The reasons for discharge from the breast when pressed: green, white, transparent, yellow

The mammary glands of women prone to various diseases. Alarming symptom considered to discharge from the breast when pressed. liquid leakage from the nipple may indicate physiological changes in the body and the beginning of the pathological process. It is imperative at an early stage to determine the progression of the disease and start treatment. At the same time it is able to avoid serious complications.



  • Characteristics of fluid levels in color and density
    • transparent
    • white
    • yellowish
    • bloody
    • brown
    • green
  • physiological causes
    • Discharge from the breasts during pregnancy
    • after lactation
    • Allocation of colostrum before menstruation
    • Short-term hormonal changes
  • pathological causes
    • galactorrhea
    • Mastitis
    • Ectasia the milk ducts
    • Shotty breast
    • The consequences of the chest injury
    • Malignancy in the mammary gland
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • disease Prevention

Characteristics of fluid levels in color and density

Released from the nipple liquid may have different characteristics. Its color and consistency are of great importance in the diagnostic process. These symptoms are necessarily taken into account in identifying the causes of changes in the mammary glands.

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Clear discharge from the nipple, as a rule, do not cause fear. A small amount of odorless liquid of breast appears due to mechanical stimulation or organ in advance of menses. These changes are caused by a normal physiological process.


The fluid from the nipple white normally appears in women after childbirth. During this period it begins to produce breast milk. Similar symptoms also occur when galaktoree, the development of pituitary tumors and in patients receiving oral contraceptives.


The appearance of yellow exudate observed during pregnancy and immediately after birth (colostrum). If such clinical manifestations observed before the critical days and are accompanied by pain in the breast, it may indicate mastitis.


Bleeding from the chest light or dark shade - a sign of pathology. They may indicate a malignancy, injury or pressure vessels in the ducts.

fluid from the breast


In case of damage of small blood vessels and enter into the ducts appear brown discharge from the breast. Often these changes point to the development of cysts or tumors in the mammary glands.


Purulent discharge from the nipple dark green color signal the development of such diseases, such as mastitis. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help.

physiological causes

Secretory fluid, which can occur if the pressure on the chest, does not always indicate a health problem. Its appearance is often due to physiological causes.

Discharge from the breasts during pregnancy

Before birth in women often nipple fluid is released. This is normal and not cause for concern. As a rule, in addition to this marked change in the skin on the areola and nipple. Discharge from the breasts during pregnancy It may be light gray, cream or have a yellowish tint.

allocation of pregnancy

The following changes are considered alarming:

  • pink or bloody exudate;
  • seals in the breast;
  • discharge from one breast;
  • fever and general weakness;
  • sore bodies and excessive sensitivity to palpation.

These symptoms point to the development of serious diseases. In this case, the necessary medical care.

after lactation

Allocation after the feeding period - is the norm. They are caused by intense prolactin. Some time later, hormones recover, the body will return to the prenatal state. In most cases, it takes about 2-3 months. Sometimes exudate can be observed throughout the year. However, doctors have resorted to the appointment of special medicines to help stop lactation.

Allocation of colostrum before menstruation

Reasons for selection of colostrum before the arrival of menstruation rooted in hormonal reorganization. During this period, the level of progesterone is significantly reduced and with pressure on the nipple can flow several liquid droplets.

The large volume of colostrum pregnancy is considered a wake-up call. The reasons for these changes should be determined by the physician.

Short-term hormonal changes

The appearance of transparent exudate is often caused by hormonal changes. Such symptoms are observed while taking oral contraceptives. Therapy including hormonal drugs, also provokes such changes.

The body within a few months adapting to a new state, but soon the situation will stabilize. If these clinical manifestations persist for more than three months, you need to seek help from a doctor and replace the product or completely discontinue treatment.

Changes in chest

pathological causes

The reasons for discharge from the breast are often abnormal. Such changes can trigger a variety of factors. If a woman has sore breasts, changes its shape, there are seals and fluid, it is possible the development of the disease.

Identify the causes of discharge from the breast with pressure fluid must be a doctor. Ignore these clinical manifestations is impossible. In the absence of proper treatment there is a risk of serious complications.


With the development of this disease is a woman discovers a white discharge nipples. The appearance of milk or colostrum is observed in the absence of pregnancy and lactation. Due to such changes in the intensity of prolactin. Most often, the occurrence of diseases associated with disorders of the endocrine system. Also provoke a white or yellowish discharge capable of the following factors:

  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • malignancies pituitary;
  • hormonal changes;
  • development of tumors in the adrenal glands;
  • functional disorders of the hypothalamus;
  • ovarian pathology.

To assign an adequate therapy, conducted a comprehensive diagnosis.


This is an acute infectious disease that is closely associated with breastfeeding. Its development is observed most often in the period of lactation. Pathology occurs in the acute form. Among its main symptoms isolated hyperthermia, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, or yellowish white leakage of fluid from the nipple.

In some cases, lactation occurs thrush on chest. In this case, the woman can observe the specific allocation, more about which we recommend to read in a separate article on our site.


In the development of the disease appear green discharge from the breast. Changing the color of the liquid indicates the festering and transition pathology in the form of an abscessed. Wellbeing woman while deteriorating significantly.

Ectasia the milk ducts

The development of disease is caused by the accumulation of a thick fluid in the ducts and their extension. Thus begins an inflammatory process and noted the presence of a sticky greenish exudate. If abnormality occurs in women over the age of forty years, that appear dark or bloody discharge from the nipple.

Shotty breast

When mastitis appear pain in the chest, which are amplified in the second phase of the cycle. During this period, there are yellow discharge from the breast, which disappear at the time of the arrival of critical days. These symptoms are not always noted, and is expressed in varying degrees. In some cases, the exudate flows only when pressed, and sometimes spontaneously.

If the liquid acquires a green tint, which indicates attachment of secondary infection. Disturbing symptom are considered dark brown discharge from the nipple. They often signal the development of malignant tumors.

The consequences of the chest injury

Injuries breast can cause exudation of bloody and painful sensations in the breasts. These symptoms are seen in a couple of days, then disappear. If it does not, you need to seek medical advice and to conduct a full examination.


Serious injuries are often accompanied by inflammatory processes. There is a risk of accumulation of pus in the subcutaneous area.

Malignancy in the mammary gland

If women develop malignant tumors, the skin in the chest area begins to peel off, celebrated their redness. Epithelium becomes similar to the lemon peel. On palpation of the breast feels hot, and seal with uneven borders defined in it. Lymph nodes in the armpit are increasing. In addition, the nipples are drawn, they imply the fluid, which notes the presence of blood. Soreness appear much later.

Diagnosis and treatment

When detecting emitted from the nipple exudate to resort to self-treatment is strictly prohibited. These actions will lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of serious complications. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy should mammolog.

Diagnosis includes activities such as:

  • palpation of the breast;
  • mammography (body study by X-ray);
  • ultrasound;
  • ductography (X-ray examination ducts);
  • histological examination;
  • blood sampling to determine the level of hormones.

After carrying out a full diagnosis and detection of pathology doctor prescribes a conservative treatment or resort to surgical intervention.

When detecting reception of recommended mastitis antibiotic, antipyretic, immunostimulatory preparations. In case of mastitis initially resorted to a conservative treatment, but no proper result produce breast resection or complete its removal.

If was found ectasia the milk ducts, appointed reception antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes. In severe cases, the affected area is excised.

disease Prevention

With the need to comply with the following recommendations for the prevention of breast cancer:

  • monitor the body weight;
  • avoid injuries breast;
  • breastfeed for at least six months after delivery;
  • give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • monitor the state of the chest, on a monthly basis to conduct an independent examination by probing;
  • when it detects any changes to seek medical attention;
  • yearly mammograms.

Discharge from the nipple may be a normal physiological process, but often signal the development of serious diseases. Such symptoms - a reason for treatment to the doctor. Independently determine the cause of their appearance is not possible. To determine what factors contributed to the emergence of exudate, conducted a comprehensive survey. Only then a decision is made about the necessity of therapy and adequate course of treatment is chosen.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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