How to understand that you have worms: symptoms in a child and an adult, treatment

There is an erroneous opinion that helminths appear only in the lower marginal layers of society. Is it so? You can wash your hands every meal before meals, keep a clean house, avoid cats and dogs, but ideal conditions for the absence of helminths come only in special laboratories. Medical research has shown that every second person encountered parasites throughout life. How to understand that you have worms?

Symptoms of helminthic invasion in the adult body

Have you met people who complain of single symptoms often, but they can not understand the cause? The occurrence of pain or discomfort occurs due to helminthic invasion. Depending on the location of helminth parasites, problems will focus on a particular area of ​​the body. In order not to be among the infected and ignorant, study all the symptoms that may indicate the presence of worms.

  • Allergic rashes, such as spots of eczema, hives, boils, papillomas - a loud signal that the body is in danger.
  • Often repeated coughing attacks that can not be cured by traditional medical methods, expectorants or grandmother methods, suggest helminthic invasion.
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  • Inflammatory processes of the upper part of the respiratory tract, including pneumonia, runny nose indicate the appearance of parasites of worms of ascarids, strongyloid.
  • Difficulties with intestines in the form of constipation. Fecal masses do not pass, because in the cavity there are clusters of helminth parasites. If the worms are long( ascarids), they make it difficult to isolate bile and pancreatic juice. Reproduction of parasites of helminths is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation and bloating.
  • The occurrence of a cold more often than before indicates a decrease in immunity, because your body does not work at full strength due to the processes provoked by worms.
  • Constant nervousness due to problems with the intestines, arising on the soil of suction of worms to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Due to the poisoning of blood parasites by helminths there is a deep depression.
  • Joint pains appear, if the worms move around them and thereby damage the tissues.

The first signs of the presence of worms in children

Children - active, playful, love to explore the world, even the little one will involuntarily put his hand into his mouth, which is full of germs. Imagine a childhood without worms? Here the role is played both by the way of life and luck, but hygiene is the best way to minimize the possibility of helminth parasites in children. The following are the first signs of infection with worms in humans, while very small. To rely on only one symptom in a child is mistaken, but if you notice 3 or more, it makes sense to see a doctor while parasites of helminths do not cause enormous damage to health.

  • If the kid is active, but has become even more agile, frisky, then do not deprive this moment of attention.
  • Itching is easy to notice in the anus of the child because of the worms, because the baby will always crawl under the panties.
  • Excessive secretion of saliva in the mouth during activity and sleep of the baby occurs at the time of active parasitic helminth processes.
  • Strong desire to eat sweets. Yes, this is already present in every child, but if you notice hysterics, a chronic malaise of the body in terms of such products, then you do not need to write off everything to vagaries.
  • Peeling of eyelids in a baby.
  • Dry roots of hair in a child, nails are constantly broken, because of the body worms literally suck the juice.
  • Frequent diseases, colds of the baby due to decreased immunity.
  • Constant drowsiness, slow reaction of the child.

How are worms manifested and how dangerous are they during pregnancy?

Any woman during pregnancy follows hygiene and health like never before. During this period, she listens to any sign on the part of the body, and not to notice such a problem as helminth parasites will be unrealistic. If a woman has several symptoms that indicate the presence of worms during pregnancy, it is mandatory to go to the doctor. There is no need to hesitate with this matter, because there is a risk of damaging the fetus with helminth parasites. Of great importance is the type of worms and the duration of pregnancy.

More often people get infected with such parasites: pinworms, tapeworms, ascarids and lamblia. The manifestation of worms in the body of a pregnant woman is weight loss, irritation, weakness, headaches. Parasites worms that live in the intestine, lead to constipation, diarrhea and other problems with the stomach. To determine the worms with the help of usual tests in the pregnant woman will not work. Parasites helminths intensify toxicosis and carry a great danger for the future of the baby in the form of respiratory diseases, pneumonia, allergic reactions.

Naturally, there are less dangerous worms, but they harm the future mother's body in any case. The main problem - in pregnancy, you can not take special drugs against parasites of helminths, because they are even more toxic and harmful for a woman at this stage. What remains to be done? Treatment with folk remedies is a logical, useful alternative. Armed with preventive actions, then the risk of infection with parasitic worms during pregnancy is reduced to a minimum.

Overview of preparations from wide-spectrum helminths of

1. "Pirantel", "Helminthox"

The active substance in preparations is pyrantel. The medicine should be consumed with ascariasis detected, Use Pirantel and Helmintox.once for worms ascarids and pinworms from the calculation of body weight - 10 mg / kg. After 2-3 weeks, repeat the course of the drug. If the body is infected with other parasites, then the way of using the drug is somewhat different( 3 days in a row a certain dose).Among the side effects of drugs are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, urticaria, poor appetite, allergic reactions to the skin, headache, hallucinations, hyperthermia.

2. Nemozol, Vormil, Albendazole, Aldazol

The active substance is albendazole. Take the drug stands against such parasites as ascarids, pinworms, hookworms, whipworms, nekatorov, as well as in such diseases as toxocarosis, strongyloidiasis, enchinococcosis of the lungs, liver, giardiasis and others. Do not use the product during pregnancy, with the affected retina, with hypersensitivity, children under 2 years. If you have a broken liver function or blood loss, you are in the period of breastfeeding, then take this medication only after careful consultation with your doctor.

Tablets are consumed during meals, once or several days in a row, depending on the parasite of the helminth within the body. The increase in dose is contraindicated. Among the adverse reactions of the drug, dysfunction of the liver, dizziness, increased pressure, temperature, allergic rashes, pancytopenia, granulocytopenia, vomiting, abdominal pain, kidney failure, dizziness.

Treatment with folk remedies

If it so happens that you have met with parasitic parasites of helminths, whether it is a pet that has fleas, raw fish, meat or shellfish, despair or let it go it's not worth it. Are afraid to try preparations against worms because of the large list of side effects? Use the folk methods that our grandparents have been practicing for a long time, not allowing parasites to pass to the helminths.

  1. Raw onion and fresh garlic. These foods are added to food to strengthen the immune system against the worms. Malicious parasites worms in the form of not only adults, but eggs, quickly leave your body.
  2. Decoction of chamomile and fennel. A week after the departure of helminth parasites, the course of treatment is repeated for prevention purposes.
  3. A strong effect on parasites of helminths( ascarids, pinworms, whipworm) will give a mushroom tincture. You will need 3 tbsp.l.powder of dry chanterelles, filled with 150 ml of water. Tincture should stand for a couple of weeks. To use at active process of reproduction of parasitizing worms on 1 teaspoon for the night.
  4. In conjunction with a laxative, try to eat on an empty stomach 2 tbsp.l.pumpkin seeds or 10 cloves of garlic, filled with melted milk. A relaxing remedy should be taken 2 hours after the procedure in order to completely empty the body of helminth parasites.

Prevention measures

You should understand that preventive measures do not need to be attributed to worms, otherwise your immune system will suffer significantly. Although the cycles of helminth parasite development are very different from each other, following a number of preventive actions, you can avoid the risk of disease. Adhere to the simplest rules of personal hygiene - and you minimize the main factor of the occurrence of worms.

  • Wash hands after contact with all indirect factors on which the worms or their eggs are located.
  • Keep clean the nails on the hands and feet. In children, it is desirable to cut them shorter, because they can not specifically put a finger in their mouths, infected with helminth parasites.
  • Thoroughly wash all vegetables, fruits, berries, especially those that come in contact with the ground and are in contact with the worms.
  • To buy meat and fish in the dreams of catering, which passed sanepidstanstviyu. At this point, the products must undergo mandatory heat treatment against helminth parasites.
  • Only drink clean water.
  • Destroy insect vectors such as flies, because their paws contain eggs of parasites.

Video: test for the presence of worms at home

How can you understand that you have worms without leaving home? Scotch test is what will help you to detect helminth parasites. The video shows how and where the worms are located, at what time of day they lay white eggs. The program "To live healthy!" Will prompt advice to mothers how to prepare an analysis for the presence of helminths at home by hand. The main part of the eggs is laid at night, so once the baby has woken up, you need to take the scotch and stick it for a couple of seconds to the anus. Such an analysis can easily be attributed to a polyclinic for testing helminths.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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