin at different periods of the cycle
    • The beginning and the middle of the cycle
    • At the end of cycle
    • At any time of the cycle
  • Possible negative effects of Jess
    • Jess and pregnancy
  • Actions for bleeding

Features reception

Like other birth control medications, Jess prevents the emergence of an unwanted pregnancy. Studies have shown that this preparation has the lowest Pearl index (index indicating the onset of fertilization at regular intake of the drug).

Especially funds is also its ability to influence the skin condition. Antiandrogen effect of the drug reduces the risk of inflammation of the skin, acne due to the normalization cycle.

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Contraindications following:

  • allergic mood body against one of the means of components;
  • possibility of thrombosis and angina;
  • diseases of liver and kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • neurological disorders;
  • malignant tumors, including hormone-dependent;
  • lactation and pregnancy.

There are two varieties of the drug - Plus Jess and Jess. In the first case it means included levomefolat additional calcium component (active form of vitamin B9).

The standard remedy is indicated for contraception, but are taken into account and additional effects tools that allow you to assign it to the treatment of certain pathologies such as:

  • tendency to acne and excessive greasiness of the skin;
  • edema syndrome before the onset of menstruation;
  • folate deficiency, especially before conception planning and / or IVF;
  • severe stage of premenstrual syndrome.

The drug is a low-dose monophasic contraceptive. It can be used including adolescents, provided the offensive first full menstruation (menarche). After receiving the drug observed improvements in skin and scalp, reducing the number of acne.

Effect of the drug on the female body

Almost all oral medications for contraception in any way affect the operation of the female body. The mechanism of operation is to change the cycle, as the mucus and possible blocking of fertilization.

When taken regularly Jess cycle stabilizes, improves the function of the uterus and ovary, decreasing risk of iron deficiency anemia, practically ceases display of premenstrual syndrome. However, it must respect the rules of application in order to achieve these goals:

  • maximum break in the use of no more than 4 days;
  • additional methods of contraception must be removed only after 7 days after the start of reception.

The drug reduces the amount of male hormones and stabilize hormones in general. This increases the strength of bones, improves the function of the nervous system, skin, hair and nails.

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Ethinyl estradiol in a preparation is almost identical to the natural female hormone, so the tool is the most reliable and has a minimum number of side effects. In small doses, it acts on the pituitary hormone that is involved in the maturation of the follicle. Thus completely suppressed ovulation, the chance of pregnancy is reduced to zero.

Alignment cycle is observed not earlier than 2 months of daily dosing. Normalization is to reduce heavy discharge, Disappearance of pain during the critical days, decreasing nervousness and aggressiveness before the onset of menstruation. In addition, the drug protects against iron deficiency, reduces the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer tumors.

The influence of money on the psycho-emotional state of women. Inhibition ovulatory function, stabilization of hormonal lead to his normalization.

In this case, the side effects of the drug is still there. Possible violation of the liver, thrombosis, increased blood pressure, blood sugar levels, the risk of breast tumors.

Benefits and advantages of Jess

Contraceptive has several advantages:

  • elimination of pain before and during menstruation;
  • the ability to receive over 14 years;
  • cosmetic treatment of skin imperfections;
  • no precipitates when receiving Jess (possible in a small amount);
  • stabilization cycle, hormonal;
  • reduction of androgens in the blood of women;
  • no delay risk of water and a set of extra weight.

The product has a high degree of reliability, a risk of unwanted conception virtually absent even when skipping receiving tabletsIf adopted in a timely manner following.

Jess Plus additionally contains an active folic acid, which is necessary to remove the drug and pregnancy planning, as well as to reduce the risk of anemia.

Spin at different periods of the cycle

Spotting is one of the most frequent side effects of oral contraceptives, especially women who regularly allow gaps in the use of funds or have just started to take Jess. Abundant or scanty bleeding can develop at any time during the cycle, have a thick consistency, dark brown color, no odor.

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Normally, these whites can last up to 3 months after the start of OK. After this period, the nature of menstruation should be normalized.

The beginning and the middle of the cycle

Bleeding during the use of virtually any contraceptives develops when there is a replacement of natural hormones with synthetic analogues. Despite containing a small dose of the hormone, modern OK can disrupt natural hormones women and lead to a variety of bleeding in any periods of the cycle.

During the reception, Jess isolation in the middle of a cycle and the beginning appear for the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient levels of estrogen in the preparation for hormonal particular woman. In this case usually requires selection means with reinforced formula and higher estrogen dose.
  2. The lack of the hormone progestogen. It also eliminates the change of the drug.
  3. Rapid atrophy of endometrium. During adaptation to the hormonal fluctuations in patients receiving Jess endometrium can flake off faster than previously. The result is a breakthrough bleeding, which can occur in almost any day of the cycle.
  4. Violation of the scheme, skipping reception longer break.

Blood whites do not affect the contraceptive activity of the drug, so the background discharge pregnancy does not occur with regular admission. At the beginning and middle of the cycle is due to hormonal changes in the secretion of the female body.

Regular intake of oral contraceptives as it replaces its own hormones. The amount of hormone preparations are always lower than in the natural state, so the body is gradually being rebuilt to reduce their doses. Most often this manifests is different non-standard spotting. It may also experience nausea, drowsiness.

At the end of cycle

In the initial cycle stage isolated several phases, when a hormone is replaced by another. In the first period prevail estrogen, the endometrium is preparing to ovulate, in the second there is an increase of progesterone concentration.

Because the drug Jess Plus and other UC contain reduced doses of hormones, a woman may receive them in insufficient quantities and observe fluctuations in hormonal levels.

In the second phase of the cycle, before the onset of menstruation or 7-10 days before they can be observed scanty brownish allocation as the body's response to a lack of progesterone.

If the adaptation period which is equal to an average of 3-6 months, is ended, and the discharge remains, therefore, the concentration of estrogen or progestogen improved.

Also, this situation may occur if you drink regularly OK, make passes.


If, during the meager selections in the middle or end phase of the cycle to stop taking the drug, the bleeding may increase - up to iron-deficiency anemia, fainting.

To the doctor should contact if the allocation is accompanied by weakness, increase in volume, a change in color to red brown, odor, general malaise.

At any time of the cycle

Breakthrough, that is, in any phase of the menstrual cycle, spotting during the reception OK Jess often occur until the middle of the cycle, or in other periods after starting to use the new packaging. Especially often it occurs in women who take drugs for the first time oral contraception.

The following metabolic factors can influence the occurrence of breakthrough bleeding:

  • concomitant use of other drugs;
  • smoking;
  • individual hormonal disorder.

If no diagnosed disease and in the presence of spotting on the background of using this UC doctor changes the reception circuit instead of 1 tablet 2-3 for 7 days. You must then return to the recommended schedule - active 1 tablet per day.

Possible negative effects of Jess

With a sufficiently low frequency may cause the following side effects while taking the drug:

  1. Discomfort and engorgement during the first 90 days of admission. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background.
  2. The appearance of spotting - often in the second phase of the cycle, and a few days before the alleged regulation. Terminated after an average of 2-3 months, rarely lasts more than six months of regular admission. If after 6 months of discharge continues, it is necessary to select a high-dosage preparations.
  3. Fluctuations in body weight. Still prevalent myth that oral contraceptives trigger set kilograms. However, the low dose of hormones in Jess, do not lead to weight gain and edema. Moreover, in some cases, perhaps even its decrease against the background of the stabilization of hormonal balance, if the problem was caused precisely by hormonal disorders.
  4. Bleeding disorder. For women who have a diagnosed disease hematopoietic system, the selection of oral contraceptives It carried out with great care after initial diagnosis, and control is performed in the first few months of receiving.
  5. Breakthrough bleeding. Isolated cases of bleeding due to the fact that the uterus is strongly rejects the endometrium, causing copious blood. This condition requires hospitalization and mandatory application and other hemostatic agents. It is also necessary to replace OK.

Stop taking should be only on doctor's advice.

Jess and pregnancy

Pregnancy when used correctly OK virtually impossible. However, there is a risk, if during the reception were missing, reduced dosage. On average, it means reliability is 98.5%, respectively, an absolute guarantee of the lack of conception is not. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Skipping a pill. Typically, the drug is taken daily at the same time. But if the last tablet of the course (before the seven-day pass before receiving a new package) are not drunk, for this day the ovaries can start functioning as usual. The same effect is observed if the woman does not drink the first pill from a new package after menstruation.
  2. Indigestion accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. Complete absorption of the active ingredients of the drug occurs within 3-4 hours. If during this period there was even a single vomiting or severe diarrhea, the majority of active substances can get out of the body. fertilization, the risk increases.
  3. Concurrent administration of drugs. Allergy, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-seizure drugs affect the activity of hormones in the contraceptive composition. Also means lower efficiency of diet pills. Similarly effect have many natural components, e.g. Hypericum extract.
  4. Fluctuations in the psycho-emotional background. Nerve overload, stress, depression can negatively affect the digestibility of ingredients of birth control pills, which may result in pregnancy.
  5. Violation of the cycle. Women with amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, a girl with a lack of first menstruation in patients receiving "Jess" can observe various side effects, including the onset of unwanted conception.

The onset in patients receiving drugs pregnancy - a normal phenomenon. Timely cessation of OC use (as a rule, immediately after the delay) allows the fetus to attach and grow. In the first 5 weeks of oral contraceptives does not affect the embryo and only with the 6 th week may adversely affect the formation of the fetus.

When receiving the delay contraceptives menstruation can occur, and it is not always indicative of the occurrence of pregnancy. Therefore, be sure to check for more information on this topic.

Actions for bleeding

Started bleeding requires medical emergencies and hospitalization if:

  • there is a strong weakness until-headed;
  • Blood has a bright red shade;
  • allocating amplified to have a liquid consistency;
  • there is fever, chills.

If the discharge Meager, dosage adjustment required drug or other drugs from use of contraceptive effect.

When you miss one or more tablets should be taken as soon as possible, and then continue on to the scheme: one tablet per day in the same time every day.

Isolation during treatment with Jess and others OK - a temporary phenomenon. They only show the stabilization of hormonal women are not considered a pathology not lead to the development of inflammatory processes do not affect the reproductive capabilities and female health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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