Thrush on a condom: Fact or Fiction

Hello! Explain, please, the question of whether a condom is transmitted from thrush and whether it protects against infection?

Candidiasis - it is at least problematic disease, but not sexually transmitted. There are many factors causing the development of this disease. If you talk about whether a thrush appear on the condom, the answer is unequivocal - no.

Condom protects the body from various infections and pathogenic bacteria of sexually transmitted. For this reason, the probability that the precipitating factor will be the means of contraception, is completely eliminated. Nevertheless, there are some caveats.

Most of the condoms are manufactured with a special spermicidal lubricant, which has a negative impact on the microflora of the vagina. This in turn is a prerequisite to the development of candidiasis.


It is strongly recommended to purchase contraceptives in pharmacy, but not in supermarkets or kiosks. That's where the pharmacist will offer a product that does not have the unfortunate grease.

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Women often perceive an allergic reaction caused by latex for thrush. Clinical manifestations in these cases are similar in many respects. Almost immediately after the completion of intercourse arise itching and burning, but the accompanying symptoms characteristic of candidiasis is not observed. The solution is simple - to replace one form of contraception to another.

Many women are tormented by the question: is there thrush without itching and burning? Therefore we recommend to read the information on this subject in a separate article on our site.

Women are often faced with an allergy to latex. Often this is due to the poor quality of condoms. If a rash, irritation, itching or burning need to consult a gynecologist.

Candidiasis is not transmitted through a condom, but nevertheless appearance of the first symptoms are often caused by members of the spermicide lubricant. Thrush is caused by them can not but provoke its resumption in remission such contraceptives can.

Thrush in the chronic formOften aggravated after sexual intercourse, and in this case it does not matter, a condom was used or not. Prevent relapse is possible, but it needs to adhere to these guidelines:

  • purchase only those contraceptives, as part of which there is no nonoxynol-9;
  • preference should be given to condoms trusted manufacturers. The price is much higher, but also the likelihood of exacerbation of thrush minimum;
  • on contraception, not made of latex, it is strongly recommended to refuse. The use of such condom use negatively affects the state of the vaginal microflora and stimulates the development of diseases of different nature;
  • You need to choose contraceptives with water-based lubricant.

Thus, we can say with certainty that infected through condoms Candida impossible. The disease is only able to escalate the use of certain types of contraceptives. If the protective measures chosen correctly, unpleasant situations can be avoided. You should promptly contact your gynecologist for symptoms similar to thrush. So not only will be able to identify possible allergens, but also a number of other problems.

If, however, it began thrush, which does not passShould visit a doctor on a mandatory basis, as well as provide additional information on this topic.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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