When it begins and ends with morning sickness during pregnancy

A woman with good health during pregnancy should not have any problems. But according to statistics, more than half of pregnant women are susceptible to nausea and vomiting, and in 10-12% of those diagnosed with toxemia in severe and lasts a long time. Morning sickness usually begins with 4-5 weeks, but in rare cases, and from the moment of conception (usually not associated with pregnancy). To morning sickness did not become an unpleasant surprise, a woman must know when it starts, the approximate timing of the completion, as well as the main symptoms and methods of getting rid of nausea and vomiting.

Girl with question marks


  • Symptoms first toxicosis
  • Timing and degree of severity of toxicity
  • How dangerous toxicosis
  • How to deal with nausea
  • preventive measures

Symptoms first toxicosis

Nausea and vomiting are the most commonly diagnosed symptoms in pregnant women at different stages of intoxication. In addition to such manifestations of toxicity symptoms may include:

  • intolerance to certain products, especially their odors;
  • instagram viewer
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • temperature rise;
  • appearance of edema;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Usually 3-4 weeks of pregnancy discomfort appears associated with the development of aversion to certain foods and emissions of odors. From one of their kind, and even a slight smell of a woman begins to stir. Familiar foods cause a negative reaction, for example, very often women feel sick and vomit from the sweet during pregnancy.

Pregnant with a mug

Another distinguishing feature of toxicity is a change of taste preferences, sometimes quite dramatically. Conversely, unusual foods cause an irresistible urge to eat them immediately. All this is due to constant changes in the hormonal balance in the female body that last the entire pregnancy.

The causes of toxicity are still not thoroughly studied, to their causes, doctors refer a number of factors ranging from hereditary and ending aggravation of chronic diseases during pregnancy.

Modern medicine considers toxicosis widespread pathology, since from it affects about 60% of all women in the interesting position.

The complete absence of any unpleasant sensations in the expectant mother during childbearing are the norm, rather than random luck.

Timing and degree of severity of toxicity

Modern medicine classifies toxemia of the aging of the early and late.

  1. Early toxicosis. Usually it starts with 3-4, but sometimes may start from the first week of pregnancy, with the first days of delay (less than 10% of cases), ends with morning sickness in an average of 10-12 weeks. At the initial stage of pregnancy a woman starts to feel sick, and toxicity peak usually falls on the dates of 4-8 weeks. At the early stage of the emergence of toxicosis is diagnosed in 60-65% of women.
  2. Late toxicosis. Developed either at the end of the second trimester or early in the third, it is approximately 26 - 28 weeks. Sometimes it ends quickly, and in some cases can last until delivery (before 40 weeks). It was late toxicosis is particularly dangerous because it increases the likelihood of developing preeclampsia, endanger the lives and health of women.

On the question of how many runs are normal morning sickness in pregnant women, there is no single answer, there are only a few averages, which are based obstetrician - gynecologist in determining the severity of the condition patient. On average, since the beginning of toxicity to the end extends from a few weeks to 1.5 months. If this state lasts longer, there is reason to think about the development of pathology.

How dangerous toxicosis

Total distinguish grade 3 toxicity - easy, medium and hard.

  1. Mild: causes discomfort, discomfort, nausea and vomiting several times a day, but the status of women in general satisfactory, and weight loss does not exceed 3 kg.
  2. Average rate: nausea pursue pregnant on average 10-15 times a day, they are not saved eating and weight it loses more than 3 kg for 2 weeks. In this case the chances of dehydration, because with vomit body loses large amounts of water.
  3. Severe nausea and vomiting almost stopped, a woman can not eat or drink plain water causes severe vomiting. It is fraught with significant weight loss and are more likely not only dehydration but also the development of osteomalacia (softening of the bones due to a lack of calcium and phosphorus).

As already mentioned, the morning sickness itself is a deviation from the norm, but it is especially dangerous late in the kind of severe. Therefore, if a woman begins to feel sick during pregnancy between the end of the second and third trimester, an urgent need to see a doctor to rule out the causes of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious condition, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • high blood pressure to a critical level as a result of vascular spasms;
  • renal operation, occurrence of edema;
  • inhibition of liver function;
  • develop eclampsia.

Intrigue of preeclampsia is that it starts to develop without pronounced symptoms and is detected only the results of laboratory tests, but may affect the fetal position until the perinatal of death. That is why doctors give a value Monitoring the health of future mothers. Since the second half of pregnancy of their visits to the doctor and get a weekly delivery of analyzes and measurement of blood pressure should be daily.

pressure control in pregnant

But not only the development of preeclampsia may significantly harm the health of the pregnant woman, all the severity of toxicity in some degree of harm to the woman.

How to deal with nausea

Nausea and vomiting in any month of pregnancy - a malaise from which you want to be rid. The easiest way to cope with morning sickness, which is usually due to the fact that during the night the body has accumulated a significant amount of decay products - metabolic waste and various toxins. Salvation can be drunk in the morning without getting out of bed, a glass of clean water.

Also, many experienced women evening left next to the bed of any snack. This may be a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, which are able to eliminate the morning nausea.

In general, nausea attack can occur suddenly at any time, so if you imagine it is desirable to always have a bottle of water and a small snack.

Pregnant with strawberries

Also help in the fight against toxicosis can help the following products, provided that they do not have an allergy:

  • lemon (and citrus);
  • cranberry (or cranberry juice);
  • cranberries;
  • pickled (but not too salty) cabbage.
Cranberries and lemon

Pickles are controversial product as excess salt in the diet lead to failures in the kidney, occurrence of edema and blood pressure.

Keep in mind that if this condition in women continues in the second half of pregnancy and its symptoms worse, an urgent need to see a doctor, because the time has come to deal with drug toxicity means. In no case be self-medicate, it can only exacerbate the situation.

preventive measures

Usually, in the absence of complications, toxicosis occurs and passes quickly. Not only when it is the time of greatest likelihood of toxicity, but also long before conception, physicians are advised to start preparing for pregnancy. This set of measures aimed at improving the health, improve the body's defenses, changes in lifestyle and diet.

If you follow the basic guidelines for a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to not only bring the end of toxicity or ease its course, but in general avoid such conditions. Recommendations are quite simple:

  • balanced diet;
  • receiving vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  • walks in the open air;
  • physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, swimming);
  • sleep for at least 8 hours a day;
  • avoiding harmful habits (smoking, alcohol).
pregnant in the pool

Revise diet and abstain from the following products:

  • smoked;
  • foods high in fat;
  • hot spices;
  • canned foods, especially savory;

From cooking methods need to give preference to boiling, stewing or roasting, it will reduce fat intake. The menu should be nutritious and balanced, contain a sufficient quantity of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean meat and fish.

Particular attention should be paid to psycho-emotional state during pregnancy. Frequent mood swings, tears unreasonable and excessive emotionality - all this is due to the permanent hormonal changes throughout the female body. That is why in the daily routine of a pregnant physical activity should be combined with good rest.

If a woman during pregnancy would be to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle and follow all recommendations your doctor, you will most likely manifestations of toxicity will be either minor or short-lived.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 91
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