Allocation after sex: brown, bloody, pink after intercourse

Allocation after sex is considered normal. Thus the output of the urogenital system and secret foreign substances, which is released during arousal. Sometimes whiter appearance may indicate the development of pathology. Therefore, it is important to know in which cases they are considered natural, and when the point to problems in the body.

couple in bed


  • Normal discharge after sex
  • Allocation after sex during pregnancy
  • Abnormal discharge after sex and their causes
    • Cervical Pathology
    • Injuries and abrasions vagina and vulva
    • The presence of polyps in the vagina
    • endometriosis neck
    • In pregnancy, placental abruption
    • Infection or inflammation

Normal discharge after sex

Normal discharge in women after intimacy liquid, do not have a sharp odor, they are not very much. In addition, they are normally white, cream, yellow or transparent.

Sometimes it may occur after sexual intercourse copious mucous. Their appearance is considered normal in cases where sexual intercourse was completed ejaculation into the vagina. A mixture of semen and female secretions thus viscous, yellowish or white, has a very pungent odor.

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If after sex are beginning to stand out other whites, they are also considered a physiological phenomenon under certain conditions. It does not cause spotting fear mixed with blood before the critical days, when the first intimacy, and in the case of installation of ectopic spiral.

Allocation after sex during pregnancy

Having sex during pregnancy is sometimes noted the appearance of secretions. Transparent mucous, yellowish, white discharge after intercourse fears usually do not cause.

Wake-up call is considered secret brown, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. When it appears, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Such symptoms may point to the stood or ectopic pregnancy.

ectopic pregnancy

Often precede bleeding discharge with blood. Normally ichor in belyah can appear only in early pregnancy, when there is the introduction of the egg in the reproductive organ. Most often, the blood begins to flow under the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

Abnormal discharge after sex and their causes

Introduced after intimacy secret is not in all cases is the norm. Often, it indicates the development or exacerbation of serious diseases. Cheerleaders have whites, which marked the presence of even a small amount of blood. They often are abnormal. Leave them unattended impossible. It is necessary as soon as possible address to the gynecologist and to identify the cause of these changes. Only in this way can avoid unwanted consequences.

Cervical Pathology

The appearance of spotting can be caused by tumors of the cervix, and both malignant and benign. Was isolated from the blood of the vagina after sex often indicates the presence of polyps. These formations, though are not cancer, but are considered a precancerous condition.

When cervical erosion allocation They may take the form of brown spotting, which is caused by a mechanical or physical damage. At an early stage of cancer body after intercourse it is marked secret, slightly stained with blood.

Leave these symptoms should not be ignored. In the absence of proper treatment of the consequences can be very sad.

cervical erosion

Injuries and abrasions vagina and vulva

Mechanical action can cause abrasions and injuries of the vulva and vagina. As a result, there are often red, pink discharge after intimacy. Able to provoke them gap hymen. At first intercourse women experience minor discomfort and weak pain. After that follows a little blood.

Often with rough sex and when intimacy associated with dryness in the vagina due to insufficient number of natural lubrication, mucous genitals damaged, appear on it microcracks. They do not cause much discomfort woman and heal within a few days. However, you may receive blood spotting. Volume discharge at the same time should be small.

In cases where the amount of lost blood is large, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist. It is possible that the application of the injury is serious enough or the problem is caused by a completely different reason.

The presence of polyps in the vagina

After intercourse, spotting may be caused by polyps in the vagina. The appearance of these benign tumors caused by exposure to stress, depression of immune function and hormonal disorders.

Slime pink color is often associated with polyps. These tumors are parasitic in the urogenital system, as long as there will not be deleted.

Conservative therapies in this case does not give the desired result. Eliminate the pathology is possible only by cauterization growths.

In this disease, the appearance is noted pinkish or bloody secretions. Brown he can not be.

a drop of blood

endometriosis neck

at cervical endometriosis there is excessive growth of the endometrium far beyond the genitals. pathology danger lies in the fact that it is able to transform into cancer. As a rule, women are marked pain during intimacy and after it. There are also delay the critical days and spotting outside the menstrual period. After sex often appear black or dark brown allocation. As a rule, they are not abundant, but their presence necessarily need to be examined by a gynecologist.

In pregnancy, placental abruption

Pink or brown discharge during pregnancy may indicate the beginning of the process of detachment of the placenta. She should immediately seek the help of a gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine what is due to discharge of blood, assess the risk and take all necessary measures to preserve the fruit.

This condition is considered to be extremely dangerous. When placental abruption fruit ceases to receive the proper amount of blood, and as a result, may lag behind in development and even death.

At a later period such symptoms are often harbingers of birth, but do not treat them lightly appearance. In any case, need medical consultation.

Infection or inflammation

Provoke brown secretion capable inflammatory process occurring in the genitourinary system. The volume of blood loss at the same time is moderate and abundant, but not unnoticed remains ever. Such diseases impair the reproductive system and the need for adequate treatment.

With the development of infectious disease is marked red or brown mucus, which has enough unpleasant odor. This symptom to distinguish the infectious nature of the disease from the rest. Despite the fact that the volume of lost blood may be small, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

man closes his nose

When inflammation, in addition to the appearance of uncharacteristic secretion after intercourse, there are pain in the abdomen, deteriorating general condition and may have a fever. These clinical manifestations is strictly forbidden to leave unattended.

These diseases are a serious threat to the woman's body. If time does not begin treatment, the disease becomes chronic and can trigger a series of complications, including even complete extinction of reproductive function.

The secret after intimacy is often considered a normal variant, but sometimes evidence of serious health problems. If it is clear or white mucus without pungent smell, is no reason to worry. In those cases where it is celebrated the appearance of blood, need medical care. Such isolation often indicate the progression of the disease. Only when timely initiated therapy will be able to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and avoid serious consequences.

Special attention should be secret, that appears after sex in pregnant women. Regardless of his character need to be examined by a gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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