Treatment of eye diseases in Samara: choose a clinic

With any deviation in eyesight or eye diseases, we are accustomed to contact an ophthalmologist in a polyclinic, but there is a network of medical institutions where such help is provided by narrow specialists - an ophthalmologist, an ophthalmologist-therapist, etc.

Let's consider several eye clinics that function successfully in Samara.

Eye clinic of the Central Clinical Hospital "Oktopus"

Location: st. Karbysheva, d.63.

    • 1. Eye Clinic of the Oktopus
    • 2. Branchevsky Eye Clinic
    • 3. SokoB( Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital).T.I.Eroshevsky
    • 4. Eye Clinic "Oasis" Saveliev in Samara
    • 5. Samara Center for Eye Prosthetics and Diagnostics

The basic conditions for successful work of specialists of this medical institution:

  • high qualification of doctors and nurses,
  • use of advanced modern technologies that can be accessed by wide layersof the population.

In the late 90s, in Samara, the Oktopus CDC was located in the optics salons, and literally at the turn of the millennium( in 1998) for the first time city residents were able to receive qualified help in treating the eyes in the opened clinic with the latest technological equipment. Currently, this ophthalmological medical institution has become a center for successful operations to remove glaucoma and cataracts.

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In addition, the main directions of the clinic include:

  • treatment of vision correction,
  • treatment of retinal diseases by laser,
  • treatment of macular degeneration.

The specialists of the clinic helped many patients to restore their eyesight: out of 7,700 people who called at 3,500 had excimer laser operations, and 3,700 had microsurgical operations to treat such diseases-glaucoma and cataract.

At this time, people who do not receive the necessary help in the field are referred to the clinic of the Oktopus CDC for help. They come from different regions and nearby cities to receive treatment using progressive techniques. The staff of the clinic helps to comfortably accommodate patients in the hospital at the institution, accompanying them before discharge.

The specialists of the clinic constantly take part in exchange programs, they are trained in the centers of ophthalmology in Europe and Russia, and cooperate with them.

Eye Clinic of Branchevsky

This ophthalmic clinic is named after the Branchevsky family of ophthalmologists, whose head is currently a candidate of medical sciences, a member of the Russian and American Society of Refractive and Catarrhal Surgeons Sergey Branchevsky. Personally, he performed more than 12 000 successful operations of correction and recovery of vision.

Currently, the team of the clinic is introducing the newest world technologies in ophthalmology, and Branchevsky is personally introducing a premium correction that includes implantation of accommodative, multifocal, intraocular( artificial lenses) and other types of lenses in especially complex cases that are correlated with laser correction.

The catalog of the clinic services includes:

  • Pediatric Ophthalmology,
  • Laser Eye Correction,
  • Premium Correction,
  • Seamless Cataract Removal,
  • Low Vision Correction,
  • Aesthetic Surgery,
  • Relief for Diabetic Eye Defects,
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Glaucoma,
  • Retinal Diseaseseye,
  • professional selection of contact lenses,
  • eye repair.

Sokob( Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital).T.I.Eroshevsky

The hospital has been operating since 1963, and the initiator of its discovery was a well-known ophthalmologist, whose name is the hospital - Tikhon Ivanovich Eroshevsky.

To date, this medical facility belongs to the most fully equipped ophthalmological institutions of the Russian Federation. The level of service and the services provided make it possible to provide absolutely all patients with prompt and full access to the latest medical achievements of the whole world.

Eroshevsky SokoB has a wide range of effects on eye and eye diseases:

  • the newest advanced technologies of refractive and laser surgery,
  • cataract surgery,
  • laser treatment of various pathologies in the retina,
  • vitreoretinal surgery.

The specialists of the hospital annually provide qualified assistance to thousands of patients from Samara and the region, nearby regions of Russia.

Specialists-ophthalmologists of this medical institution carry out a primary examination of patients with problems of healthy vision, and qualified treatment is prescribed.

The clinic provides assistance 24 hours a day. Read more - Ophthalmic Clinic Excimer. Survey of one of the best clinics.

In the news( link) methods of treating conjunctivitis.

Reviews about the drug an artificial tear!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / iskusstvennaya-sleza.html

Eye surgery clinic "Oasis" Saveliev in Samara

During the existence of this clinic, it turned into a powerful center for the treatment of eye diseases that provide a complex of ophthalmologic services in various areas of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of ocularailments.

Some unique services in the field of ophthalmology are provided solely by Dr. Savelyev's institution, using a set of techniques, thanks to modern equipment and highly qualified personnel.

Samara Eye Prosthetics and Diagnostics Center

Eye prosthetics are usually indicated in cases of complete or partial loss of the eye's apple( surgery, trauma), it is also true for congenital malformations. Restoration of the lost organ eliminates not only cosmetic defects, but also prevents inflammation and wrinkling of the conjunctiva.

External full-fledged eye replacement is quite feasible in case of previous surgical intervention and only in those unusual cases when an experienced ophthalmologist was able to form a locomotor stump. In the city of Samara, such a jeweler's work is performed by specialists of the eye prosthetic center, and the prosthesis is carefully selected and manufactured taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual patient.

In the center we are happy to help every client in prosthetics of teeth, and the manufacture of prostheses in time is in most cases no more than a day.

If you make an appointment a few days before your visit to the health facility, and in case of the necessary delay for a couple of days, the company's employees can book a hotel room for the patient.

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