Toxemia of pregnancy: types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Waiting for the baby is accompanied by a number of physical and psychological changes in women, as well as a string of specific states. Toxemia of pregnancy is considered to be one of them. It is manifested mainly in women with nausea and dizziness. But every body is different and there are other symptoms of intoxication during pregnancy. Future mother does not necessarily vomiting, morning sickness is often accompanied by nervousness, general weakness and disgust to many smells.

pregnant belly


  • What is morning sickness
    • What are the symptoms
    • why is there
  • types of toxicity
  • Treatment
    • How to ease the condition
    • If a strong toxicosis
  • Meals at a toxicosis

What is morning sickness

Toxicosis is called the specific condition that occurs when the poisoning of the mother's body with harmful substances. They stand in the process of rapid growth of the ovum from approximately 6 th and 12 th week after conception. Nausea during pregnancy - one indicator of this process. Apart from that, women often feel dizzy, saliva is released abundantly and are skin rash during this period. The reasons why there is such an intoxication so far investigated and determined by experts.

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What are the symptoms

Not always expectant mothers correctly identify this condition, taking him rare ailments and only mild nausea. The main symptoms of toxemia of pregnancy are as follows:

  • Frequently (more than 5 times a day), nausea, the most manifest in the mornings, which can end in vomiting.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • In another starts to taste food intake.
  • Dizziness and problems with co-ordination throughout the day.
  • General physical and emotional weakness, pregnant constantly sleepy.
  • Significant - an average of more than 3 kg per week weight loss. This rate depends on the initial parameters of a woman, so the attention and control require any weight loss during this period.
  • Headache during the first trimester of pregnancy may be indicative of early toxemia, or other health problems, such as high blood pressure problems. It can not be ignored and it is strongly recommended to establish the causes which provoked it.
  • Nausea and failure fully fed naturally lead to a lack of sufficient amounts of energy, resulting in a constant fatigue.
  • Nervousness and irritability, which is often mistaken for simply whims.

All these signs are noticed and ectopic pregnancy and non-viable. They should be an occasion to appeal to the leading pregnancy gynecologist for help.

why is there

Unequivocal opinion physicians and scientists, why there is a state, not, but many would argue that the way the mother's body tries to preserve and protect pregnancy. The most common causes of toxicity are considered during pregnancy:

  1. Failures coordinated operation of the internal organs and the central nervous system. In the first weeks of pregnancy activated activity of subcortical structures of the brain, which is not the normal state of modern man. So nature intended. It is in these areas formed the gag reflex, here is the olfactory region and the cells responsible for the internal organs: stomach, heart, lungs, salivary glands.
  2. Hormonal changes, which are indispensable for childbearing. Endocrine changes affect the metabolism of pregnant and will adapt it fully under favorable conditions for the development of the placenta and fetus. Internal organs to this there are not ready to react and manifestations of toxicity.
  3. Inherent nature of fetal protection against external stimuli. Studies show that the most common causes of nausea considered odors products harmful to the child, junk foods, coffee, alcohol, and cigarette smoke and exhaust gases.
  4. Digestive Diseases and other internal organs in chronic or acute occurrence according statistics often causes toxicosis and generally complicate flow pregnancy.
  5. Among the versions, on which depends the morning sickness during pregnancy, we have to be a genetic predisposition and lifestyle of women.
  6. A child from the first days of life in the womb is distinguished by its gene composition of the mother's body, so she had developed antibodies to the fetus.
  7. When multiple pregnancy morning sickness is more common and intense nausea.
  8. Negative emotions associated with the new position.
  9. Late pregnancy (after 35 years).

In some women, morning sickness is accompanied by the entire pregnancy, it is considered a complication and it requires constant while under the supervision of specialists.

types of toxicity

Toxicosis in pregnant women comes in two varieties, depending on the trimester flow:

  1. Early - it takes place in the period from six to sixteen weeks, most clearly expressed from the twelfth to the fourteenth. In rare cases, the intoxication begins a week after conception, then it is considered to be the main manifestation significantly increase appetite. The main reason why there is morning sickness in early pregnancy, according to the adaptation of all systems of the body to the female body changes.
  2. Late that in medicine it is called preeclampsia during pregnancy. State is considered pathological and characteristic for a normal gestation. In addition to strong light or severity of nausea and vomiting, accompanied by swelling, the presence of protein in urine, hypertension and weight gain intensive. Later occurrence of toxicity are a threat to the health of mother and child, so it is important for the detection of symptoms seek medical advice.

Based on how strongly expressed nausea during pregnancy are 3 degrees of toxicity:

  • Easy - if it is allowed to stay home pregnant. Typically, a woman often and continuously feel sick, but it does not break, and if it does, it is not more than 5 times a day. Weight loss ranges from 1 to 3 kg per week, indicators urine and blood tests were normal. Condition improves to the 13th week, and by the 16th held at all.
  • Average - number of emetic episodes per day may be up to 10, which along with salivation leads to dehydration. Weight loss may be up to 5 kg per week, workability is significantly reduced. Skin pale women, the hemoglobin level in the blood falls. Perhaps the rise in body temperature. You must consult your doctor.
  • Strong - Pregnancy can tear up to 20 times a day, her condition is severe against the backdrop of exhaustion and dehydration. The efficiency is low, sleep is not healthy, observed fever, headache and muscle pain, mouth odor of acetone. Characteristically disruption of the digestive system. Laboratory tests of blood and urine are fixed such deviations from the norm, as low levels of hemoglobin, bilirubin, and the presence of nitrogen in urine and others. In this case, hospitalization is necessary, and individually prescribed treatment.

The extent of toxic effects and in addition to individual features of a woman's health depends on many factors.

By the time of occurrence of the major symptoms emit:

  • Morning toxemia - is considered the most common and familiar to most women, faced with this problem. Immediately after waking observed malaise that affects the activity of the day.
  • Evening toxicosis - less typical, its manifestations occur as a result of a complex, stressful day. To avoid complications, girls are advised to revise your schedule and make it more gentle.


Toxemia of pregnancy is considered a common condition, but not safe. The stomach is very close to the reproductive organs and a reduction in the urge of vomiting can cause the tone of the uterus, or even fight. The level of development of modern medicine makes it possible to facilitate the status of the expectant mother safe and effective way.

Pregnant with a laptop

How to ease the condition

Nausea during pregnancy and often long lasting, but the exact time of the attack can not be predicted. Therefore, women need to know what actions can be performed to prevent unpleasant conditions:

  • Carbohydrate foods immediately after waking. Let a habit to keep the bed a piece of bread, cookies and dried fruit, you need to eat after sleep.
  • Drink herbal teas or herbal teas with lemon, lightly sweetened.
  • It is advisable to use folk remedies to combat nausea: eat slowly citrus slices straight during the attack - acid in their composition helps neutralize nausea; rassosat teaspoon of honey as soon begin to feel sick.
  • Replace pastry with questionable composition on the season fruit.
  • Give up bad food: fried, greasy, salted, smoked.
  • During cooking sparing methods use heat treatment - boiling, baking, steaming.
  • Eat fractionally - often in small portions.
  • After a meal to try to walk a little more.

The proposed variants of preventive means to combat nausea effective for prevention of early and late toxicosis.

If a strong toxicosis

When a woman is constantly sick, it becomes impossible for her and the baby needed a balanced diet. When strongly toxic manifestations characteristic with frequent and severe vomiting, treatment is advisable toxicosis in an outpatient setting. It consists of:

  • daily inspection.
  • Regular analysis of the collection.
  • supporting condition of the pregnant with glucose drips.
  • receiving individually prescribed by a doctor medication.
  • compliance with a special diet.
  • ensure peaceful living conditions.
  • control of the humidity of the room and its constant airing.
Pregnant in a hospital bed

Meals at a toxicosis

One way to overcome the symptoms of toxicity is considered to be a competent, well-chosen diet. When planning the menu, we must proceed from these rules:

  1. Immediately after waking have useful carbohydrate-rich foods: galetnoe cookies, dried fruits, sweet fruits.
  2. Food drink must be a certain temperature - from 20 to 40 degrees.
  3. You need to eat often, at least 6 per day in the same time, but the portions small.
  4. Use only gentle way of heat treatment.
  5. Observe drinking mode and drink at least 8 glasses simple clean or mineral water without gas per day. Meal should be no earlier than half an hour after drinking the liquid.
  6. Nausea during pregnancy is often triggered by eating junk food shops sauces, fast food, sweets, crisps or crackers. All harmful products should be excluded completely.
  7. If the repugnance from eating too much, permitted fasting days in clear water.
  8. To abandon the first dishes.

Pregnancy - is not the most simple test, but every woman should remember that this is a temporary condition. After 9 months it will be rewarded in the form of a long-awaited child, a meeting which will make you forget all migrated difficulties.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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