Isolation during menstruation: the norm, which should be a woman

Allocation at monthly depend on the specific manifestations of the organism of each woman individually. Their number and frequency are related to health and the rhythm of life. Monthly if not held fertilization, uterus tissue disposes of the old inner envelope, so blood rejection occurs. Analyzing the character of the discharge of substances can understand the condition of the sexual sphere, to determine favorable days for pregnancy planning.

allocating at monthly


  • Distinctions during menstruation
  • The normal menstrual flow
  • Symptoms and causes of diseases
  • abnormal discharge
    • Mucus menstrual secretions
    • scanty menses
    • Copious menstruation
    • dark highlight

Distinctions during menstruation

According to how allocation is accompanied by the representative of the fairer sex in the critical days, you can judge the features of women's health. Some monthly allocation correspond to a healthy organism, but with the advent of other recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist:

  1. Bloody daub (sometimes has a brown hue). If she starts a few days before menstruation full, it may indicate cervical erosion, polyps, tumors, pregnancy or use of birth control pills.
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  2. Brown viscous blood before menstruation. Evidence of hormonal failure, inflammation of the genital organs, damage to the mucous membrane.
  3. Blood with clots, clots during menstruation. Not talking about the pathology, if not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Painful periods with such manifestations signal the low hemoglobin, endometriosis, or a woman became a mother recently.
  4. Secretion in large quantities. If menses are intense and longer than a week, it may indicate anemia, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, polyps or fibroids.
  5. Menstrual secret in a small volume. It is often a sign of hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, excess of hemoglobin in the blood, rapid weight loss.
  6. Blood pale pink - signal the presence of cancer or inflammation of the genital organs.
Distinctions during menstruation

Put the correct diagnosis and treatment can only be a practicing gynecologist. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic need to hurry if lost menstrual cycle, Compared to the previous time to change the color selections, there was an unusual smell or increased pain.

The normal menstrual flow

Normal isolation at monthly have a homogeneous structure of red or dark red color, it is permissible presence of individual blood clots. They consist not only of blood, but also rejected by the endometrium, the mucus secreted by the cervix and vaginal discharge.

At the beginning and completion of the critical days of menses are brown. This is normal as the blood gets this color due to interaction with oxygen or vaginal microflora.

pink secret, too, can be considered the norm, because the blood is diluted with mucus and other secretions from the genital tract.

The amount released in the blood up to 60 ml per day. This volume is equal to about 2 tablespoons. In fact, it seems the women that blood loss is more significant. But often it is not.

Per cycle of the body takes about 250 ml of blood. This is slightly more than a glass. This figure is considered normal and healthy body makes up for the loss with no problems.

girl thinks about monthly

Symptoms and causes of diseases

The same secret can be the norm or pathology report, explain many associated symptoms.

abundant leucorrhoea can testify to the existence of the disease in the body. They remind month, but there are a few days before them. Outwardly look like blood clots, foam, slime. It is possible the presence of such emissions and a healthy woman, but if they are accompanied by a sharp repellent smell and pulling pain in the abdomen, the cause may be a serious problem with the genitourinary system or intestine.

The most common occurrence of large clots during menstruation does not mean disease. But sometimes such separation may be due to infections of the genitourinary system, occurrence of endometritisCysts in the ovaries or polyps. In these cases, it added to the secretion of a repulsive smell and pain in the abdomen.

pain during menstruation

If a woman notices during menstruation that go clots like the liver, their reasons may be:

  1. The lack of enzymes that do not allow blood to clot in the walls of the vagina.
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia. This serious disease can occur on the background of hormonal imbalance, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure.
  3. Surgical removal of uterine fibroids.
  4. Recent generations. No cause for concern if the waste clumps are not accompanied by a high temperature, which means that penetrated into the uterus infection or do not come out all the pieces of the placenta. Then require immediate hospitalization.
  5. Violation of any of the organs of internal secretion. In this case, it is necessary to address to the endocrinologist.
  6. The growth of polyps in the uterus - the cause separation of blood clots during menstrual period. They added cutting pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding outside the menstrual period.
  7. Using the spiral as a method of contraception.
  8. Ectopic pregnancy. If these symptoms is added to a sudden increase in temperature and sharp cutting pain on the right or the left lower abdomen, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
  9. Birth control pills.
  10. Bad habits and frequent stress.
causes painful menstruation

Passage of blood clots in menstruatsionny period and at other times, especially when combined with other unpleasant symptoms can be a sign of serious illness. In this case, as soon as possible address to the doctor will help identify the problem and get rid of it, which will continue to get healthy offspring.

abnormal discharge

It happens that the discharge of brown mucus with blood clots and pain indicative of endometriosis. The disease begins as a result of hormonal failure mainly in women older than 45 years. Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. And in some cases this secretion - only evidence of an intrauterine device, or a fertilized egg.

Thick whites, too, can be like the norm, and the cause of the pathology. To the doctor should contact if they are accompanied by any of the symptoms:

  • tart flavor;
  • itching and burning;
  • pain during sex and urination;
  • swelling of the external genitalia.

After the examination, the doctor diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

woman complains gynecologist

Whiter formation with blood can be caused by:

  • start taking birth control pills;
  • the recent installation of a spiral;
  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • endotservitsitah;
  • violation of the thyroid gland.

If this secretion goes instead of monthly, it could even be a symptom of cancer.

We must understand that every woman should be allocated the amount of blood corresponding to its age, health, composition and blood clotting. At the same time the consistency and color of the discharge of secretions will also be individual.

Mucus menstrual secretions

Normally transparent secret present in every woman, because it highlights the cervix. But if the mucus is accompanied by itching, irritation, redness of the external genitalia, it serves as a signal of infection. If she gets uncharacteristic for healthy discharge yellow or green color, according to an inflammation of appendages.

itching and pain in the intimate area

Monthly with the mucus in a healthy body:

  • go regularly;
  • pass without acute pain;
  • They have a characteristic color of the blood, which can be slightly brownish;
  • may contain blood clots, which is less than the liquid.

About Pathology say:

  • bad smell;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • a significant advantage over the number of bunches liquid volume.

Accurate diagnosis can put only gynecologist on the basis of analyzes.

scanty menses

With such menstruation illness lasts not more than 2 days and the volume of the discharged liquid does not exceed 50 ml.

Sometimes, for the normalization of scarce discharge during menstruation is necessary to escape from the bustle and stress, go to the sea, to get positive emotions. And in some cases, the cause of their appearance is much deeper and requires careful examination and long-term therapy.

crelyst allocation

Scanty menses are the norm:

  • in adolescent girls during the establishment of the cycle;
  • in adult women during menopause.

In other cases, it is necessary to look for the cause. Among the main stand:

  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • obesity or exhaustion;
  • lack of vitamins, lack of red blood cells;
  • nervous exhaustion.

Periods may become scarce and as a result of complications after cauterization of erosion. If, after detecting the presence of erosion and its removal has appeared, and a sharp pain in the abdomen, which means that the impact on the affected area was too long.

Copious menstruation

With the loss of a large volume of blood in women developing anemia. She feels lack of energy, experience frequent nausea, and pale skin. There may be many reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis or endometriosis;
  • intrauterine device;
  • infectious diseases.
copious menstruation

Another very dangerous type of abnormal discharge, not conceding on the profusion of menstruation - profuse bleeding. It may appear on the background of stress, psychological or nervous disorders. His feature - the copious blood with no pain at any time during the menstrual cycle. It is dangerous for women and often indicates a tumor.

It happens that in the secretion during menstruation there are only blood clots. This can be:

  • rejection residues superfluous uterine endometrium;
  • stagnation of blood in the uterus due to adhesions or scarring. As a result, she can curl up, so out in the form of lumps;
  • increased blood viscosity which arises because of the liver, kidney, blood vessels;
  • effect of certain drugs;
  • spontaneous miscarriage recently begun to pregnancy;
  • a consequence of hormonal disorders;
  • disease of the genitourinary system.
blood clots during menstruation

dark highlight

If you go brown discharge instead of monthly, it is important to pay attention to the associated symptoms. They can begin:

  • due to the hormonal failure;
  • antibiotics, antidepressants, antiulcer or styptic;
  • poor lifestyle;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress.

Brown menstruation is often observed in adolescents during the establishment of the cycle and the elderly ladies during menopause.

When the dark or black secretion without monthly goes to 4 days, this may be the cause of serious diseases, such as:

  • endometritis;
  • polyps;
  • erosion;
  • endometriosis.

In any case it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, who will put the correct diagnosis on the basis of analyzes.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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