No toxicity in pregnancy: why is this happening

That's the long-awaited pregnancy, in the hands of the test with two bright stripes. Behind the plan, and ahead of many questions and worries. One of them is the expectation of nausea in the mornings. But do not worry ahead of time, it happens that there is no toxicity during pregnancy. Should I worry about in these cases or to enjoy this state of affairs? Do not be surprised, but the nausea that accompanies every pregnant in the movie, is not a frequent occurrence in life.

Pregnant girl on the sea


  • It always has toxicosis
  • Causes of Nausea
  • Why do some pregnant women do not have toxicity
  • Lack of toxicity: good or bad

It always has toxicosis

Perhaps you've heard from friends who happen to already have children, that of his family way they learned it by morning sickness. When favorite cheesecakes for breakfast instead of appetite began to cause a strong desire to run to the bathroom. But here you have on hand a confirmation of your pregnancy and no signs of toxicity are observed. Do not panic. Pregnancy without toxicity - this is not a false appearance, no vomiting - this is normal.

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If you tell us about your concerns gynecologist, you can call it a smile, because everything is well with you.

In some cases, pregnancy can pass without toxicity? If you have concerns one or more of the following statements:

  • lack of genetic predisposition;
  • correct and balanced diet;
  • a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • lack meteozavisimosti;
  • a positive attitude to light during pregnancy.

Causes of Nausea

Toxemia visits expectant mothers about the sixth week of pregnancy. Then it can be amplified or about the same every day. Then to 12, sometimes 14 to week, it will weaken or can go for the day, as if by magic.

Nausea during pregnancy is most often only in the early stages.

The second trimester is not peculiar to this phenomenon. With rare exceptions, nausea can not leave up to 16 weeks. In the third trimester unpleasant condition may return, but this phenomenon has called preeclampsia and is accompanied by the presence of protein in urine and other symptoms.

pregnant belly

Doctors can not identify the specific cause of nausea. Opinions on this issue are different. Some believe that the more often it occurs in women who are expecting severe pregnancy and set up that way. Others believe that the matter of genetics. Still others blame the lifestyle, poor diet, lack of sports and progulkok outdoors.

If the expectant mother is healthy and it lacks all the necessary vitamins and minerals, this may lead to a lack of toxicity in the early stages of pregnancy.

Turning to the older generation believe they have unanimously declared that the cause of morning sickness is that the mother nurtures the future heir. A girl can not bring your mom such suffering.

Why do some pregnant women do not have toxicity

The lack of toxicity during pregnancy is not a disease. There is no particular expert opinion as to why some visits vomiting, and someone was lucky not to change their dietary habits. But it is worth noting that the lack of toxicity in the first trimester does not mean the absence of pregnancy. It rather means its good for. It has already agreed to any expert. Pregnancy can occur without toxicity and the expectant mother should just enjoy it, because morning sickness is not only a confirmation of interest situation. This may result in some troubles, such as dehydration.

Lack of toxicity: good or bad

What backfire may result in toxemia:

  • general malaise;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals;
  • weight loss;
  • inability to lead normal life;
  • in severe cases, severe weight loss (up to 10 kg), the inability to eat independently and the need for hospitalization.

Fortunately not always lead to such consequences. There is an easy stage when pregnant sick 3-4 times a day, mostly after meals. But there are situations when the morning sickness starts to really poison the life and have to resort to hospitalization. In severe cases, a woman can not live on their own, even when a glass of water causes retching. Then it provides nutrients via intravenous lines.

In extreme situations, have to terminate the pregnancy if it endangers the mother's life. Therefore, the absence of toxicity during pregnancy - this is normal. This means that there is intoxication in the early stages, which means that there is no threat to either mother or baby. And this state should be happy, instead of looking for what's wrong.

There are also situations where the lack of toxicity - an alarming sign. If you are sick for a while, then abruptly went toxicosis, and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy is far, it is worth paying attention to the following features: the state of the mammary glands, the presence of secretions. If your breasts are no longer swollen as before or spotting appeared, then an urgent need to see a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct ultrasound to check the baby's heartbeat, and prescribe hCG analysis if necessary.

the doctor examines a pregnant

Hormonal surges in women entails a lot of strong emotions. In addition to the ongoing physical changes may occur mood swings, increased sense of smell, change of taste preferences. As well as all this may be accompanied by strong emotional and, therefore, nervous overexertion. Against the backdrop of all these factors the presence of toxicity is not happy, so do not worry if morning sickness does not become your companion. Such a state at the time of carrying a child will only benefit and allows you to enjoy all the months of pregnancy.

Let some learn about their interesting position with the help of toxicity, for others there are special tests. The main thing that every pregnancy is a great time and ended with the birth of a healthy baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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