Can vomiting before delivery

Prenatal last week - the most awaited for a woman who is filled with joy apprehension emergency meeting with the kid. However, with positive emotions expectant mother observes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms that worry more and more. One manifestation of such a feature is considered nausea before delivery.

pregnant sick


  • What are the harbingers before delivery
  • nausea Causes
  • Gaza and bowel movements
  • violation of appetite

What are the harbingers before delivery

The emergence of feelings of nausea, which can become almost constant, say many women, however, nausea as a harbinger of birth should not be taken as the only symptom that predicts the imminent appearance baby. With the female body changes occur multiple, called harbingers of birth:

  1. Sensation of expansion of the pelvis. This sign is always true, because it is based on the anatomical features. Lowered down stomach - the first sign that the child is ready to be born.
  2. The emergence of emissions. Doctors attributed the fact that begins peeling the membranes from the uterine wall, which in some cases confused with Dribble of amniotic fluid. Wrong to think that selection - a sign that the water broke. To obtain reliable information on this subject can use the rapid test.
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  3. Changing the shape of the cervix, which in the last weeks of pregnancy adapts to the baby's head, which she has to pass through itself.
  4. Weight loss that occurs sometimes quite sharply - to 1.5 kg. This is due to the fact that tissue swelling becomes smaller. Also, some mothers say the signs of nausea as a harbinger of birth, and therefore the appetite is getting worse, the woman loses weight.
  5. Discharge of mucus plug. The volume of contents can be 2-3 ml. If a woman observes a larger allocation, it is necessary to see a doctor.
  6. The changing posture. State of pregnancy is associated with uterine prolapse in the later stages, which entails throwing the head back a little woman. The gait becomes proud and somewhat "duck."
  7. More frequent urination. Fetal bladder squeezes the pelvic organs. In some cases, it becomes a constant feeling of having to empty the bladder: a woman always feels that pulls stomach and want to go to the toilet.
  8. The emergence of false contractions.
  9. Discomfort in the abdomen and in the back.
posture pregnant

If a woman is in a state of pregnancy is not the first time, it can distinguish the true fight against the phenomena which only prepare the body for labor.

nausea Causes

Causes of vomiting and nausea before delivery can be different. There is an unpleasant feeling during labor. Doctors believe that this condition is normal. It may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Severe pain. During labor a woman has to endure quite a lot of pain in the abdomen, which can cause such a reaction of the body before birth, such as nausea or vomiting.
  2. Filled stomach. If thoroughly before delivery woman ate, all eaten can not be digested, because digestion of labor stops.
  3. Reaction to the anesthetic. Pain relief using modern drugs - it is an outlet for the many women who are hard to endure a lot of pain, but you need to be ready for the appearance of some side effects. For example, some drugs cause hypotension. Lower blood pressure triggers nausea.
  4. The reaction of the hormonal system. Responsible for preparing the body for childbirth substance may vary to show. One of the actions of these hormones - a feeling of nausea. Nothing wrong with this situation, there is, after childbirth discomfort will pass.
  5. Active movements of the child. fetal movements cause a pressure sensation on the gastrointestinal tract and nausea.
  6. Late toxicosis. The consequence of this factor can be a deviation of kidney function. As preeclampsia (so-called late toxicosis) may be accompanied by other symptoms.
  7. Attack of appendicitis. If this happens, a woman should not be afraid. At the present level of development of medicine there is nothing strange in the fact that the cut appendicitis in pregnant women. The operation is easy, and then the woman gives birth to a healthy baby.
  8. Flatulence. Nausea prenatal activity may be associated with increased flatulence. Avoid the appearance of this factor can settle your diet for a few weeks before birth.

Gaza and bowel movements

During the passage through the birth canal the baby presses on the colon. Most pregnant women are sure that they feel the urge to empty. On the one hand, a larger number of cases, the feeling, of course, is false. On the other hand, pressing on the baby's head leads to expulsion of bowel gas. Often these moments are marked with epidural anesthesia, when the lower part of a woman's body is weakened or paralyzed, so this reaction is quite natural.

the doctor makes a stab in the back

epidural anesthesia

Diarrhea before delivery is also accompanied by the release of large amounts of gases. This can happen if the enema was done poorly. In such situations, most of the contents of the intestine goes into the process of childbirth, being embossed little body baby, which passes through the birth canal. To avoid this, the enema should be done carefully, it can not hurt also to abandon of dairy products shortly before an important deadline.

violation of appetite

The processes occurring in the body before birth, most directly affect the digestive system. On the day of birth is not desirable for pregnant women to eat foods that can become agents of processes such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. To do this, from the diet of pregnant woman should be eliminated dairy products, cereals and bread.

If you feel sick before birth, then in power yet mistakes were made, and eaten foods provoked the process of gasification.

For example, it is believed that the bread contributes to clogging of the digestive system, causing vomiting and nausea occur.

Dieting can help avoid an increase in gas production in the process of giving birth, the appearance of discomfort, which will distract the expectant mother not to give her focus.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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