Could it be morning sickness during ectopic pregnancy, whether the nausea is

The number of complications during gestation baby grows. One of the most dangerous option - an ectopic pregnancy, which has virtually no characteristic features. It is widely believed that morning sickness during ectopic pregnancy - a common phenomenon, and that should start to worry if he appeared. Is it so?

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  • What is morning sickness
  • Ectopic pregnancy and morning sickness
  • Prevention of early toxicity
  • Treatment

What is morning sickness

Toxemia of pregnancy - it is the woman's condition, which leads to disruption of metabolism and has a negative impact on the mother and fetus. In 50-60% of cases it is the norm, and in 8-10% - a complication.

Toxemia during ectopic pregnancy as a normal, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased salivation;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • high pulse;
  • skin pallor.

Toxemia usually occurs at 5-6 weeks and disappears completely at 12-13 week or abortion. In diseases of the uterus and ovaries during fetal development of the brain in an inadequate signal is sent, and the body perceives it as a poison. Broken relationship the mother's body and the baby, causing nausea.

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Symptoms are concerned, not only in the morning and throughout the day. Nausea and vomiting can have varying degrees of severity, from minor ailments to weight loss, which during pregnancy should not be.

Toxemia is more common in emotional women whose excitation processes in the brain prevail over the braking process, or in women with any of the common diseases of the body.

Ectopic pregnancy and morning sickness

Early toxicosis manifested in different ways, but they all, without exception, will be nausea. Vomiting does not always happen, it depends on the characteristics of the organism.

In some cases, in addition to nausea, a woman does not bother: a negative test, there is no delay. Such a state is on the small gestation. The woman does not know that her fertilized egg, and after 9 months, she will be the mother. It can only be suspected in the form of nausea and taste perversion.

If we talk about an ectopic pregnancy, then the symptoms and signs of toxicity such pregnancy is no different from normal. The embryo passes through the same stages of development as in the usual localization in the uterus, grows up until receiving power. Fertilized egg every day deeper into the wall of the fallopian tube, splitting its specific enzymes, releasing hCG.

At an early stage of development of ectopic embryo morning sickness is likely to be expressed in a mild, because development ectopic gestational sac concentration of hCG in the blood is lower than normal pregnancy. But intoxication depend on the general condition of the mother's body, so the nausea and vomiting are every woman unique.

holding his stomach

Toxicosis does not guarantee the existence of the embryo is in the pipe. Ectopic pregnancy can generally does not occur until the pipe fracture. Therefore, women who are sexually active, it is recommended to conduct the menstrual cycle calendar to always be alert and do not miss an important moment in his life. At the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy should consult your doctor immediately:

  • aching, arching pain in the abdomen;
  • bleeding with an ectopic pregnancyWhich may be severe enough or smearing.

Prevention of early toxicity

To the maximum to avoid various complications of pregnancy, including toxicity, need to seriously consider the adoption decision to conceive a child, and together with her husband to prepare in advance to start: to register, pass tests, to be treated, and drink away the course vitamins. A woman's body has to be prepared for bearing, and the man to have a healthy genetic material. Then it will be possible to avoid many undesirable consequences of an unplanned pregnancy.

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When toxicosis is desirable to leave the hospital, to be in a relaxed home environment, so do not hesitate to ask his doctor. Help and follow these simple rules:

  • accept proper nutrition at a toxicosis: Small meals 5-6 times a day;
  • drinking water at room temperature in small sips. A good solution would be the type of mineral water "Essentuki" or "Borjomi" (hydrocarbonated water, rich in hydrogen sulfide and magnesium salts);
  • take chilled broth of ginger or lemon balm, as well as other folk remedies for toxicity;
  • Avoid smells that cause nausea;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • get enough sleep.


toxicosis treatment of ectopic embryo localization necessary medication is inappropriate, because it is necessary to carry out an operation to remove the tube to terminate the pregnancy. Otherwise, the life of the mother is in danger.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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