Secretions after installing the helix (Mirena): brown, bleeding, spotting

There are a variety of contraceptives. Each has its positive and negative features. Enormous popularity of IUDs - intrauterine device.

If this device has been installed correctly, complies with all the rules of its application, the use of the product is safe, it does not cause discomfort and effectively to 99%. But some girls notice after installing the spiral separation with blood. Their appearance may be physiological or pathological nature, so you need to know about the symptoms of possible complications.

Allocation after installing intrauterine device


  • Overview
  • types of spirals
  • Features a spiral installation
  • Complications and contraindications
  • abnormal discharge
    • Bleeding
    • Diseases of the reproductive system
    • the displacement device
    • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Means for treatment


Mirena IUD is considered a highly effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The active component is levonorgestrel - hormone which is released from the first helix of the establishment during the period of use. At day 20 micrograms released substance. After 5 years, the application amount of the hormonal content per 1 day is 10 mg.

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Given the physiological norms and features of the female body, manufacturers have created a spiral from the core, complete hormonal content of the membrane, responsible for its gradual release.

Before installing the device, it is required to take into account one important rule: the items in the package, sterile, so in violation of its integrity is required to renounce the use of such means of contraception. Otherwise, after the installation of the helix can occur separation due to infection attachment, propagation of inflammation.

It is also worth considering the fact that due to the introduction of the hormone the body needs the drug for at least 3 months to get used to his action. adaptation period may be accompanied by the appearance of bleeding.

types of spirals

Any intrauterine devices made from polymers are safe for the human organism. For the purpose of contraception used by a wide variety of products, which differ from each other in shape, the dimensional characteristics as the principle of action. The most popular are T-shaped tools, as they are very easy to use and install. At the free end of the housing located Mirena annular loop which is required for fixing the yarn with which the IUD is removed.

Spirals are distinguished by the principle of action:

  • neutral;
  • medications;
  • hormonal.

Neutral effect is that the introduction of the subject is a foreign body that prevents embryonic development. These tools are large, do not provide the maximum effectiveness of protection from unwanted pregnancy. they also provoked the appearance of heavy menstruationAccompanied by severe pain. When set spiral data, very often women are uterine bleeding.

pain and blood

Medication IUDs are also divided into several groups depending on the material that has been applied in the manufacture of a contraceptive. Spiral may contain:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • gold.

Those funds, which is composed of copper, are easy to install, they rarely cause any complications, including bleeding. But they have several contraindications in which should not use:

  • the presence of inflammation;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • cervical erosion.

It is worth noting that it erosion hazard when installing the spiral is not necessary not to evaluate, because the disease requires mandatory monitoring and treatment.

If a woman is worth a spiral, with a long time are scant brown discharge, you must see a doctor for diagnosis of complications in the background undetected contraindications to install facilities.

Spiral silver distinguished for its antiseptic qualities, fight inflammation, and Navy, in which is composed of gold, characterized by the fact that it is not subject to corrosion, high-grade combined with uterine fabrics. Such products do not cause allergic reactions, complications. Gold-contraceptives are set for a longer period.

Hormonal principle of spirals is that they contain a hormone that gradually goes to the uterus in order to provide a contraceptive effect. These contraceptives are safe and do not cause side effects.

Features a spiral installation

Spiral Mirena - hormonal system, which is characterized by ease of installation, and low probability of complications. The principle of operation is that it does not allow the sperm to penetrate into the upper region of the female reproductive system, blocks the process of fertilization.

how to put a spiral

Also, after installing the Mirena it thickens the cervical mucus, thereby blocking proliferalnogo endometrial layer. Such principle of operation allows to save means high efficiency for a long time.

The installation procedure is fairly quick, the woman does not feel any discomfort. If there are no contraindications, gynecologist appoints the day of the procedure. Basically, the product is installed at the end of month. It takes about 15 minutes. Securing the IUD in the uterine cavity occurs smoothly, since the local anesthetic is administered.

However, if you go out of the uterus bleeding, and they last long enough to see a doctor. This will prevent the development of complications.

Month after the spiral may be scarce, or vice versa, abundant, therefore it is advisable to read a separate article on this topic.

Complications and contraindications

Installing a spiral Mirena can be done even in adolescence. But before heading to the procedure, you must exclude the possibility of the presence of contraindications:

  • neoplasms of the female reproductive system;
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • uterine trauma;
  • bleeding having unclear etymology;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • diabetes.

In the absence of contra-indicated any risk of complications is minimal, but it still remains, if mistakes were made during the procedure.

There are several potential complications that may occur during and after the installation of the structure. Sometimes introduction IUD provokes penetration into the body of pathogenic microorganisms, the development of the inflammatory process. Because of this, one can often see the emergence of bleeding with greenish or yellowish tinge and an unpleasant odor.

Also, spotting may occur during rejection of established design. Most often, these complications arise against improper spiral arrangement.

Trauma or puncture the uterus causing bleeding. This happens very rarely. For the same reason may appear discharge after IUD removal.

abnormal discharge

Regardless of the cause, provoke brown secretion Mirena after installation, you must consult a doctor to avoid the risk of possible complications. Norm such allocation are considered only if they have no foreign color, odor, not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, the lower back.

Such allocation in the first months after the installation of Mirena are caused by violation of uterine endometrium. If a woman goes regularly mucus mixed with blood, and there is some discomfort, it should immediately visit a doctor to diagnose pathological causes.


Copious blood after installation Mirena - flag opened uterine bleeding. This symptom may appear when inserted rejection contraception. In this case of bleeding will have no peculiar smell, acquire other color, for example green or yellowish.


If you experience heavy bleeding is an urgent need to consult a doctor to diagnose the cause of such a state. But there is a variant of the norm, when the discharge has a physiological nature. This applies to situations where a brownish periods become more abundant. Such a state of the female body is a response to hormonal drug, and gradually menstrual cycle is adjusted.


Also the bleeding may be caused by uterine Injury vaginal mucosa integrity.

Recognize uterine bleeding can be profuse discharge of, the presence of pain in the lower abdominal area. Sometimes it is so strong that it can only stop at a reception at the gynecologist or by means of haemostatic preparations for oral administration.

Damage to the genitals during insertion of Mirena is rare and only because of unqualified doctors. Therefore, if there were abundant brown discharge when installing a spiral, it is necessary to address urgently to the physician.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Whitish or yellowish discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor after installation Mirena can indicate reproductive system disease. It's worth noting that she does not Imply a spiral development, this condition can be caused by a weakening of the immune system, stress, sexual intercourse with an infected partner.


After improper installation helix may develop infection. This happens if the doctor does not comply with the sterility of a woman after the procedure neglected personal hygiene rules.

The presence of genital infections is accompanied by a heavy discharge of different character depending on the stage of the disease. They may be whitish, yellowish, bloody, greenish. In this case, they have an unpleasant odor. In most cases, the infection of the genitals becomes pronounced symptoms before menstruation and after menstruation - is reduced.


When inflammation after installing the helix may appear brown allocation. If they do not pass on their own after 2 days, it is required to address immediately to the doctor and begin anti-inflammatory therapy.

the displacement device

Spin brown colors can appear at displacement Mirena. Changing the position of the spiral can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • started cramping in the lower abdomen;
  • observed bleeding outside menstruation, during sexual acts;
  • there was a sense of a spiral into the vagina.

It's worth noting that the displacement of Mirena does not provide maximum efficiency, at the same time can injure the cervix.

Ectopic pregnancy

When the IUD there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Recognize such anomalous location of the embryo can be pain in the lower abdomen, the disappearance of menstruation or change their nature. In the case of this pathology are isolation, and are characterized by paucity of short duration.

If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy should seek emergency physician. This is due to the fact that such a state is threatening the health of women.

Means for treatment

Treatment appeared allocation after installing the spiral will depend on their causes. In this case, diagnose pathologies and complications arising should a doctor, he also appoints the appropriate therapy.

If the discharge caused by damage to or rupture of the uterus, means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is removed, and the women are prescribed anti-inflammatory, healing drugs or operation. Methods of treatment is prescribed according to the severity of the patients.

If the discharge - a consequence of infection, bacterial or yeast defeat genitals, appointed medical therapy. The earlier identified pathology, the easier it is to cure.

If the woman is afraid of occurrence of the above complications, it should use other methods of contraception. You can give preference to oral contraceptive pill, condoms. Such means do not cause the appearance of precipitates. In the first 3 months of the OK allowed brown spotting.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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