Tampons Guifu Bao Fohow: instruction manual (reviews)


  1. Release form and composition tools
  2. What the properties of tampons?
  3. Which diseases can be used tampons Guifu Bao Fohow?
  4. advantages of tampons
  5. Instructions for use
  6. Recommendations from the manufacturer
  7. several contraindications

Traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly gaining popularity. One of the known eastern steel products tampons called Guifu Bao of the company FOHOW. The specialists of the institution studied old recipes, conducted biotechnical research and were able to create an effective means of herbal medicine.

Tampons TCM Guifu Bao

Release form and composition tools

Swabs from the company Fohou produced in a specialized box, where each ball-tampon has a sealed package. One box contains 6 capsules of 1 gram each.

As part of the tool, you can find the most popular and rare vegetable ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine:

  • rhubarb;
  • burnt alum;
  • gircha Japanese;
  • wood acacia catechu extract;
  • borneol;
  • lzhelistvennitsa pleasant;
  • Sophora yellowing;
  • dyer's thistle;
  • an extract from the seeds of the dragon tree;
  • drill.
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It is very difficult to find a tool that will have such a rich and optimally balanced composition. But why should immediately check the availability of individual intolerance of any of these components. Read also about the Chinese tampons Lu Li MejTan.

What the properties of tampons?

An ancient Chinese technique involves a complex effect on the body through the human sexual system. That is why the swabs Guifei Bao Fohow thanks to its unique composition have the following effects:

  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • reducing;
  • hemostatic;
  • analgesic;
  • tonic;
  • prevention;
  • antitumor;
  • anti-aging;
  • soothing.

In addition, means can normalize the menstrual cycle and enhance gonadal function. All of these properties are useful, even a healthy woman's body to maintain its normal condition and prevent the development of various gynecological pathologies.

Which diseases can be used tampons Guifu Bao Fohow?

Princess Pearl tampons are aimed at recovery and purification of the sexual woman's system. Their application is possible in the following diseases:

  • problems with conception;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • polyps in the genital area;
  • cervical erosion;
  • candidiasis;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • cysts;
  • infectious diseases;
  • vaginitis.

But it is worth remembering that the company Phoenix products are not used as a monotherapy. These tampons may make aid or prevention method. In any gynecological pathologies requires an integrated approach to treatment.

advantages of tampons

The tool manufacturers have positioned as a universal product that can be used for the following purposes:

  • Diagnostics. After introduction of the tampon just one woman can assess their separation, which greatly simplify the determination of the presence of gynecological pathology. After that, once it is necessary to visit a doctor and take additional diagnostic methods.
  • Cleansing. The presence of toxins and pollutants in the uterus greatly increase the risk of diseases. It is therefore important to clean. In this regard, an advantage of tampons Guifei Bao favor ease of use.
  • Therapy diseases. Capsules serve element excellent adjuvant therapy, which accelerates the healing process by eliminating a plurality of negative factors.
  • Rejuvenation of the body. It is known that hormones are responsible for the normal condition of the skin. Use of the capsules from the company Fohow a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, thereby maintaining attractive woman.
  • Prevention. Using capsule improves the condition of the vagina, improving its stability and the tone of the reproductive system to gynecological diseases.

This facility receives a variety of reviews, among which there are also negative. But more often they are associated with vaginal burning and discomfort after use. To do this, the manufacturer has made detailed instructions, where a special place reserved for women with increased dryness of the genital tract.

In addition, the guide clearly states that the tool helps with infertility unless it is caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes or impaired sour-alkaline balance of the vaginal microflora.

Ballroom Reviews of Chinese medical tampons at this link.

Instructions for use

It is very important to observe the mode of application of tampons to get the desired effect. The manufacturer notes that the healing effect is manifested immediately after use with a medical capsule, but it is necessary to pass the entire course for comprehensive treatment. Instruction includes the following rules:

  • Before use, you need to check the integrity of the packaging and the availability of the special strings on the ball-tampon.
  • Necessarily need to wash their hands and vagina with special antiseptic.
  • Using disposable gloves (supplied) to enter a tampon into the vagina, do not forget to leave a thread on the outside for easy removal.
  • The capsule is left inside for three days.
  • After each procedure, you need to wash the vagina.
  • The course of treatment is 6 procedures.
  • With only a single swab can be used for prophylaxis.

These rules apply to the use of the standard, but there are situations where the individual characteristics of the female body requires additional training.

Recommendations from the manufacturer

Fohow swabs should be used based on the following recommendations:

  1. With increased vaginal dryness can be placed on the ball 20 seconds in warm water.
  2. You can not use capsules daily, so the following procedure shall be conducted not earlier than 48 hours, but it is better to stick to the three-day period.
  3. As ball-swab can be dissolved in water and use the solution for irrigation.
  4. The capsule is efficient after unprotected sexual intercourse, because it prevents the use of infectious diseases.
  5. As a preventive tool is used no more than twice a month.
  6. The recreational purposes must use the full course (6 capsules).
  7. In chronic diseases and their exacerbation allowed to use two or three means of packages.

But the most important rule is prior consultation with the doctor that will protect against the possible unpleasant consequences.

several contraindications

  • During therapy should not be sexually active.
  • After using the last capsule from the course before the upcoming sexual intercourse it is imperative to carry out irrigation and wait after three hours.
  • The capsules are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, virgins and ladies who underwent surgery (not earlier than three months).
  • It is forbidden to use the means at the time of menstruation, the week before the start and during the three days after the cessation of menstruation.
  • During therapy is undesirable to drink alcoholic beverages.

Traditional Chinese medicine is perceived in our country warily. But when used properly, and taking into account the specifics of his body a woman could organize an effective additional treatment of diseases of the reproductive system and pathological processes.

Remember that FOHOW capsules are not a drug. Not recommended for use without the knowledge of the physician, especially when an additional drug therapy.

Price funds of EUR 30, and its shelf life - 2 years.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 71
  • 176