Toxemia of pregnancy: a boy or a girl who is born?

Hello! I heard that you can determine who will be born (boy or girl) for toxicosis in pregnancy. That is, if there is no toxicity or vice versa strongly sick, you can see the sex of the child. Is it so?

Hello! Sex of the child is laid at the confluence of the egg and sperm, and the rudiments of the genital organs develop in the second week of pregnancy. But to see them on the ultrasound, we can only 16 weeks, as well as the screening is carried out in 20-21 week, and only then will you know who lives in the tummy: boy or girl.

doctor makes ultrasound

Of course, I want to quickly find out the sex of the crumbs and start to choose a name, buy the little things different, but still US safer than the signs. However, from time immemorial, our grandmother legends and anticipate gender of future children before the ultrasound screening. Here are a few signs, which suggest the sex of a child:

  • If the stomach is sharp as a cucumber and sticks out forward, it is likely to be a boy, and if flattened and can be seen from behind the sides, the honey-born daughter.
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From a medical point of view, the shape of the abdomen depends on the size of the pelvis woman and the fetus position in the uterus.

  • If a woman tormented constant nauseaIt will be a boy, and if no toxicity, Then get ready to braid pigtails daughter.

Rumor has it that Israeli scientists have identified, though hCG level is 19% higher in women who are waiting for the boy. Science also says that the morning sickness often occurs when high HCG, ie toxicosis should also be while waiting for a male child. And, probably, very soon it will be possible to determine the sex of a child with a pregnancy test.

  • And yet there is a sign that boys are more active and pushed more often than girls.

But the doctors say that the behavior of a child depends on the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. The worse the blood flow to the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord, the baby will move less often. Therefore, many women are asked to keep an eye on your baby move, keep actogram to determine the mobility of the baby, and then spend Doppler in which an ultrasound look bloodstream.

  • Attention should be paid to food. If you want more salty, smoked meat, or it will be a boy. And if you want sweet, little girl.

Salt would be desirable and under reduced pressure, because the salt water retention, due to which the pressure rises in the bloodstream. In any case, it should be carefully selected food at a toxicosis.

  • While waiting for the future baby and changing the appearance of the mother. It is said that the son gives mom beauty, and her daughter takes.

In fact, during the development of the pregnancy generated a lot of somatotropin hormone for growth of the child, and her mother is reflected as an increase in the nose, hands and feet. There are dark spots in the form of freckles on his face and it has nothing to do with sex baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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