Isolation after childbirth (bloody, foul-smelling, yellow, brown): how much are

Pregnancy and childbirth - a natural female function. The development of civilization has led to a decrease in the motor activity of mankind, which resulted in the increase in the percentage of complications during and after pregnancy. There is a sure method of control indicators of women's health after childbirth. Isolation, lasting about two months, called lochia, they can be used to identify the presence of pathological processes in the body.

Girl with a gasket


  • The main stages of uterine recovery after childbirth
  • What should be the postpartum lochia
    • The composition of lochia
    • Color and quantity of postpartum discharge
    • Smell
  • How postpartum go spotting
    • first day
    • The first five days
    • Two weeks after giving birth
    • At the end of the month and then
    • Allocation after cesarean section
  • Postpartum uterine bleeding and its causes
  • Abnormal discharge in the postpartum period
  • Prevention of postpartum complications

The main stages of uterine recovery after childbirth

The main task of obstetric care - Maternal and child health. Proper restoration of the female body allows you to re-experience the joy of motherhood. Complications in this period is not only fraught with infertility, but also life threatening.

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Postnatal discharge - a natural cleansing of the uterus with blood, mucus and endometrial particles. Lochia can last from 6 to 8 weeks, with slight variations over time in both directions. In pregnancy, there is a small amount of colostrum, it is highlighted on the first day after the resolution of the burden. When natural childbirth milk is observed on the second day. Breastfeeding increases the contractions of the uterus, providing the output of mucus, blood and endometrial particles.

After cesarean section hormonal system does not have time to react, lactation have to call it begins at 7-9 days, this is one of the reasons for a longer discharge lochia after surgery intervention.

What should be the postpartum lochia

Normal discharge after childbirth are modified depending on how long the woman was the mother. Bloody lochia during the first three days are the norm. Over time, they change color to brown, brown, yellow and become leaner. In the process of feeding the baby their number increases, there may be pain in the lower abdomen - the uterus contracts, pushing blood and mucus.

Abundant bright secretions a few days after childbirth should not be a sign of the onset of bleeding.

The composition of lochia

Mothers in advance ready for spotting after childbirth. Their composition depends on the time elapsed since the expulsion of the fetus:

  • about three days bursted blood vessels secrete scarlet;
  • endometrial epithelium and particles can be detected in the form of bunches, the symptom characteristic for the first week;
  • after 7 days, there is mucus is derived fetal waste products in utero.

The secretions should not be pus and odor.

She closed her nose

Color and quantity of postpartum discharge

Considering the lochia, to distinguish between the concept of norm and deviation. Bloody red characteristic of the first days, then take the form of allocation of brown spotting. Before the end of the uterus complete the recovery process, the color of post-natal secretion becomes yellow.

If a woman saw laying on pink footprints, it may be a sign erosion of the cervix after childbirth. White discharge after childbirth with a sour smell and consistency of cottage cheese, suggests candidiasis. Profuse yellow mucus streaked with pus and bad smell - a sign of developing infection or endometriosis. Lochia greenish show the presence of a strong inflammatory process.

Secretions are considered an indicator of the proper recovery of the body, monitor their dynamics.


The nature of postpartum discharge varies over time. Normally, the body must be cleansed and a half or two months. Odorless can not do, but it must not be stale or putrid in this period. Conducting hygienic procedures, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance and consistency of lochia. Set aside disgust, sniffed to your body.

Unpleasant odor discharge after delivery indicates inflammation. Do not expect that it will pass by itself, in case of doubt seek medical advice.

doctor and patient

How postpartum go spotting

The duration of discharge after birth influenced by many factors:

  • age and physical condition of the woman;
  • Complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period;
  • prolific;
  • congenital and acquired diseases of the reproductive system;
  • cesarean section.

Normal lochia duration is 6 to 8 weeks. Deviations in the lower and in a big way may indicate pathology. From how to pass postpartum recovery will depend on the health of women and their ability to further maternity.

first day

In the hospital a young mother is under medical supervision. If indicated on the stomach put ice and an injection of oxytocin, these measures contribute to a better uterine contractions. A lot of blood coming out in the early hours, but the abundant bright red discharge lasts 2-3 days.

Conventional pads can not cope with the volume of blood coming out, use the special post-natal hygiene. You can not use tampons, they prevent separation of lochia. Stagnation in the uterus and the vagina leads to inflammation and are fraught with the development of postpartum endometritis.

hands on stomach

The first five days

Uncomplicated childbirth allow mom and baby was discharged home on the third day. Health surveillance lies with the woman. Allocating a week after giving birth are similar to menstrual daubs. During breastfeeding may nagging feeling in the abdomen, but they pass quickly - this is evidence of uterine contractions.

If the pain does not stop, accompanied by fever and worsening of overall health, you need to visit a gynecologist. If spotting abundant and lasting after discharge from the hospital, you should also consult a doctor.

Two weeks after giving birth

baby care takes time, and a woman at this time forget about their health. However, personal hygiene and the control of the Department of lochia will avoid possible complications. Despite his busy schedule, the young mother has to look after their health. Abnormalities in the lochia department - this is the first sign of pathological processes. Changing pad, pay attention to the color and number of goo:

  • 2 weeks after the birth allocation serous, brownish, slimy lumps are found;
  • 3 weeks later the color is maintained, but reduced the intensity of the discharge.

If the third week lochia disappeared, which means that the uterine cavity is formed by the stagnation caused by the lack of its contraction or spasm of the neck.

girl holding a gasket

At the end of the month and then

A woman should self-monitor your health in the postpartum period, you need to know how to change lochia over time:

  • release a month after childbirth are scarce in nature and brown;
  • spotting should not be over 2 months, by which time they have a yellowish tint;
  • normal lochia are 6-8 weeks.

If the discharge end earlier, need to be examined to rule out intrauterine congestion and inflammation. When a baby is breastfed, prolactin suppresses ovarian function, and the coming month is unlikely. Regula after childbirth resumed after a month after the completion of lactation.

Depending on the individual menstrual period may begin at 3 months. To distinguish it from bleeding, see your doctor. Even if the state of health does not inspire fear, do not put off a visit to the gynecologist.

On a routine inspection can be booked 4 months after giving birth to quickly identify cervical erosion or exclude other diseases of internal genital organs.

Allocation after cesarean section

It is obvious that the amount of blood released after artificial birth are much higher. This is due to the high degree of injury during cutting and stapling uterus. For the healing takes longer postoperative lochia character a little different.

Beginning allocation darker, they contain large amounts of mucus. 7-9 days the uterus is cleaned of placental remains, to this point, and should end the first period of recovery. By the end of two weeks lochia become brown in color and should cease completely after 7-9 weeks.

Woman holds panties and gasket

Postpartum uterine bleeding and its causes

Abnormally copious after birth can be a symptom of menorrhagia. They can be divided:

  • Early on, if it occurs in a period of two hours after birth;
  • later, which could begin within six weeks.

If lochia bright red and they increase with the passage of time on the background of general weakness and anemia, you need urgent medical intervention. In the first case, the patient is observed in the hospital. The doctor or midwife can assess the degree of danger to the life of a young mother and take appropriate action.

In the first case, the woman is still in the maternity ward under the close supervision of obstetricians. Bleeding in this period is very massive and can even be life-threatening. The cause of the anomalies are:

  • uterine trauma;
  • a bleeding disorder;
  • part out of the placenta;
  • insufficient reduction of the myometrium.

Late bleeding may occur after the woman is out of the medical facility. If the discharge smear and gradually increase, urgent need to see a gynecologist. The possible causes are:

  • placental polyp, Formed as a result of incomplete rejection of child seats;
  • internal inflammation of the uterus;
  • individual features of the contractile process;
  • molar pregnancy.

Accurate diagnosis and choose the method of treatment can only be qualified.

doctor and patient

Abnormal discharge in the postpartum period

While the woman is in a health care facility, it is being qualified for observation. After discharge, a young mother herself should monitor their health. Blood clots that appear as black clumps, not a cause for concern in the early days. Sound the alarm should be in the event that:

  • separation after birth have an unpleasant odor. This indicates the presence of a pathological process in the pelvic organs;
  • green or yellow, foul-smelling discharge after birth are signs of increasing bacteria to grow.

The longer a woman delays visit to the doctor, the greater the chance of developing postpartum endometriosis.

she clasped her hands

The reason purulent yellowish lochia serves salpinogooforit or endometritis. Cervical erosion, which often occurs after pregnancy, you may experience brownish discharge.

Prevention of postpartum complications

Modern medicine is able to diagnose and cure many diseases, the percentage of deaths of mothers and babies has been steadily declining. In order to avoid complications in the postpartum period, requires an integrated approach from health professionals and women themselves.

Prevention includes the following activities:

  • promotion of family planning and healthy lifestyles;
  • careful history and qualitative survey in antenatal clinics;
  • early detection and treatment of infections;
  • informed about the possible complications of pregnancy and their diagnosis;
  • the use of antibacterial therapy after cesarean section;
  • preventive measures for the early postpartum period;
  • control over women in childbirth in the first hours after the resolution of the burden;
  • psychological training of future moms;
  • the joint location of mother and child, breastfeeding on demand baby;
  • rehabilitation of maternity.

Compliance with these measures and the availability of obstetric care can reduce the number of complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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