Spotting after examination of the gynecologist: during pregnancy, after cytology, swab

Passing the annual medical examination, every woman must visit a female doctor to rule out the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and if any, time to cure them. Sometimes it turns into complaints of bleeding after gynecological examination, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, a sense of gravity at the bottom of the body.

chair gynecologist


  • What is the danger examinations
  • Causes of discharge after gynecological examination
  • Spotting after examination in pregnant women
  • What to do with bleeding after gynecological examination
  • The correct diagnosis

What is the danger examinations

It happens after a woman doctor examination reveals brown discharge. It is considered the norm: when collecting material for the study of small blood vessels are damaged, so the small amount of blood may be released due to the intervention of the tool.

The occurrence of bleeding after gynecological examination as excessively provocative behavior nervous woman who, fidgeting in his seat, can abruptly cause mechanical damage to the inside vagina.

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Blood vessels have brittleness, so visiting specialist to a considerable number of the fairer floor finishes scarce secretions light or dark brown color. If after a couple of hours, they stopped on their own - do not worry.

Sometimes the doctor committed manipulation may accelerate the onset of menstruation, at the beginning of which also occur smearing brown allocation.

Disturbing the reason is a trail of blood, which is observed on the underwear for two or three days after the visit to the antenatal clinic. It is likely that there was a serious injury or has had an effect latent disease. It may confirm fever, pus, bad smell. In the process of sexual intercourse there are pain, discomfort, itching.

bloody issues

In the case of excessive bleeding, resembling monthly, you need to visit the medical facility immediately to determine the cause and elimination of consequences.

Can not ignore the situation when there are release after stroke during pregnancy, even when they are quite small. Examination doctor should carry out no earlier than eight weeks, no matter what happens detachment of the placenta. After the capture of the analysis has to "scrub away" mucous cells, probably tissue injury, leading to miscarriage. There are times when an extremely small sharp movements gestation gynecologist himself provokes aborting the fetus. In this case, the bleeding can occur even on the next day, when taking any action was too late.

Symptoms such as lack of strength, exhaustion, urge to vomiting, fever, accompanied by bleeding from the reproductive organs, may be indicative of a spontaneous abortion. Do not neglect the recommendation of doctors to go to preserve the clinic and undergo further tests.

Causes of discharge after gynecological examination

By examining the smear to identify suspicious cellular elements, the expert may damage the vulnerable surface of the vagina, because of which there brown discharge after inspection at the gynecologist. They usually pass quickly.

Brownish discharge after taking the smear may indicate and pathological changes in the pelvic organs, be consequence of experienced stress, unhealthy lifestyles, receiving contraceptives, wearing an intrauterine device.

By the way, after installation of spiral separation It can be as different, therefore it is advisable to read the separate information on this topic.

taking gynecological smear

Pink color indicates the presence of secretions hormonal problems, erosion occurs, Endometriosis. The doctor doing the scraping, scratching the surface of erosive or hurts too much sprawl, which starts blood.

Normally, the fairer allocation of the floor must be of short duration, if emergency methods are used contraception (postinor), laparoscopic surgery has been moved, cauterize erosion or low functionality found thyroid gland.

After isolation Postinor may have an unusual character, requiring special attention to this issue.

Spotting after examination in pregnant women

If, however, there are isolated after gynecological examination, subject to caution in pregnancy, it is caused by:

  • trauma to the tissue to which the blood rush;
  • separating mucous plugs;
  • damage to internal organs, which is dangerous and requires medical intervention;
  • peeling or placenta previa.

After checking on the fortieth week of pregnancy spotting or brown discharge often point to a speedy delivery. It usually precedes rejection mucus plug, which seals the uterus, protecting the fetus from infection.

mucous plug

Normally, the small allocation is not accompanied by the annoying symptoms such as itching, inflammation. If they do occur, it indicates a possible disease.

In early pregnancy bleeding may threaten the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, cervical deformation, miscarriage.

Spotting may occur after cervical expectant mother examination, cytology, because this body is very traumatic any intrusion from the outside can cause damage to the epithelium and ultimately from the genital ways.

Available neoplasms within the reproductive organs (polyps, tumors) are often exposed to injury at inspection, causing haemorrhage. It should worry and be cause for referral to a specialist.

What to do with bleeding after gynecological examination

If, after returning from the female doctors discovered bleeding, should pay attention to his character: the color, thickness, frequency and volume.

Permitted short duration (a few hours or a day) low volume of bleeding caused by the manipulation of the gynecological mirror. After returning from a doctor should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, change clothes, lie down. If blood is crimson or dark-colored continues to go, should not be tolerated, it is necessary urgently to hospital.


Saturated allocation should be alerted when they are accompanied by:

  • significant pain in the lower part of the body or the vagina;
  • strengthening of discomfort;
  • burning sensation in the genitals;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • impurity pus;
  • heat;
  • labored breathing;
  • heart palpitations.

In these cases rebuetsya emergency care for early detection of problems and correct its decision.

Survey after survey on the chair can identify the following diseases:

  1. Endometriosis. It occurs in 10-15 percent of women of childbearing age and is characterized by painful periods, discharge from the genital tract, uterine bleeding. Lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the pelvic tissues, impairing their function.
  2. Polyps - benign tumors that grow in a significant number of vessels at the slightest damage begins to bleed. At the initial stage of development, they can not be shown and not to disturb a woman, so that they are detected only when viewed from a specialist.
  3. Hyperplastic growth of the endometrium. The inner layer of the uterus grows, and the probability of transition in oncology.
  4. cervical dysplasia. Violation epithelial structure if left untreated can lead to irreversible consequences, particularly in cancer.
  5. Myoma, fibroids.
  6. The tumor is malignant.
  7. Venereal disease (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis).
the doctor talks about sexually transmitted diseases

All of these abnormalities characterized by spotting.

Contact bleeding suggests the presence of faults in the female body. In rare cases, a gynecological chair, you can "catch" a nasty infection - bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis. This happens if the doctor neglected the rules of hygiene. The forerunners of these infections tend to become mixed with blood separation directly after inspection.

In nulliparous women the pain and discomfort after the medical examination are observed more frequently than with children. Vaginal muscles have less stretched, the cervix is ​​narrow, access to it is necessary to extend the tools. As a result of hypersensitivity to the epithelial membrane mechanical stimuli can begin nondurable bleeding.

The correct diagnosis

For accurate diagnosis is needed complete history of symptoms. Light spotting ended as soon as possible, should not cause concern. Bulkier require close attention and passing additional tests.

Copious blood separation prevents the gynecological examination. In such cases, make the US completely harmless even for women in the state. It can be used to diagnose the disease, determine the gestational age, the existing pathology.

It is not necessary out of fear of possible consequences to refrain from visiting the gynecologist for prevention. Much worse is detected at longer neglected diseases, which have to be treated for a long time. By choosing "their" doctors, each of the fair sex should come individually and carefully. After all, with health-related problems occur, it is necessary to contact a qualified technician, often not even to one. This contributes to the correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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