Ended abruptly morning sickness (nausea disappeared) in pregnancy

pregnant girl on the couch

Toxicosis is quite common in early pregnancy is the norm for most expectant mothers. Ideally, the expectation of the child generally is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but it happens very rarely.

On why no toxicity in pregnant women can be read in a separate article on our site.

Only 8-10% of cases of this condition suggests pathology. You just feel it in the form of uncontrollable vomiting, fatigue and weight loss. In this state, immediately seek antenatal care to the gynecologist. do not worry at all other times. The body thus adapts to the foreign biological material. The child has a different set of genes, which in its composition is different from the parent.

Usually it pronounced nausea during the first months (10 weeks of gestation) and disappears after 12 weeks. But sometimes toxemia abruptly terminated and before the deadline. This is even better. Hence, adaptation mom went well and quickly.

When abruptly ceased nausea, do not worry, better to rejoice: it is a signal of a favorable development of the embryo in the uterus.

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The sharp decrease in toxicity symptoms indicative of the positive dynamics of the processes in the mother in response to pregnancy and the formation of a healthy child. Therefore, if the morning sickness has passed quickly, then all is well, and do not worry.

Also recommend that you read more information about how What is morning sicknessWhat are the types and methods of treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 48
  • 134